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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/2024 in Posts

  1. 1) pick a more active venue than BZPower. The unfortunate truth is that this website doesn't get as much traffic as it used to and probably never will again. 2) respectfully, put more effort into your topics. Of the recent ones I have checked out from you, most of them were not things I found very interesting. Your recent question about whether you are allowed to put "Official" in a topic name is a basic yes/no question that I just assumed an administrator would eventually handle for you. [I think the answer is no, BTW, or at least it used to be. I once tried to make something like an "Official Rhotuka Spinner Power" topic some years ago and it got closed.] I don't know anything about the Pringles vlogs you mentioned in another topic. You don't actually mention BIONICLE that much. If you can write/draw or make MOCs, posting those would be the most baseline way of engaging with the BIONICLE community. 3) tying in to point 2, try not to post as many topics. A small number of higher-effort engagements will be better received than a ton of fairly low-effort posts bordering on spam. On a deeper level, though, not just BIONICLE fans but people in general don't like to follow creators who feel like they're trying to get popular. The people who get platforms are the ones with interesting talents or unique perspectives, not people going out of their way to just get popular. Hope you found this helpful.
    5 points
  2. I think that about wraps it up for this topic. Thread closed.
    3 points
  3. I don’t think BZP will ever be significantly more active at this point. Tis a tiny community and a prime place for contented lurkers, longtime lasting members and few new active friends who occasionally hop in. It also probably will not be a place of popularity for anybody, given its forum format instead of follower-focus like social media. It’s why it so appeals to me and my happy-hermit-unhealthy levels of real world reclusivity. Anyway, hope you find enjoyment about the site and welcome aboard!
    3 points
  4. BZP is "dying" as much as every other corner of the Bionicle fandom is. We're talking about a niche Lego theme that was cancelled almost a decade-and-a-half-ago (discounting the short-lived, poorly-received reboot and a few other little bones Lego has thrown us over the years). Most casual fans already aged out and moved on years ago. The story is so dense and scattered that it's difficult for new fans to get involved. The price of second-hand sets is also prohibitive for prospective incoming collectors. All that's left is an increasingly insular, dwindling community of hardcore fans. I'm afraid we're not fertile ground for growing a following.
    3 points
  5. That’s the thing, putting effort into something isn’t something I can give you steps to do. If you want something you are publishing to be interesting, you’ll just naturally try to make it rewarding to engage with. There’s a little ticker at the bottom of the main forum page that says how many people are on BZPower. Right now there are five people with accounts (two of them being you and me) and 100-ish lurkers. This is a small fraction of what it used to be.
    3 points
  6. Yes, to this point, you might want to consider starting a blog here on BZP for things like pringle vlogs and so on. I've found it nice to use my bzp blog as a place to collect and post non-Bionicle thoughts and musings for the community to interact with. They're a nice platform for getting to know community members and their own interests and hobbies. Sure, the blogs are a bit "out of the way" and don't show up on the bzp home page, but there is slightly more consistent interaction I've seen on users blogs. Be sure to read up on the rules, [ link here ]and I recommend browsing some of the more active blogs to get a lay of the land before starting your own.
    2 points
  7. Ooh, such fun to hear of others’ endeavors! Thanks for starting this! As for me, not much new except one or two things- the new favorite hobby being eating-eating nearly every glorious day! With my family! So grateful! And the other new one(s) being housekeeping/laundry/cleaning the new big home (which my mom did entirely before in our old home life, and for which we all hugely owe her! ). I have only accidentally laundered one (1) highly valuable non washable heirloom item so far-it survived! 😆 Learning to do from wheelchair involves lots of rolling carts for dish & clothes drawer delivery, haha! It takes at least three swag wagons and magically transforming my wheelchair into a snail speed cleaning cart 😂) and learning to cook from a wheelchair instead of in tall chairs like prior years-after dragging drills about the kitchen for months on end trying to set up a disabled kitchen from stuff I found in the basement. Terribly happy with it though outsider may laugh. So much easier than the struggle of my former card-table countertop! And just the same old dear hobby things I always obsess over gleefully! My true love-drawing, pencil portraits. -Painting acrylics over rough sketches occasionally, but I count the hours and am a shocking snailspeed indeed! -Sewing! By hand and machine, though machine sewing has become more challenging with limited mobility. Grateful to say my footpedal broke, leading to the discovery of the push-to-start sew button! -Cooking and baking! Figuring out family dinner serving with nutrition calculations (medically complex situation) and how to pack work brunch bag plates for my mom effectively. And now actually being allowed to eat some of the extra yummy things (!CARBS!❤️) has made it much more fun! -Photography if that counts, from an old shattered iPhone ? 😂 -Blogging here, hopefully again regularly, if life and the site staff allow me! -Decorating! Making lots of seasonal misfit decors for my mom’s new home. I am basically illiterate when it comes to book reading, at this point-with inability to focus (and prior major struggle), so sometimes listen to audiobooks in between mostly mindless music box covers while creating things. Happy to hear historical/classic children’s books or religious readings. I struggle to choose listen content, not knowing what exists. I find actively watching TV/video things without using the hands intolerable, but have a soft spot for a few fine fantasy films. Thanks to my birthday, brother’s visit and free trials, tis a grand week of Studio Ghibli novelties! Incredibly grateful!
