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IC:(tragedy, with Gravity)well then, where do you want to go by normal means? i have a few places in mind, mainly New York, but if you have an ideas, i'm up for them."

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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OOC: He went to punch Captain Code, not Gadgeteer. Punching someone as well-armored as Gadgeteer would be stupid.

Edited by Beardy Spoon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC:(Tragedy, with Gravity going to NY)"then lets get going" with that said, Tragedy morphed into a bird, and took of into the air, waiting for Gravity now.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: As Whistler charged at Captain Code the two went tumbling in a tangle of limbs. Airey had the momentum and advantage of surprise so he ended up on top, preparing to deal another punch. But the Captain, eyes still glowing, lashed out with the pistol he still held, foolishly trying to use as a club rather than just shooting Whistler


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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)Tilian ran forward towards the two, drawing his pistol and leveling it at Captain Code's head."Put your hands up and drop the gun," he said. "You're completely surrounded."He began to fish around in the back pocket of his jeans for a pair of power-neutralizing handcuffs. The last thing they needed was another out-of-control rampage from Gadgeteer or Lone.-Teezy



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IC: Gravity (Floating above building)The purple armored hero floated up after Tragedy. Gravity flashed a competative grin at the Shape-Shifter, and suddenly shot off at high speeds towards New York. He had altered his gravity so that "down" was now in the direction of New York.So, in a sense, Gravity was falling towards New York.



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IC(Whistler): The businessman, thinking he was about to be shot by Captain Code, slammed the arm holding the gun onto the floor, unknowingly averting rather less of a serious injury than he was expecting. With one arm pinning the villain's gun to the floor, and a knee on his chest, Bruce held his other fist up, prepared to punch Captain Code in the nose if he kept struggling."Now, myself, I'd prefer if your hands stayed on the floor, but if you could remove your hand from that gun you're in no position to fire, it would be appreciated."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Captain Code was either too brave or too stupid to listen to Saosin and Whistler. Possibly he was banking on them being the "no-killing" kind of heroes. Possibly he was just deathly afraid of Lady Hexas. Point was, his arm may have been pinned but he still had his finger on the trigger. Ignoring the angry businessman on his chest he started firing at Saosin


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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)As a surfer of the highest caliber, Tilian had, of course, had a lot of practice with purposeful bailing, or slipping of your board in times of duress or exhaustion. The technique, often ridiculed by most greens, was known by the true pros to be incredibly useful in extreme situations. If a rogue wave was coming, you abandoned ship. If there was another surfer coming at you, unable to steer, you bailed. It was a simple fact of the game.So, when the bullets came hurtling at the young hero's chest, he instinctively did the first thing that came to his mind. He slid one foot forward quickly, too quickly, and slid forward against the highly-polished floors of the MERLIN suite, falling to the ground and watching with a mental sigh of relief as the bullets flew over his head harmlessly. He drew his pistol and fired off two bullets at the villain's pinned-down hand.-Teezy



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:kaukau: IC: (Ike, Jodrell Bank, MERLIN suite)"Déjà vu," commented Ike. "Saosin, just as I perceived it," he added matter-of-factly, just loud enough for Saosin to hear. "Now, I'd like to knock him over the head but I am not sure what will happen if I do..." He did the second-best thing that came to his mind, which was to ome up from behind and hold his hands over Captain Code's glowing eyes.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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NPC: Carapace was not idle during the fight. While not physically present, he was still linked to Gadgeteer's armor. This afforded him some options. He knew that he couldn't upload his emergency anti-technopath programs to the armor in time, but Captain Code was distracted, making his hold on the armor much weaker. The firewall had long since gone down. However, Carapace couldn't count on his control lasting longer than it took to execute one command; once the fool villain realized his control was contested, he might fight back. So he got to work on the one thing he could think of that didn't risk causing too much damage: Shutting the armor down. Rebooting it would take too long for it to be useful for the Captain. {H-D}

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: Negafire had, as Saosin had thought, been standing by, ready to jump in if the situation seemed to get out of control. However, when it /had/ gotten out of control, control was wrestled back very quickly. Negafire still ran forward,, landing one of his combat boots in Captain Code's unarmed, yet still free hand. He knelt down, igniting his fist and holding it close enough to Code's face so he could feel the heat, but not so close he'd be burned. "The time for surrender has come, buddy. You'd be wise to just give up now."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Er, Tillian, thats probably not the best course of action. Whistler's using one arm to hold down the very same gun that just fired at you, shoot at the former and you're liable to hit the latter. Especially with the ricochet since you're aiming from the floor at the floorIC: Whistler, Saosin, Negafire and Ike were so secure in their confidence that they had forgotten one little thing. If they were all tackling Captain Code, and Lone was busy with the machine, who was stopping Gadgeteer? Covering the Captain's eyes had not stopped whatever malicious coding he'd already planted into Gadgeteer's armour and the mechanised suit powered up at the heroes, swatting Negafire and Ike aside, and aiming a high kick at Whistler's head


