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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. "Rap music is like, the anti-chivalry. Just do the opposite of whatever you hear in rap music and you'll be the perfect gentlemen." (Lol)

  2. Your favorite Gundam Series, GO

    1. 25K Now!
    2. Grant-Sud


      I remember watching that when I was younger, but I haven't checked in on it since. I'll have to. My fav is either 08MS Team, or Gundam Wing!

  3. *Notices reviews and promises of future reviews*

    1. Grant-Sud
    2. Aderia


      *notices comment on profile and decides to comment back*

  4. Friends? Friends.

  5. Part 4 of Second Chance? Completed. AWWW YEAH!

  6. Oh yeah sure, you love everyone, but ME. I'm not mentioned!? I don't have RPG status so I's don't fits in your beating heart!? D: I don't think I'll ever love again bro... never, again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      A love like that should never die. =3

    3. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      And it won't. =3


      But I'm warning you


      one more joke from your sister...

    4. Grant-Sud


      I know I know, but it was like two years ago. Let it go man D:

  7. Just wanted to say it's a shame we don't get to work together in the Epic Contest :( Happy writing though!

    1. Grant-Sud


      Oh... Oh SNAP we do! We totally do get to work together in the CoT, YEAH! :D

    2. Legolover-361


      We shall rule the Epics competition with an iron fist and number two pencil. >=D

  8. I honestly didn't expect you to review anything, because most of time I kinda annoy people to do it xD Thank you soooo much! =D

    1. Taka Nuvia

      Taka Nuvia

      'twas only one review, I think, but glad to hear I was of help. =D

      And noo problem, I think I might even do so again in the future =P

    2. Grant-Sud


      Oh YEAH! Man if I write something and someone wants to come back for more, then my work is done right. Thanks, if you ever want to read anything else of mine, by all means!

  9. The fact that you will not be in the Epic's portion of the Library Olympics... is saddening. :(

    1. Legolover-361
    2. Aderia


      I know, tell me about it! I think I feel a sniffle coming on.

  10. Hey what's up Nup? =D

    1. Nuparu1995


      Cise!! :D Well, it's summer, so that's cool. I'm less busy, and I've gotten back onto BZP. Yayz! ^^ You?

  11. "yrotS evaC"

    1. Chols


      "iratagonoM ustukuoD"

    2. Grant-Sud


      <3 I just beat that by the way. ... Now what? ;_;

  12. Changed my name to Grant-Sud Rises =D

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      This IS totally awkward. Both of you get off!

    3. Naina


      He's so cute when he's embarrassed. :P

    4. Peach 00

      Peach 00

      Agreed, he is adorable when he's embarrassed. :3

  13. Wait you have Treize Khushrenada as your avatar? SWEET

    1. Janus


      Heck yes, Treize is the best ever. (Also I had no idea what this profile feed thing is until now. Sorry)

  14. San Juan is an amazing place to visit. And it's better with family to show you around.

  15. Hey. Hey! Hey!!! Listen! Hey! Listen, HEY! HEEEEY!!!!

    1. Grant-Sud


      ... love you! =D

    2. Chols


      Hello you :3

  16. Suuup brother. ^^

    1. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      Nawmuch buddy. How are you?

    2. Grant-Sud


      I'm doing pretty good. Just gettin some writing done as usual.

  17. Yes, i really enjoyed your story. :)

    1. GSR


      Glad to hear it! I always figure that writing for yourself is all well and good, but if you're going to put something out in public, you should hope people enjoy it, so I'm always happy when people do.

    2. Grant-Sud


      Agree man. Writing is a wonderful art, so if you publish it, hopefully others get the meaning and it opens them up to new ideas.

  18. Just saying, thanks for the awesome review you gave us. Really appreciate it!

    1. Steelsheen


      My pleasure. You guys deserve a serious round of applause for Second Chance.

    2. Grant-Sud
  19. Metroid Prime IS secretly the best game ever. lol

  20. I caught you a delicious bass ... wanna play me? :3

    1. ~Allegretto~


      Don't drop it!

    2. 55555


      Your name is Napoleon?

    3. Grant-Sud


      Yeaah! Finally someone got that.

  21. "Magicians do not exist..."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grantaire


      *disregards this out of touch being known as the Illusionish* :P

    3. Grant-Sud


      An animated film man, an animated film that touches the soul. And is a LIE! lol Awesome movie if you can check it out.

    4. Chols


      You're a wizard, Grant.

  22. Just wondering real fast, is your epic, Second to None still being worked on? Cause I think you have a case of the lazies. Been spreading around a lot lately... Anyway can't wait for the next chapt.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      (1) do check out your SS again. I had to leave quickly after writing the review and messed up one of my sentences, or just poorly wrote it..


      (2) No I haven't heard that. lol BUT my mom always sang that song in Singing in the Rain? I think, the one that goes, "Good morning, good mooorning! We sailed the whole night through!" When I didn't get up in the mornings. Worst. Thing. Ever. xP

    3. Aderia


      Ahahahaha, that's great! yeah, the worst part about when your parent acts as your alarm clock, there's no snooze button

    4. Grant-Sud


      I knoooow. >=(

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