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Third Part Of Powers That Be



Decided to flip the order of the serials, so just finished part 3 of PTB (yes, you actually don't have to wait six weeks for the next chapter -- I know you're shocked :) ) In this episode:


* We meet the "Who Am I?" winner

* We answer the age-old question, "What happens when Nynrah Ghosts have too much time on their hands?"

* We go inside the red star for the first time, and while we don't come out knowing just what the heck is going on there yet, it sure SOUNDS disturbing

* We get the return of some folks that neither you nor I EVER thought we would see EVER again (and special thanks to Biosector01.com for refreshing my memory about them) (and no, it's not the Makuta, relax :) )


And in chapter 4: More red star, somebody hits the right switch and regrets it ... or is the wrong switch?, and there are some people who get very frustrated by long lines ... murderously frustrated, in fact. Oh, and what does all this have to do with the murders of Karzahni and Tren Krom? And will Kopaka and Pohatu get the chance to find out?


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Wow, thanks a bunch Greg! :) That is so awesome. Btw, wrong switch? Has the Red Star some kind of control center? I guess we'll meet Red-Star-ians? Although, I have one concern...



Why are you telling us all that? (Usually you don't, that's why. :P)

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LOL, I am delirious with joy that I actually got a next serial chapter done while you guys are still young enough to care ... :)

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*We meet "Who Are You" =D

*They build stuff...dangerous stuff I guess :-/

*Inside the red star, sounds really interesting ^_^

* The Voya Nui Resistance Team? just a guess

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Woaz... :blink:


Now I'm gonna be sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting to see who resurfaces in the new chappie. Haha, but I've actually never heard anyone asking bout the Nynrah Ghosts.

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Someone seems excited. :P Sounds like things are finally calming down a bit with your life for a change (as much as they can be anyhow).


* We go inside the red star for the first time, and while we don't come out knowing just what the heck is going on there yet, it sure SOUNDS disturbing


Does this imply that we're coming out as well in Chapter 3?


EDIT: And having reread what he has written and comparing it to my previous disproved theories... Bionicle zombies? :P (Not likely, but that would be AWESOME :P)

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and there are some people who get very frustrated by long lines ... murderously frustrated, in fact.


This is starting to sound like the back/inside cover of a Discworld book. XD


But sounds great. Glad to see the story's still advancing.

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Greg just said "LOL"?




I see Greg is on mood these days...


With good reason.



This sounds very good, Greg.



I look forward to see who you plan on re-introducing (i`m thinking of the Turaga, or the Mahritoran).


The "who-am-i"" dude most likely won`t be something in my taste. Unless he gets some relevance in the story, i don`t think i`ll care much for him.


Bored Nynrahs? Whoah, this sure souns interesting...



...Inside the red star?



Greg, you officially got me excited. I am very much looking forward to this new chapter Hop it will be popping up soon, and i DEARLY hope we`ll see something more to Artakha and co.

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What's the average time between finishing and publishing? I need a distraction from my Chemistry, and this looks lovely.

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LOL, I am delirious with joy that I actually got a next serial chapter done while you guys are still young enough to care ... :)





Greg...is this what having a child has done to you?






I like it :D


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Average time between finishing and publishing is really up to Binkmeister and how busy he is. I send it to him and he posts it on the site.

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This is terrifyingly mysterious, and I'm more excited about this than I have been in a looong while. Looking forward to it Greg, much thanks.
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Greg, you never fail to get me excited. :)


I can't wait to see these Red Star beings! And a switch? I thought there was one in there.


What's this about the Nynrah Ghosts?


:o I made the second page!

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Getting this odd feeling somebody may have had a short period of insanity. :P


We answer the age-old question, "What happens when Nynrah Ghosts have too much time on their hands?"


Ah, finally! I've pondered that question for so long! =D


...do they sing karaoke?

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Average time between finishing and publishing is really up to Binkmeister and how busy he is. I send it to him and he posts it on the site.

and binky just got a sinking feeling as he realized how many pms this comment will spawn :)

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and special thanks to Biosector01.com for refreshing my memory about them


Any thanks to BS01 is epic enough, but this takes the truthful cake.


And yes, I'm quite excited to see where all this is going as well.

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Greg, I'd like to thank you for this serial. I was worried about what the BIONICLE story post-cancellation would be; I must confess, I thought it would be some very cheesy quests about Matoran and Agori cultures combining. But TPTB has got me excited in a way that I haven't been since 2004. I found myself wishing that Sahmad's Tale and The Yesterday Quest were over so that you could put more time into The Powers That Be; which doesn't make too much sense, since it's you as the author that makes them good, not the serials themselves, but, hey, TPTB is just that good. So, thanks for pushing ahead the next chapter.

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