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Interesting Things About Me - Updated



I don't know who started this fad but it's catchy. :-D


> I am NOT an early riser. If I get up before 10:00 I get tired in the middle of the day. My circadian rhythm is go to sleep late and get up late.


> My personality changes when around people. Even if it's a bunch of people I know already, I'm always more quiet and introverted at the beginning. I get more extroverted the more time I spend around people.


> I hate granddaddy longlegs. I HATE THEM. I either get squeamish or stomp on them until they're dead twenty times over.


> I'm a perfectionist. I never, ever like it when I get something wrong, especially when I know what it is or how to do it.


> I hate hot weather, mainly because I have very fair skin and sweat profusely. Cold weather's nice.


> I like saying stupid things and being crazy. I think serious people, or people that don't have a sense of humor, are boring. :)




> The thing I hate the most are parent pushing their kids when the kids are obviously uncomfortable doing so. This is most apparent when the kids are very smart and the parents push their academics to the point where they're rushing past their peers and people their age.


> I love pranking people. I guess this isn't all that uncommon but I like going out of my way to prank someone.


> I hate running. Sprinting is fine but long-distance sucks.


> I like the odor of chlorine.


> I like small spaces. I've gotten in trunks of my parent's cars before to go down our driveway. Feels good man.


> My buttocks tingle whenever I get a really, really good idea for something, be it a MOC or a project like Year One. The more tingles I feel the better the idea.


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stop copying me!!!!!! i am all of those things!! y u rip me off?!1?


But, seriously, those facts have me written all over them.

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Brickeens did the first one, but then I did it and it became a fad. So it was both of our work :evilgrin:


Daddy longlegs are probably the least sinister spiders out here. And that's considering I hate them too. We SERIOUSLY like have little tarantulas without hair. EVERYWHERE. MAKES ME RAEG.



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I´m an early riser, so that´s where I´m unlike you.

I like extreme cold, as long as it´s outdoors and I´m indoors, so that should also be fitting me, too. :P

I don´t know what granddaddy longlegs are, though (although I can figure out from Shadix´s post that it´s a kind of spider. If it is, that´s another point of agreement).



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I don´t know what granddaddy longlegs are, though (although I can figure out from Shadix´s post that it´s a kind of spider. If it is, that´s another point of agreement).


Granddaddy long legs are the most poisonous spider in the world, but are, however, completely harmless to humans, as their fangs are nowhere near long enough to penetrate our skin.


Also, I can completely agree with you on the perfectionist thing. My Halo: Reach is getting here between one and three, and if I don't get my last two achievements for Halo 3, I'm gonna kill myself.


I also hate hot weather and people that are too serious.


I'm exact opposite to the early rising thing. The less sleep, the better. :3



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Brickeens did the first one, but then I did it and it became a fad. So it was both of our work :evilgrin:


Daddy longlegs are probably the least sinister spiders out here. And that's considering I hate them too. We SERIOUSLY like have little tarantulas without hair. EVERYWHERE. MAKES ME RAEG.




i started it with a collection of facts about me, then Brick revised it into awesomeness.

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Have to agree with you on number two. It's very weird and I don't know why I'm like that. Usually the longer I'm in constant contact with people, the amount of time it takes me to warm up to them decreases. If I don't see them for a few months, though, it seems to all reset and go back to 0.


I think it all comes down to me wanting to test the social waters before jumping in. Have to get a feel for the conversation and know what people are going to respond to.

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There is an urban legend stating that daddy long-legs spiders have the most potent venom of any spider, but that their chelicerae (fangs) are either too small or too weak to puncture human skin; the same legend is also repeated of the harvestman and crane fly, also called "daddy long-legs" in some locales. Indeed, pholcid spiders do have a short fang structure (called uncate). However, brown recluse spiders also have uncate fang structure, but are able to deliver medically significant bites. Either pholcid venom is not toxic to humans or there is a musculature difference between the two arachnids, with recluses, being hunting spiders, possessing stronger muscles for fang penetration.


In 2004, the Discovery Channel show MythBusters set out to test the daddy long-legs myth (Season 1, Episode 13 "Buried in Concrete"). After measuring the spider's fangs at approximately 0.25 mm (average human skin thickness varies from about 0.5mm to 4mm), the show's host was apparently bitten, although the bite produced little more than a mild short-lived burning sensation. This appears to confirm the suspicion that pholcids can penetrate human skin, but that their venom is practically harmless to humans. Additionally, recent research by Alan Van Dyke has shown that pholcid venom is actually relatively weak in its effects on insects as well.


