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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. IC: (Iceblade - The Notch) Iceblade narrowed his eyes as Swordshifter once again assumed incompetency of his second in command. Arms crossed, he simply stayed silent while the rest of the Blades present discussed motorcycles.
  2. This article seems to confuse "easter egg" with "literally the main cast." Benny the 1980-something Space Guy and Batman shouldn't be missed! Probably because they play a prominent role in the movie's plot. Also did you guys see the Millennium Falcon? It went by so fast, I wouldn't have seen it had this article not been written by such observant movie-goers. Even more obscure a cameo was The Old West, which had totally blown over my head. Maybe they should've introduced Emmett to an important character here to make it more memorable? By the way, did anyone else catch the Construction and Technic stuff a good third of the movie was based around? Geez, I sure didn't. Thanks Yahoo Movies!
  3. IC: (Iceblade - The Notch) Before Kapa said more, the large Blade wrenched him off the ground. As he drew his dagger, he shoved Kapa against the wall with one arm, pressing the knife to his throat with the other. "What made you think Callerin and I, the most capable warriors currently serving Swordshifter, would need your assistance where it clearly wasn't asked for?
  4. IC: (Liacada - Le-Koro) Liacada had ignored the offered hand, even as it was withdrawn. She had never intended to return the gesture. "That's me." Her cold eyes locked on his, the rest of her expression blank.
  5. IC: (Iceblade - The Notch) For once, Iceblade agreed with Callerin. "He would be no match for either of us. Either way, he should be punished."
  6. Name: Perish Wesson Codename: Shaman Age: 17 Gender: Male Loyalties/Faction: HYDRA Powers: Shaman has a small control over magic, and his abilities largely lie in his powers to inflict ill status on his opponents. Each of his powers has a specific range and effect time: Paralysis: Manifesting in a small, painless bolt of pseudo-electricity, this power can keep an enemy completely still for three seconds, which allows Shaman to escape. However, its regrettable side-effect is making his opponent all but invulnerable for those three seconds, barring him from using this power to stun and kill the paralyzed enemy in one go. This can fire up to ten feet from his person and cannot be used on himself.Blinding: Manifesting in the form of a flash of light, anyone who gazes on the attack dead-on will be blind for a period of time depending on how close they were. If within ten to fifteen feet, they can lose their sight for ten seconds. Any more, and it's a mere 3-5 seconds.Disorientation: This attack manifests in the form of loud noise which will cause it's target to experience severe dizziness and confusion until they can remain still and gather their thoughts, which varies from opponent to opponent. A highly cognitive target can shake it off with relative ease. A weak-minded opponent can be stuck for almost a minute before regaining complete mental clarity. However, whenever Shaman uses this a lot, he himself experiences its effectsFlashstep: Shaman can teleport to anywhere in sight (within reason; if he cannot clearly visualize the spot, he cannot teleport there) in an instant. However, the further he goes, the more physically exhausted he is. Each flashstep takes the equivalent toll of sprinting half that distance. So, for instance, if he teleported two miles (which he can't) he will feel as though he ran a mile. For this reason, he uses this sparingly for travel.Appearance: Shaman is suited out in a black three-piece suit at all times, making an effort to look official when possible, and to blend in enough that he won't gather stares, but standing out enough that he garners admiration and a bit of envy. His long silver hair is kept in a tight braid to elbow length, with sideburns kept to mid-ear level as to not interfere with his soft jawline and large, absorbing eyes. He stands 5'5', somewhat short to his peers. Though he has at times grown facial hair, he tends to look better clean-shaven. He wears a square pair of glasses at times, though when on the job he wears contacts. In all honesty, he looks a bit like an anime character. Weapons: At all times, Perish carries a concealed handgun and extendable stun baton. In battle, he carries a few sticky bombs, some hand grenades, and a knife. Skills: Perish has a knack for climbing and parkour, and a bit of urban exploration. In fact, he can climb entire buildings given plenty of handholds and enough time. Personality: Perish is, deep down, kind of a nice guy. He'll hold the door open for ladies, walk your elderly