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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/2014 in all areas

  1. According to my youtube inbox I have won one of the raffles. This has led me to realize the horror that is the youtube messaging system. I couldn't find it so I could make sure I did, in fact reply. I did eventually figure it out after no less than 3 outdated TUTORIALS on the subject. Rediculous I tell you. But I won a raffle so that's cool.
    3 points
  2. Yeah, for the company that owns Gmail, you'd think they could do a better job with messaging...
    3 points
  3. and I actually remembered it. Wish I didn't though. I became an OBZPC in my dream. From +1 to +5 in a day. Then I woke up, and it was gone. -Rez
    1 point
  4. Youtube has a messaging system? I guess you have to have your G+ set up to use it?? I guess that's how bad the system is now.
    1 point
  5. The murders being referred to at this point in time are Kayn (well, attempted), Unit and Zakaro, so Voltex definitely had reason to and all, but if you're killing... yeah, not exactly the most "moral" of choices in the book.
    1 point
  6. Your DS drawings are quite cool! :3 Tablet with a pen (as in, graphics tablet), or fingers ('regular' tablet)? 'cause I really have troubles with using only my fingers, whereas using a pen just feels so much more "natural", because I'm more used to it... at least there's a lot more control with a pen. ^^ I view it rather as a mobile PC than a tablet... if that makes any sense xD It's cool, yes, although I'm only slowly getting used to it, with Windows 8 and stuff... ^^"
    1 point
  7. I ended up doing that exactly. I got fed up with it, and just said "Nope. I'm done. Have a 9999 damage attack!" and then i had the pimpinest outfit ever created.
    1 point
  8. If anything will convince a non-Nintendo fan, it's MK and Smash Bros. If I can get the money I'm thinking I may go all-out, get the Zelda bundle and then buy Mario Kart 8 on its own while it comes with the free game. Believe me, I've played A Link Between Worlds. Such a great game. I bought my 3DS well before it came out, but I bought it in anticipation of that game.
    1 point
  9. I'm hoping to get one this Christmas. It's not that there haven't been games I've wanted (there are plenty, including Super Mario 3D World and Lego City Undercover), but I'm basically the only one in my household who still plays Nintendo games and I already have my own 3DS, making a family purchase of a Wii U hard to justify. But by December Mario Kart and Smash Bros. will be available, both of them being fun and accessible multiplayer games that I hope can bring my gaming-averse twin and maybe even my PC-master-race little brother back into the fold. EDIT: As to your question, I think the Mario Kart one would definitely be a better value. The only controller it includes that is a goofy Mario one is the Wii remote and Wii Wheel, neither of which you'd be using for Zelda. And regarding your hope to get Ocarina of Time 3D at some point, I'd recommend Link Between Worlds first if you haven't got that already. I enjoyed Ocarina of Time 3D (particularly because I'd never played Ocarina of Time), but in terms of replayability Link Between Worlds beats it if only because of the Streetpass functionality.
    1 point
  10. Yeah I visited during their first week in the new office, so I just barely missed my chance to visit them.
    1 point
  11. That's an understatement.
    1 point
  12. I know that feeling dude, youtube seems to be going backwards in terms of improving
    1 point
  13. This is legit how we found our apartment we live in now in Portland. Many apartments advertise on several different sites at once, including CL. If you're not a bars person (and I don't blame you, I'm not either), avoid 6th Street at night downtown. It's an awesome stretch of bars and clubs, but it's loud and annoying on weekend nights. Cool to visit once or twice, and some nice rooftop locales to sit and talk with friends at, but otherwise it's too much. I don't know if you're into Red vs Blue or anything like that, but Rooster Teeth is in Austin too, even though they just moved and I believe they've shut down studio tours. But it's still cool! Also, go watch the bats. Austin is home to the largest urban bat colony in the world, and at dusk they fly out from under a bridge downtown. It is really really cool, even if you find bats scary.