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IC(Whistler): Following through on the silently-implied threat, Bruce punched Captain Code in the nose."Now, cut that out. Some of us have very delicate hearing. Nothing's worse than going deaf before you're fifty."OOC: This is going under the assumption that Carapace did indeed de-power the armor.

Edited by Beardy Spoon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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OOC: Okay, so you shoot his knuckles, bullet still hits the floor and proceeds to bounce up and hit Bruce in the chest. Good job you've crippled your team mate :PHe said he was getting to work on shutting the armour down. He hasn't actually done it yetBeardy, might want to do something about the power armour aiming its foot at your head

Edited by Armageddon Out Of Here


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IC: Negafire yelped as he flew through the air, landing heavily on his back. He pushed himself into a sitting position, ready to fire of a laser, a plasma spark, something... And found he couldn't. Not in that cluster of bodies. Even a plasma laser, pretty accurate, could lop off a limb easily. He was pretty sure Saosin knew his identity by now, but the others didn't, and there was no sense tipping them off too. He growled and burst into blue flame, flying towards Gadgeteer, just hoping to do /any/ kind of damage at this point.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: You know, as inactive as it appears that I am, the amount of info and plot management I've been doing behind the scenes is astronomical.IC: (Loadstone)It took only a fraction of Loadstone's power to bend Golem-Girl's blindfold off of her eyes and mold it into a makeshift gag, cutting off any retorts she might have had and allowing her to see just how outclassed she had become. "An excellent idea," Loadstone said. "Call X-Calibur and let him know we're done here, and have Miss Tress ready the jet."To punctuate why he wasn't doing either task himself, Loadstone walked around the desk, the papers scattered across the floor crinkling as he stepped on them. He crouched down and gave Mr. Omaha a sympathetic look. "I'm so sorry for the trouble we have caused here, Mr. Omaha. I can only imagine how stressful a position you've been in during the past month, and our arrival here has done nothing to calm your nerves. Now that we've neutralized the threat to your person, however, perhaps you would be more willing to cooperate with us?"~Lord Rahl~

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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)The other three heroes holding down Captain Code had already been knocked away, leaving Tilian as the only one left standing. Moving quickly, he ducked underneath Gadgeteer's armored fist and grabbed Captain Code, kicking away his gun with a free foot. He caught Hexas's minion in a chokehold and held his pistol to the Captain's right temple."Withdraw the code, or I start firing. Not at your head, either. Not yet. I'll start with a kneecap, maybe the shin. I'll slowly work my way up your body until I start to encroach on internal organ territory, then I'll start going down again. And I have plenty of bullets."-Teezy



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IC - Gadgeteer @ Jodrell BankGadgeteer was seconds away from landing a kick upon The Whistler, and not just any kick. The malicious code that had overtaken the armoured battle suit had gotten an understanding of its capabilities in microseconds. It knew all about the high-pressured pistons built into the legs, intended for superhuman jumps... but they could be used to kick with superhuman force too. This meant that when Negafire, all aflame, tackled Gadgeteer out of the way, he prevented The Whistler's head from being punted off. Incidentally, the armour was about as heat-resistant as any metallic structure, in other words not very. The patches where Negafire gripped it began to glow orange.Inside the armour, Viktor was not having a pleasant time. Around his head was a metal band; an invention of his own creation called an animus strip. It was capable of directly interpreting the brainwaves of its wearer into machine code, which allowed Viktor to pilot his armour with mere thought. His older, superior Dreadnought armour had sported top-of-the-range defense software so invasion had never been an issue - which was possibly why Viktor had overlooked the danger posed by this invention. Because the malicious code was now working on reverse-operating the animus strip in order to invade Viktor's mind. He could feel an eerily uncomfortable sensation; like a cat clawing at his brain. He was exerting every effort to try and use his will to override the code and reassert control of his armour, but instead all he was managing was to keep it from going any further than the borders of his consciousness.On top of all this Carapace's attempts to initiate a shutdown were not going smoothly. The malicious code was actually resisting the shutdown command and was working on blocking future communications from Carapace.IC - Scott Omaha @ The Foilocution Corporation"O-oh god, oh god." The CEO trembled as he clutched onto Loadstone's offered hand, using it to emerge from beneath the desk and stand up. "I d-didn't want to, but I - they threatened my family. They threatened my family. I'll tell you anything; I'll tell you everything, just please send someone - make sure my family is all right. Please..."