    2 points
  8. Lately (as in since December lol) I've been getting back into reading, though I've only been reading Star Wars novels. I'm slowly making my way through the post-ROTJ EW books. So far, I'd have to say my favorites have been the Thrawn trilogy and The Truce at Bakura. Some other things I'm into are obviously Star Wars, anime (although I haven't been watching it much lately), hockey, some light gaming, and music. Pretty much all I listen to is metal. I also play bass and a little guitar, however I'm not too good at either lol. I'd like to start posting covers online someday, once I work up enough courage and skill.
    2 points
  9. I highly recommend at least trying it out, it can be somewhat therapeutic. It doesn’t require much discipline either from my experience, the most I ever have to do is get myself to actually do them since I’m sticking to a schedule. Cartoons are a blast, I’ve been binging shows I wasn’t able to watch when I was younger, like Adventure Time or Over the Garden Wall. Right now I’m watching Regular Show. I watched Binging with Babish for a little while, very fun! I never have the energy to cook, so can’t say I’ve tried any of their recipes. Whenever I’m looking to watch something food related nowadays, my go to-s are Ericsurf6 and Food Theory. I’ve kind of wanted to get back into reading, but it feels like a chore when I do. If I ever end up reading anything I’m doing a deep dive into some random show’s lore on wiki 😂 honestly ridiculously solid hobbies/pastimes you got there. I’ve really been needing to diversify what I do each day.
    2 points
  10. Right, no I'm not buying that for a second. I've seen your other posts about The Beaverhouse and Josie's 10 year old Pringles Vlogs. You're not fooling anybody here. Like far be it for me to get upset with somebody for engaging with our content, but I don't like the idea that if you can't get through to me directly, you're just going to obsess over the things that I am a part of. And so openly at that. It makes me feel watched and unclean. You know what? Screw it. You want to make a public spectacle out of this? Let's make one then. To anyone reading this, I've attached a zip file containing every message, post, email, or indirect attention-seeking garbage that he's ever posted since this whole thing began. I have scrubbed the emails section of his exact address since even now I'm not about to dox the guy. Everything else however is public record. Have fun! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-qSstbQwKQ2duyy6eJWg2tfL52n_gklh/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  11. You know indirectly trying to interact with me and publicly obsessing over things that are associated with me are still considered harassment, and that I'm still putting them in my archive for the authorities, right? Make no mistake, if you want my attention, you have it. Half the bloody community leaders are keeping tabs on you now including myself, much as I'd really rather you just go away. But if you would like to continue digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole to ensure the best possible odds that I can get charges pressed against you, then by all means, do continue.
    1 point
  12. Hmm, my mistake. There may be a waiting period for newer members or some other guardrail. I'll see if I can find the revised criteria for creating a blog.
    1 point
  13. I don't see the option to create a blog.
    1 point
  14. Hi! I think the whole point of Official topics was to prevent them from “dying” if not posted in for longer than the former “topic revival” period. Staff had to sign off on which were approved prior. The rules on revival have been relaxed as of late due to inactivity in this tiny town. However, I am unsure of how this affects the entire concept of “official” topics-or if they still exist. Here’s an ancient COT thread about it:
    1 point
  15. I listen to 80s/90s rock/pop for the most part. Love some more classic tunes like Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass as well, though. The Bionicle movies are alright, I enjoyed watching them but there are plenty of other things I’d rather watch. I used to really enjoy the Star Wars books, I remember in particular enjoying The Force Unleashed. I’m not really into Star Wars anymore, though. I’m not super into sports either, but I’ve got a buddy who I enjoy watching hockey and soccer with every once in awhile. I’ve had a guitar for years, but never learned to play. It’s something I’ve been meaning to make time for.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I enjoy reading, watching YouTube, listening to music, and playing games. My music listening tastes are getting deeper towards Essenger, Cryoshell, The All-American Rejects, and Daughtry. I also enjoy the Bionicle movie trilogy, which a lot of people know about, and also Zoids, which you might not have heard of.
    1 point
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