    1 point
  14. The Mahri were pretty weak as sets? Honestly, I have to disagree there. 2007 was a great year for sets in general, and the Mahri were one example of that year's design brilliance. They were the first Toa with really creative, non-repetitive builds (or at least, creative by BIONICLE canister set standards), and they embraced that. Matoro and Kongu were the first Toa with really distinctive physiques since Pohatu Nuva and Onua Nuva in 2002. Jaller was the first Toa with an animal companion. Their piece counts were also rather impressive, even when you take away the ten ammo pieces (or sixteen in Kongu's case) that artificially inflated them. They also had some quite nice mask and weapon designs. Don't get me wrong. When I first saw the Toa Mahri... I really, really disliked them. For one thing, I had really liked the Toa Inika masks, so the return to traditional masks didn't get me as excited as it did for other people. But furthermore, as an artist, I had gotten used to Toa teams having an overwhelming sense of uniformity. Some parts were specifically "Toa Metru parts", others were specifically "Toa Nuva parts", and still more were specifically "Toa Inika parts". These new Toa dispensed with that rigid formula: there was not one piece of armor that was standard across all six Toa, and two of the Toa even used Piraka torsos, a non-Toa torso piece! Over time, though, I realized that this kind of rigid thinking had been holding both me and the BIONICLE theme back, and that overcoming it was a necessary step for the sets to advance beyond repetitive "clone sets" that only varied in terms of their masks, weapons, minor variations in their armor, and on extremely rare occasions, posture/physique. Not only was this liberating as a fan and an artist, it was liberating as a MOCist. Parts of all kinds, whether or not they originated on Toa, were now fair game! And members of a Toa team were allowed an unprecedented level of originality. Did the sets have drawbacks? Sure, as did all Toa teams. Most of the Toa Mahri's drawbacks dealt with their terribly unrealistic proportions — gangly arms and legs, arms of uneven length in some cases, excessively wide shoulders, lack of a right hand joint for Toa Mahri Hewkii, gappy torsos on Hewkii and Hahli. Nevertheless, I feel like they were a step the BIONICLE theme had to take. All constraction heroes since 2007 owed a great debt to the Toa Mahri for breaking all the rules previous Toa teams had established. Hero Factory has had a funny relationship with "clone sets". No team of heroes has been quite as radically diverse as the Toa Mahri. For starters, they generally share a torso armor design. But at the same time, some lessons from the Toa Mahri still hold true for them. Members of a team can have very different armor configurations, as was demonstrated to great effect in the Breakout series. Masks are not always in the character's primary color, like with Breez in the Brain Attack series. And not every character has a completely unique signature weapon. Sometimes, in design, things do get worse before they get better. Sometimes the old rules have to be erased completely before you can know for sure which parts of them are really necessary and worth holding onto in the future.
    1 point
  15. I'm feeling you with the excitement and general social awkwardness. Also, two identical protos? Score! So useful and cool.
    1 point
  16. I had that dream a few times, too, all those years back. I also dreamt about becoming a Forum Assistant once. -Gata
    1 point
  17. That's sad man. I wish I had that status, but with premium. But it may never happen.
    1 point
  18. Heh yeah should've figured you'd be doing something similar... as always I'll keep it in mind. Might do that. Also, Portland and Austin are, well, only slightly far apart, so I'm a little curious how that change happened. I've lived in Texas for all my life and I'm still not used to the heat . Congrats on getting the job, though. Sounds like you're doing all right in that area. -TNTOS- Oh. Yippee. Just what I wanted to hear haha. As another lifelong Texan I can assure you, it will only get hotter. Sunscreen and a good hat should be on your packing list, not to mention a good water bottle! Count your blessings: at least you aren't moving to Houston. Traffic in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas-Fort Worth, or Austin is gonna be horrendous, some worse than others. Just make sure to plan ahead and give yourself a lot of time. Most of the radio stations I know of down here give traffic updates every 10-15 minutes (I would be surprised if that was unusual) so don't be shy to explore the channels. I can't agree with DeeVee that Austin is such a great place, but I'm an Aggie so I have a natural anti-Austin disposition I can say, however, that Texas is awesome and we look forward to having you And if you need to be rescued from those weird people in Austin, I'm just down the road in Aggieland (College Station). Whoop! P.S. I hope you like country music. Yay more heat warnings... Seriously not looking forward to that. :| One of the first things an exec I met with last week said to me was that I have pale skin just like him and should just ignore any embarrassment and used sun screen. I guess I'm probably just not used to life in the city, which is why the traffic came as such as surprise/nuisance. I know it's something I can probably adjust to, but I definitely don't know how to handle it yet.. (UGH country music!) ---- Thanks everyone. It's looking like it's still going to be a rough transition for me, but... Still hearing about it helps some. I've always said that I never, eeever wanted to live in a city. Well I still feel like I don't have a choice but to now. I'm coming from a rural place with a very different climate and it's going to be tough. And I can't shake off the fear of not having a place to live either. Despite all of their insistence that I go through companies IBM has contracted for moving, I simply am not getting the help that I need in finding a place. Like I'm supposed to. Instead I've got far too many companies assuming I have a destination and they keep coming, but nobody to actually assist me and I don't know the first thing about where to start or how to even contact apartments. I've literally never lived in one and it's all so confusing.
    1 point
  19. Have this old man in a Cubs jacket with a cool moustache learning that he's going to be a grandfather.
    1 point
  20. Well, I guess my encounter with them has only been/ will only be a short ome as well... but the concept itself is still kind of foreign to me. ^^" Haven't found much online, but then again, my search hasn't been that intensive yet, either. Aw, thanks! :3 (whaaaat xD Well, if that's fun to you... kidding, I'd probably find it more fun as well if I actually understood it. We're not directly using a "text" per se; I mean, there were a few recommendations, but that was pretty much it)
    1 point
  21. I considered going to Philly Brick Fest but couldn't make the trip. Do take pictures of the BioniLUG display for me (and everyone else)!
    1 point
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