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Farshtey Feed, Kinetics Reasons, Ogd, And Other News



Various little updates on S&T, EM, and other stuff:


1) See the blog entry below for the Denizens Tiebreaker. :) Sorry for the delay, that crazy ole' real life again. On the plus side, that computer is fixed. Think it'll be a month before it conks out this time? XD And sorry for pushing the tiebreaker off the top spot with this entry; I felt this shouldn't be delayed. I plan to repub the tiebreaker tomorrow morning.


2) I'm for Kinetics as a canon element (there's a poll about it now). If anyone's curious, I gave my reasons, including an extensive list of responses to the most common points being brought up against it, here. :)


Basically, it creates interesting new story potential that's very much about imagination and use of the brain in battle, which is what IMO it should be about. There's a lot of face-off scenarios it inspires, many of which I mention in there, that I would love to see in the storyline, or have "sanctioned" by canon for fanfic inspiration purposes.


Also, it's the only remaining major type of energy that has not been added to the list, along the lines of gravity, magnetism, light, etc. so to be consistent, it makes sense to be in there.


If loses (and currently it is losing), though, I won't mind. It's in the EM, and in my own fanfics too.


3) The new Farshtey Feed topic in S&T is up and is pinned! Check 'tout!


4) The OGD has been unpinned, also. Open up S&T and have a look at the OGD's new title decoration, BTW, intended to make it easy to spot amongst the other topics (pinned or not). What do yall think? Silly? Useful? Silly AND useful? :P


Maybe something more like "Official Greg Dialogue ------ { O G D }" would still be easy to spot but less annoying? (And that wouldn't show up in the forum index; the current way does, which is a little annoying.) Or maybe something else?


4) The Greg Team account has no avatar or banner. What should they look like? Any idears?


5) And yes, I know, I keep missing the midnight closure times for polls and such. When I say "closes at midnight", it means "closes no earlier than midnight, and as soon as I have a chance after that point which is probably noon the next day lately". :P Any votes that sneak in in that time are valid. But I'll try to stop forgetting this. :P


6) Lotsa people have been begging to know when the Tyrants entry list will get updated.


Guys, unless you're going to be away from a computer for a week anytime soon, please stop worrying about this. The extra editing period will be at least a week after the entry list is updated, so anyone who needs to fix anything will have plenty of time to do so (and someoone will PM those members).


If, on the other hand, you ARE going to be away for a week or more soon, just let me know and I'll try to look at yours early.


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If it becomes official, I think it should be as a Legendary Element of sorts, and nothing else. Like a Franklin Badge or even godmodding, it is no good if a regular Toa gets these powers. With that said, it would have to be a natural-born element to satisfy me, not a mask -- a Mask of Kinetics just sounds corny. Or maybe... Inertia?
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RKT doesn't even have a banner. :P


As for the Greg Team, why not the old Ask Greg logo they used to have on the Kanoka Club page?

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Might be a trademark issue with that, LL.

Oh, yeah. I always liked that gold disk nonetheless.


I dunno. Coolified Greg Farshtey face? XP

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After reading through your post in the Kinetics Poll, I've somewhat come to terms with Kinetics as an element and now take more of a neutral stance.

Seeing you quite efficiently pointed out flaws in every argument against, it's a lot easier to see the pros outweighing the cons now :P.


In regards to the Greg Team, i suggest a stylized Rua to symbolize Wisdom combined with letters G + T somehow.

Or just a Stylized G + T and perhaps with a Question mark motif in the background.



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No avatar for us. It's not like the member is searchable in the member search. There's no reason to see the member anyways. :P

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Well, as disappointed as I am to see that you have no info on previous contests, I am glad to see that someone smart agreed with me on the kinetics thing.


Also, for the Greg team, the av should be a beard.



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I just want to point out a quick flaw in your arguments as to why the power of Kinetics would not be overpowered.


You give an example of a Toa of Fire throwing a bolt of fire at a Toa of Kinetics. You say that the ToK can absorb the kinetic energy to slow down the attack, but the Toa of Fire can add more will to his attack, effectively making it a battle of will.


This is ridiculous (no offense). The ToK would absorb the kinetic energy, making himself more powerful. Then he could use his newfound power to blow the bolt of fire back in his attacker's face. No matter how much will the ToF adds to his attack, all he's doing is giving his opponent more strength. Test of will? Yeah, right! It's an entirely one-sided battle.

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Except that scenario pretty much couldn't happen. Just because he can absorb the kinetic energy (which he would need to release soon after) doesn't A. Give him the ability to control fire, or B. Make him fireproof.
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Eyru, could you post that in the topic so it's on-topic? But suffice to say, even the most EE-charged up Toa will get tired and slip mentally eventually, and it would still take a while to slow it down. All Tahu would need to do is focus hard enough to prevent it from slowing totally, and it would still hit. :)

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Well, maybe it can be, but traditionally the admins have always made it clear the number of pinnes topics shouldn't be very much. :P But yeah, I'm thinking of putting it to a poll, with pinning it as an option (but explaining my reasons for being mostly against that). B6 has made it clear it's up to me, so it IS an option. :shrugs:

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I like the bracketed OGD around the topic title, but I prefer [OGD] as opposed to {OGD}. The first is more like BAM BAM BAM instead of the second, which is like WOOOEEEOOOCURVY.

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I believe the Official S&T Topics List should merge with the S&T Policy topic, the title being the Official S&T Rules, Official Topics, and Spoiler Policy Topic (something like that). I have noticed in other forums within BZP have official topics listed in their rules topic. I don't see why the S&T Forum cannot do the same. That leaves space for the Official Greg Dialogue topic to be pinned.

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