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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Weekdays on Nickelodeon. I may have overestimated the size slightly. Whoops?
    3 points
  2. My dad and I started brushing up on our French, for semi-obvious reasons. Never before have I suppressed the urge to say "hon hon hon baguette eiffel tower" so much.
    1 point
  3. I've made a few nice purchases recently. I went ahead and preordered the Lego Movie EVERYTHING IS AWESOME pack with Vitruvius and everything. Not that I need Vitruvius; I got President Business's Evil Lair, and then I took the figs from that and put them on top of my computer at work. So now I have Emmet, Wyldstyle, Batman (2012 verson), Vitruvius, Business Kitty, Bad Copy, and President Business hanging out with me at work. Back to the movie preorder... I also threw in the Lego LotR and Marvel PC video games into my Amazon preorder... but it turns out those other two won't ship until the movie does. Oh well. I also spent some money on sets in store today, where they had the new Mixels. I grabbed the orange Tentro for his pieces and the blue Flurr, and I totally plan on snagging the rest of the blue ones soon. They also had a BOGO Free deal on Hero Factory, so I got the Furno and Stormer mechs. As for other major purchases... I got an apartment, with insurance, electricity, and internet. Well, it took a while to get internet, which is partially why I haven't been super active recently. I also bought some furnature and a bed and food and cleaning stuff for it, and ant killer. Because OMG there were so many ants in my room last week when the weather got really hot all of the sudden. And althought I'm watching over my parent's place for the week, it got really hot again, so I dunno if my room was crawling with bugs again. My lease also says I have a roommate but I cannot confirm that yet. (Well, I guess somebody else had to have put up all the posters, but I haven't seen them much, so it could just be a decorating ghost.)
    1 point
  4. New England and the Canadian Maritimes.
    1 point
  5. The ending makes me want to cry every time, and yet I never do. It's just sooo happy. ;-; So true. Aka like my band director retiring very soon.
    1 point
  6. Moonlight danced undisturbed across somber waters. Brevity is key ^^
    1 point
  7. Disney's Cooking with Pooh? Takuma Nuva
    1 point
  8. If you can hold out long enough, you can make it until we achieve immortality, overpopulate the earth, realize life is meaningless without death and exponentially increase the suicide rate because we've robbed ourselves of the ability to wait for natural death. Bonus points if you have to delete yourself when the time comes. - ... uh ....yeah wouldn't you think we could ship people to Mars by the time that's a problem? and live underground even ~Unit#phntk#1
    1 point
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