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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2015 in all areas

  1. So I did not play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U for awhile But then I started playing again and Gerald my Luigi Amiibo is a force of furious, unforgiving destruction I also forced myself to play as a bunch of different characters and I am now slowly becoming good with Lucina These are the good tidings that I bring I also bring a grave warning Gerald plots to rule the world I fear he shall soon succeed
    4 points
  2. 1: Telephone 2: Telephones 3: Cellphone 4: Telephone Cords 5: Phone de la Tele 6: Telegram 7: Watch Phones but not the kind they're currently coming out with 8: Anthropomorphic telephones are the enemies!! 9: Telephone 10: I dunno?
    2 points
  3. I don't mind the idea that there might be a connection (I've seen that kind of thing pulled off well), though it bothers me how some people seem to think that's the only way the G2 story could become interesting. If the G2 story is really so bad, wouldn't tying it to G1 just drag the G1 story down with it? And if it's not, why can't it become interesting on its own merits?
    2 points
  4. Essays, Not Rants! 157: On Finales So Parks and Recreation ended a few weeks ago bringing an end to a particularly great show that I got into far too late. The finale was especially wonderful, elegantly tying a bow on seven years of stories. Rather than having some big hoorah, though, the episode has the former Parks Department take on an utterly inconsequential task (getting a swing in a park fixed) before going their separate ways. With the whole season serving as an effective wrap up to the current proceedings, there was no need for there to be a big artificially succinct Final Big Moment. Instead, Parks makes fixing the dumb swing matter by flashing forward with each character to see where they are in the future. Parks is far from the first; How I Met Your Mother did it in their finale first year. I’ve talked about my many qualms with it narratively, but it was a structurally solid technique. We got some closure on characters and know what Ted ended up doing, even if it went against everything that’d been built up thus far. But Parks goes further and arguably does it better by going to several different spots in the future for each main character (and even some lesser ones). We find out many of the key points events happens to them in the years afterwards. Some of their bigger decisions are prefaced with vignettes showing off key character moments and their growth. At the end of it all there’s this strong sense of resolution. If anything, Parks errs on telling us almost too much. It seems nearly as if we know everything that happens to these characters in the future. Little is left to the imagination, we know Andy and April have kids, we know Ron ends up happily in charge of a National Park, and we know that either Leslie or Ben became president. By the time the finale ends we’re left knowing that we’ve heard just about all the stories there is to tell about these people. Which makes me wonder what we want out of a finale to a show. There’s something fun about an ending that implies the adventure continues: look at Serenity (effectively the finale to Firefly) which has since spawned a couple comics, or even Chuck which remains open-ended enough for more to happen. But an ending like Lost's which firmly closes the door on anything else isn’t bad either. So what makes an ending satisfying? I think closure is what really matters. The ending of Serenity left a few balls up in the air while still resolving some subplots, like Simon and Kaylee’s romance and what happened to River. But even though we knew Mal wasn’t quite out of the woods and that the crew as a whole were a little worse for the wear, we’ve got this sense of finality. This adventure is over; even if there’s more to come, for now the major issues are resolved. What’s important is that the ending fits the story. Firefly’s works so well because the show has always been bittersweet. Lost is fundamentally mythic and Chuck was always about a romance and family. Parks’ fits because the show’s format has always been a little meta, so showing what happens ten to forty years down the line isn’t out of place. Lost couldn’t have Parks’ ending and it couldn't be the other way round either. It’s hard to get endings right. Don Quixote’s ending allowed for some guy to write a sequel, so when Cervantes wrote an actual sequel he had Don Quixote die at the end so no one would write another allowing him to have the final word on his knight errant. How I Met Your Mother undid (at least) a season’s worth of character development with its finale so even though we knew what happened to the characters we felt a little cheated out of our investment. Parks and Recreation had its cake and ate it too; we know that things work out for everyone in their own way, and we’re okay with that. We’re invited to fill in the blanks (is Leslie or Ben president?), but we’re told things are alright. And that’s good enough.
    1 point
  5. ARPGSouls>Metroid>Paper MarioThe World Ends With You (Edited because lol, I forgot about it until the music question. Bastion is a solid second, though)Artorias of the Abyss seems like it qualifies.Gonna have to mirror Old World Blues here, actually.I dunno, I don't play many games I wouldn't enjoy.None in particular, at the moment.Probably a shooter, similar to Heroes.The World Ends With You>Dark Souls>Metal Gear Rising: RevengeanceGlitzville phone booth. 'Nuff said.*Snaps fingers*
    1 point
  6. What makes you think that, for these people, the only way to make G2 interesting is by making a connection to G1? What makes you think they have that opinion? They're people - there'll of course be some similarities, but also a lot of differences.
    1 point
  7. That's not really creativity though, that's just wanting things that are similar to be the same. Our brains are really good at this sort of thing, actually. And, realistically, on this site, we have to use the main canon as at least a baseplate for discussion, or there's no point of reference and all discussion about canon is pretty much useless. and if you just change everything that you don't like, then what's the point of following it? I can go write my own story, but then I know everything that happens in it. Meaning it's not the same as a story somebody else wrote? See what I'm saying? Don't get me wrong, I love stupid complicated theories for story based media. even if hardly any of them are plausible. but this isn't a complicated theory, it's basically: "Look! They have the same name! connections!"
    1 point
  8. Eclipse-like? You mean like this?
    1 point
  9. Yes Art is a means of communication, of coping with my feelings/putting them to some use, of expressing everything I can't with words, basically. A dragon! Or, if only real-world animals count, a tortoise. Tortoises are adorable. :3 TONS. 'though a pressing factor would definitely be my inability to approach people I find interesting or this annoying insecurity drenching all friendship and everything because I'm always scared of saying/doing something that ruins it. I convince myself that "I have no other choice". For art this definitely holds, because when I don't do stuff for weeks (or as in the case of ~2 years ago, for about a year) I feel a lot, and I really mean a lot worse. I would love to live in a universe where magic is a real thing. So it's more a universal condition than a 'place' per se... though it would be great if it were in a forest, nothing too hot or cold. But green. :3
    1 point
  10. SPRT the shirt, friends with Wert, gonna get hurt because he's a flirt. (I have no idea what any of that means, either)
    1 point
  11. do you dream about farm animals
    1 point
  12. How about death by mooning?
    1 point
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