Edited by Kumata
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OOC: Yeah, there was nothing he could have done about the kick. His options, being preoccupied with CC, were take the kick to the head or hope for divine intervention. Were it not for Negafire's interference, I would have just taken the kick, because any other course of action would be cheating.For the sake of the Saosin post remaining valid, we'll assume he got knocked away, and is once again useless, because he's a businessman in a room full of supers.

Edited by Beardy Spoon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: (Loadstone)"Absolutely, sir," Loadstone replied, whipping out his communicator and signalling to the closest League base - in this case, Chicago - while Ultionis relayed the situation to X-Calibur and Miss Tress. "Yes, hello, this is Loadstone, of the NYC Branch. I'm in Detroit with Scott Omaha, CEO of the Foilocution Corporation. There's been some concern over Mr. Omaha's family; threats from the Coalition, to be precise. I was wondering if you could dispatch a team to assess the situation and bring the Omahas into League protection until we can investigate further. Yes, thank you very much. Goodbye."Loadstone tucked the communicator back into its pouch on his belt. "We have Heroes being sent after your family this very minute, Mr. Omaha. They'll be all right; we'll get to them before the Coalition is even aware we've been here. I need to ask you, though, do you know if the Coalition has any other plants in this facility?"~Lord Rahl~

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:kaukau: IC: (Ike, Jodrell Bank, dealing with the technopath he totally predicted)Ike stood up, feeling the place in the ribs where Gadgeteer had hit him. Hmmph, that had hurt a little. The pain, however wasn't so bad, and it was very brief. It was more the type of sensation that was hot and exhilarating, like when you fell from four feet up and could feel the shock of hitting the ground suddenly go through your shin bones."Gadgeteer, are you capable of shouting any suggestions from within your suit?" He presumed not, but it was worth asking. Since logic was not on the side of a positive answer, Ike ran back to the technopath as he said this and grabbed his around the neck with his greater than human strength, just in case he got any bright ideas about breaking free from Saosin.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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IC (Changeling - JFK International Airport):Changeling caught the light pole, straining under the weight of the falling object. With a heave, he was able to shift it to the side, the heavy pole dropping to the side of the fallen agent. The hero looked down at the Turehuatan agent, extending his hand with a smile. "Here, let me give you a hand."The agent grasped the rookie hero's outstretched hand, as a sharp cry of panic was heard, before being cut off by the sickening screech of metal grinding against concrete rippling through the air. Changeling's eyes widened at the sight before him. Unfortunately, this time there was no boot to block his gaze.

Edited by Madara: Mangekyou Master



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NPC: Ultionis was on the task immediately. "This is alpha squad," he said into the communicator. "We're ready for exfil. Confrontation went about as well as we'd expected. Omaha's clean, but the secretary was a plant. We're bringing her along now. How copy?" He paused. "Sorry, military slang. Is the jet ready?"(H-D)NPC: So. A malicious program was infecting a valuable machine at a remote location and Carapace was the only one with the secure connection to fight it off. He allowed himself a small grin. Now this was familiar territory. Four holographic keyboards appeared and four hands rose to meet them, each one typing away at speeds that made the fingers blur. Within thirteen seconds he had launched fourteen antivirus programs, erected nine firewalls, copied the schematic of that headband Gadgeteer wore (decades ahead of the rest of the armor - stolen?) and added a malware program of his own that would backtrace the offensive program and see about hacking into Captain Code's brain beginning... now.The only nagging worry was that Gadgeteer's systems couldn't handle so many programs running at once. To address this he set most of them up as backups in case the others failed, rather than trying to run them all simultaneously. If nothing else, judging by the rate at which the opposing program was working through the rest of the suit's software, it would take hours to break through all the defenses he had set up. He also canceled the armor shutdown protocol. He'd initiated it because he wanted the technopath to think it was automatic in case of attempted takeover, but since his presence was now revealed there was no point anymore.{H-D}

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC:Jocasta immediately reacted and elbowed the assailant in the chest, faster than Madness thought possible. She also bit down on the arm that was holding her.Madness, however, took the blow to his lung. The suit he was wearing absorbed most of it. He began to try and create mental barriers in their assailant's mind. This was a sketchy job at best, so there was no knowing what powers their assailant couldn't acess

"Wer Traumt?"


