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T-shirt Design Voting!




Time's up!

What does this mean? What happens now? Well, easy: voting.

"How does this work?"

Easy! You review the list of entries listed below, pick your favourites, and then list the top three, in your opinion, in order that you like them. Once the voting ends at midnight on the 18th, PST, the top three voted entries will be carefully milled over by my staff and I and we will decide on which one to print.

1. Cap'n K - Entry [gallery] (Entry comment)

2. Cherixon - Entry (Entry comment)

3. Robo - Entry back (Entry comment)

4. Chibinuva - Entry [1] [2] [3] (Entry comment)

5. Dirty Burrito - Entry back (Entry comment)

6. .:MatoroIgnika:. - Entry (Entry comment)

7. Element Lord of Light - Entry back (Entry comment)

8. Sisen - Entry (Entry comment)

9. Protosteel - Entry (Entry comment)

10. Chunky! - Entry [gallery] (Entry comment)

11. Nukaya Cloud Fire - Entry [1] (Entry comment)

And there you have it! Vote now, wear later. =D



Recommended Comments

I vote for Nukaya's design #11

#1 is good but I don't like Tohu. Could that be switched with a better version?

#10 is also cool but IDK how well the Kanohi would show up considering and concerning details...



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Nukaya, Sisen, Chunky/Cap'n K.

I tied on the third choice but I voted assuming/knowing designs will most likely be jazzed up after the winner is decided.

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1. Sisen

2. Nukaya Cloud Fire

3. Chunky! Smooth! Spicy! MISTAH SPARKULO Max Power


lol. on MI's it says never the end in an ironic place

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