mother across the street, and make it back in time to buy you a drink before last call. Unfortunately, this is corrupted by a rather terrible wicked streak in which he thirsts for violence and desires power on an emotional level. He will do whatever he can to accomplish his goals, especially if that means he likes hitting children with daddy's belt to get what he wants. When chilling with his team, he is often extremely hyper, though more the type of a small dog than a child. When he develops a bond with someone, he is incredibly loyal, even beyond his violence streak. Weakness: Perish is small and built for stealth; he isn't strong and won't hold up in hand-to-hand combat for very long. His powers are incredibly draining, and he can't use them within a minute of each other. Bio: Growing up in New York City, Perish became accustomed to certain degree of luxury, and kept this with him for the rest of his life. He always had to have the biggest and newest and baddest. But his interests were mostly held by war documentaries and the violent stories he heard on the news. So one day, when someone kicked his dog, he sprained their leg. One thing led to another, and he was put under arrest for caving in a pickpocketer's head with a brick. When he heard of HYDRA, he was interested. When he heard he could become part of it, he became infatuated. When the Battle of New York allowed him to escape (just go with it) he made a beeline for the malicious organization, bags packed and spirit eager.
  7. IC: (Iceblade - The Notch) "Our tag along was a Blade by the name of Kapa. I assumed you sent him after us; you do like to be...vigilant." Iceblade stared back at Swordshifter with dead eyes, dark from a sleepless night. It had taken him hours to execute the ambush, as it had certainly taken hours more for Swordshifter to plan. All for nothing, of course, but five dead Blades and wounds all around. "As for how we got here, I assumed that if there were instructions to be given, you would've given them. That is all." He crossed his arms, narrowing his gaze. "Shall I excommunicate Kapa upon our departure?"
  8. IC: (Leah - Wichita) Unfortunately for Dustin, she had noticed his status as a teleporter, and teleporting behind the enemy was the most predictable move he could've executed. If that wasn't enough, he was reaching over her, awkwardly extending his torso. She leveled a kick directly at his chest.
  9. I don't see how that would make much sense, as Parakuka are a creation of Makuta.
  10. Are there not more important things, like the broken word filter and blog issues? (no one like this ironically please)
  11. IC: (Liacada - Marketplace) "Oh, there you are!" Liacada approached Valria, Merror, and Tuara with equal parts anxiety and disdain. Dorian and his friends hung out with a ton of good people, many of them ridiculously so. She didn't recognize the other two, but the guy looked so much like a hero it gave her nervous memories of Oreius and the rather distressing time she had spent in his presence. Luckily, she hadn't seen any of the Maru since then, and for good reason made it a point not to. She really did hate good people, largely because she had reached the point in her life where she had condemned herself from ever being one. Whenua would probably have delivered a similar verdict. "Who're your friends?"
  12. IC: (Iceblade - The Notch) "We're about to find out..." he said as the two Blade agents entered the Notch.
  13. It kills them, as displayed by Inu when he left Onewa.
  14. OOC: Some timeskipping occurs; didn't want to RP all the walking. IC: (Iceblade - Le-Metru) As soon as Callerin arrived, Iceblade began to explain. "Swordshifter called me in. Told me to bring someone I could trust," he grumbled, "in absence of such, I called you."
  15. IC: (Iceblade - Le-Metru) "Now, the Notch, and for a very important reason on which I will elaborate upon your arrival," he said sharply.
  16. IC: (Iceblade - Le-metru) Immediately after receiving the message, Iceblade snarled. Indeed, the last time he had met with Swordshifter, his accompaniment had turned sour. To his credit, however, he had killed the man himself without hesitation- his mask was mounted on Iceblade's wall. It was somewhat surprising that the Blades leader had told his second in command to bring along a partner at all, and unfortunately, there were very few he trusted. In fact, the only available Blade that came to mind was Callerin, and he didn't trust her in the conventional sense- he simply knew for a fact she wasn't a double agent. After all, the Blades were a secret she had to keep in he first place- complicating that with a third allegiance would simply be illogical. "Callerin," his comlink came to life, "I require your assistance."