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IC - Scott Omaha @ The Foilocution Corporation"No, n-not that I know of. Th-there haven't been any employees like her," he gestured to Golem-Girl, who was staring daggers at pretty much anyone she could set eyes on. Scott nervously avoided her gaze and turned back to Loadstone. "But sh-she told me, the day she came, that I had to do everything she said or the C-Coalition would - would 'remove' my wife and daughters. I didn't want to help them, but I... I - I'm sorry..."On Ultionis' communicator, Miss Tress' voice replied: "That was fast! Yes, the jet's right up here on the roof where you left it. I'll give X-Calibur a call to come meet you guys back up here."IC - Gadgeteer @ Jodrell BankViktor had heard Ike's question, but with the effort he was exerting to fight off the invading code he couldn't muster a reply. That was until Carapace's antivirus programs came streaming in. Whether they would work in the long run remained to be seen, but they busied the code enough for it to cease its assault on Viktor's mind. This allowed him to yell:"Pull my helmet off!"Unfortunately the malicious code had disabled the suit's audio emitters so Viktor's voice was heavily muffled by the layers of metal that encased him. It was possible that, with the sounds of battle going on, only Negafire heard it. And currently Negafire was being swung upon by the fists of the possessed armour...

Edited by Kumata
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IC: Within the iron grips of Saosin and Ike, Captain Code tilted his head slightly, fixing his eyes on the machine...Swirls of green ones and zeros started swarming over every monitor and screen as he sent mental commands to his creation of silicon and copper wire."Firing sequence...started..." he gasped, "Shoot me...can't stop the Perun...it'll atomise the building...at least."


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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)Tilian groaned and slammed his pistol's grip into the temple of Captain Code, aiming to knock him out."Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"-Teezy



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IC: Negafire barely saw the armored fists coming in time. He did the only thing he could think of, and used a trick he'd used in DC to avoid getting shot. His entire body ignited, turning him into one huge anthropomorphic flame. The fists passed through the fire that made up his body, and he flew around, circling Gadgeteer. When he saw his opening, he took it, extinguishing his fire and leaping onto the back of the armor, trying to pry off the helmet with all his might...

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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OOC: Another one, already? Yeah, I know. :PReal Name: Hanna LovejoyAlias: None (She hasn't quite thought of that yet)Appearance: At 21 years of age, she is around 5' 5", with green eyes, and shoulder length red hair. Her skin is light, but not quite pale. Her Supersuit is various shades of light green and blue. The suit itself is very simple, no added features or gadgets, and is used only to protect her identity.Power: Hanna has very limited Telepathic and Telekinetic powers, far below other super-beings with the same powers. She can only send a few words, or an abstract feeling with her telepathy, and can only move small objects with her telekinesis. She also gained a natural shielding of her mind from mental powers (mind reading, mind control, etc) from her mother.Her real power, however, rests with her ability to control emotions. This allows her to project, manipulate, create, and nulify different feelings and emotions in herself and other people. She can use this power to make emimies fight between themselves, calm an enraged being, etc.She hasn't found a limit to this power, but only because she hasn't tested her limits yet. There is also a downside to this power, as she shares the emotions and feelings of those around her.Allegiance: Neutral, although geared towards good.Area: USA (Although, doesn't mind traveling)Bio: Hanna's life was fairly simple and uneventfull for the most part. Her mother had advanced psycic abilities, explaining her own (if somewhat limited) powers. However, her emotion based powers are hard to explain. At a young age, Hanna found that she could sense the way people were feeling, and could even change the way they felt. At first she had no control over this power, and would sometimes alter a person's mood without meaning to. Over the years, she began to gain more control over her power, to the point where she could even direct a person's emotions to another person or object. Hanna is usually shy and quiet. Letting others speak while she listens.

Edited by Acrophobia



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OOC: By the way Beardy Spoon I'm waiting on a response from Fellwyd; Sluice offered to give him a wash-down with her powers.IC - Gadgeteer @ Jodrell BankDespite the low-budget and unimpressive tech featured in Gadgeteer's armoured battle suit, at the end of the day it was still an armoured battle suit. Which meant that it sported all of the mandatory features of such, IE it held itself together very well. Negafire soon felt that sheer force alone wouldn't remove the helmet, unless he suddenly managed to develop superhuman strength.The arms and legs of the armour jerked backwards, trying to hit Negafire off of it...

Edited by Kumata
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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)"N-Ber! Try melting it first!"Tilian had seen how well the pyrokinetic's powers had worked on Gadgeteer's suit just minutes before. If they could heat it well enough, and he and Negafire both tried to take it off...-Teezy



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