According to the University of California at Riverside, the daddy long-legs spider has never harmed a human and there is no evidence that they are dangerous to humans.


The urban legend ostensibly stems from the fact that the daddy long-legs spider is known to prey upon deadly venomous spiders, such as the redback, a member of the black widow genus Latrodectus. By extrapolation, it was thought that if the daddy long-legs spider could regularly kill a spider capable of delivering fatal bites to humans, then it must be more venomous, and the uncate fangs were accused of prohibiting it from killing people. In reality, it is merely quicker than the redback.-that wonderful place wikipedia



sorry burnmad yur wrong :D they arent very deadly and they can penetrate the skin (just barely though)


anyways i hate getting up early to but unfortunately i have to get up at 7:15 am which sucks



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... all of these facts actually describe me perfectly as well.


I was going to do one of these, but considering your facts match me perfectly, I don't think I have to anymore. =P


but nah, maybe I'll do one anyway

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I'm the same on most of those things, except I don't sweat too much.


I have a really hard time getting up for school. I set my alarm clock to have the radio off, turn the volume all the way up, and put it across the room, and I still sleep through it. It gets so loud that my mom comes upstairs (since I have to get up before her) to turn it off. The funny thing about this is that I wake up as soon as the light turns on. :P


I know exactly what you're talking about with that second point; it happens to me too.


I used to be afraid of all kinds of bugs, but then I kind of got over it somehow. If I see one inside though, I'll immediately set out to kill it.


I'm sort of a perfectionist, but I also procrastinate so that kind of works against me with school projects.


I hate hot weather because I get sunburned easily.


I like saying crazy and random things too, despite the lack of said crazy and random things in this post.

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alright I take back what I said, cuz those new ones don't fit me at all, aside from the one about parents pushing their kids.


in fact, that very last one is just plain weird.

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> My buttocks tingle whenever I get a really, really good idea for something, be it a MOC or a project like Year One. The more tingles I feel the better the idea.

You should get that checked out.

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'a bit differently' You're inSANE MAN. There is something very wrong with people that want a butt-tingling-relying guy to lead their projects.



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> I am NOT an early riser. If I get up before 10:00 I get tired in the middle of the day. My circadian rhythm is go to sleep late and get up late.
I wake up through sheer force of will.

> My personality changes when around people. Even if it's a bunch of people I know already, I'm always more quiet and introverted at the beginning. I get more extroverted the more time I spend around people.
I'm normally quiet, but I do get odd if I'm staying up playing video games with people. then, I start finding everything funny.

> I hate granddaddy longlegs. I HATE THEM. I either get squeamish or stomp on them until they're dead twenty times over.
Never seen one.


> I'm a perfectionist. I never, ever like it when I get something wrong, especially when I know what it is or how to do it.
no one does.


> I hate hot weather, mainly because I have very fair skin and sweat profusely. Cold weather's nice.
I have no idea what you're talking about. (Haole)


> I like saying stupid things and being crazy. I think serious people, or people that don't have a sense of humor, are boring. smile.gif
Stupidity does not equal funny. Crazy does though.




> The thing I hate the most are parent pushing their kids when the kids are obviously uncomfortable doing so. This is most apparent when the kids are very smart and the parents push their academics to the point where they're rushing past their peers and people their age.
I don't notice that.

> I love pranking people. I guess this isn't all that uncommon but I like going out of my way to prank someone.
Stupid is not funny.


> I hate running. Sprinting is fine but long-distance sucks.
I like running. I play midfield in soccer.

> I like the odor of chlorine.
You're nuts.

> I like small spaces. I've gotten in trunks of my parent's cars before to go down our driveway. Feels good man.
I'm Claustrophobic.


> My buttocks tingle whenever I get a really, really good idea for something, be it a MOC or a project like Year One. The more tingles I feel the better the idea.
Did I mention you're nuts?
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> I am NOT an early riser. If I get up before 10:00 I get tired in the middle of the day. My circadian rhythm is go to sleep late and get up late.

> I like saying stupid things and being crazy. I think serious people, or people that don't have a sense of humor, are boring. :)

> I love pranking people. I guess this isn't all that uncommon but I like going out of my way to prank someone.



Really. I'm the same way.




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