  17. http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=2957253 ^this could be us but you playin :c Hubert, you've been with us for a long time, and without you, things aren't going to be the same. I haven't known you as long as some of the others, but that's never really been a problem. We're all going to miss the laughs you brought, on and off-site. Pleas let this be the kind of leaving me and Gabe did, rather than an actual leaving. Until next time, man. I'll call you if Demacia needs protecting or Irelia needs to be nerfed.
  18. IC:(Leah) The thief was completely silent. There was no trump card for the feeling of cold steel against your neck, and no way around defeat when you were face down on concrete, held down by a vigilante while becoming increasingly nearer to being arrested by Wichita's bravest. Then again, trump cards weren't really her forte- not when she had a few aces up her sleeve. Though no one could see her face, she smiled. Next time she needed to remember to play with a rigged deck. She Leah felt a release from one side and pressure from another, and took action. It was all fluid. The first vigilante backed up to let a cop place the handcuffs. As soon as he tried to, her hand gripped his wrist hard and she wrenched herself off of the ground, continuing the motion by twisting his arm with strength he never could've foreseen. With his own handcuffs she latched one arm- now almost completely bent -to the other. Before he could react, she had him in a vice-like headlock, reaching for his own gun and leveling it to his temple. These events happened in a matter of seconds, preventing any intervention up until that point. Most criminals would give some kind of ultimatum, telling them to drop their weapons or get on the ground. She simply began to slowly back away from the group, reaching across her hostage's head to actually cock the gun. Her eyes were wide, but her features were blank, daring the 'heroes' to step forward.
  19. Matoro Ignika, during the Reignition series.
  20. Anyone have a Blade they'd like to accompany Iceblade when he meets with Swordshifter?
  21. That's pretty much exactly what he said, yes.
  22. I don't know how I would explain a character getting from one universe to the next. I had enough trouble finding a legitimate reason for a character to get to America from Sierra Leone.
  23. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) The Toa of ice picked himself up off the ground, his sword retracting. He surveyed the aftermath of the battlefield, counting five deaths, four of them Blades. They were no closer to capturing Vengeance. They had failed. Hard. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, he heard Callerin asking for orders. He noticed the respect in her voice, but didn't mistake it for genuine. The two weren't friends by any means. Callerin was a fearsome master of fire, Iceblade was godlike in his command over ice. Naturally, neither was very fond of the other- they were surprisingly effective together in combat, however -but beyond that, they were fundamentally different. Callerin was not above sacrificing her comrades to further the progress of a mission; Iceblade valued their lives a tad more. He lived on principle, while she lived on the betterment of her own situation. She was likely, even now, considering how the blame for the mission's failure would fall on his shoulders. He almost never agreed with her, and he scarcely chose to fight alongside her when he had the choice. Nevertheless, they had one thing in common: each had the rage of a demon. "Scatter. I will report to Swordshifter of our failure. I'll contact you all later; for now, wait for orders..." Iceblade stalked back from whence he came, fluidly ripping the lightstone jutting out of his shoulder and throwing it to the ground as his mask activated, repairing damage to his armor. He would have to get a healer on his wounds, but luckily the shot hadn't gotten very far in. As he disappeared into the shadows, there was an audible clink as he kicked the distorted corpse of Yuiru. "...and burn the dead." As soon as he was out of sight and earshot, he turned on his comlink, contacting Swordshifter. About five minutes of scrambling made the call untraceable. "After a short fight, we were unable to capture Vengeance. He and his entourage escaped using an unfamiliar technology which we were unable to avoid. Five among us are dead. The Furies had outside help in the form of a sniper and a Frost Beetle. That is all." Swordshifter would receive the message a few minutes after it was sent; no live communication had been established and the deepness of the archives made for a slow signal. Long day. Maybe he'd get some sleep.
  24. IC (Ryjak - Blackrock) With a small bow, Ryjak departed, heading towards his cart.
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