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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. I think you may be overreacting just a bit. Krayzikk doesn't hold your* hand or sugar-coat things by any means, but he isn't insulting anybody. He's just agressive about these sort of things, and understandably so. *by "your" i mean the hypothetical player not you b'c you're perfect <3
  2. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) "Unlike you, ease is not my prime directive," he pushed in harder, knowing the wood would give, and that he was stronger than his opponent.
  3. IC: (Black Knight) The Hellfire Club's silent soldier stalked the halls, irked by the relative inactivity he'd experienced over the past week or so. He had never personally run into an intruder, but he never ruled out the possibility of a spy hoping to find and use sensitive information. That was something that could not be allowed. He turned a corner, just as a decidedly irritated Anberlyn did the same. Backing up, he said nothing, but saluted and awaited orders. The Knight held respect for her second to only a few. She wasn't Romulus or Alaric, but she was an important Hellfire figure and indeed worthy of her position. Though he said nothing, the other members of the Club had come to recognize his salute as a silent 'what can I do for you?'
  4. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) The Blade pushed in hard, hoping to break the already-weakened wood. As soon as he sensed the cold energy in the weapons, he diverted it directly into Aglesis's face in the form of a shard of ice. Due to the point blank range and Iceblade's high level of power over his element, Aglesis would be hard-pressed to deflect it.
  5. IC (Leah) Leah remained completely still, face against the concrete. "Congrats...I didn't realize you had so many friends."
  6. IC(Ryiu Polzin) Why was it that every time Ryiu visited Ko-Koro, it seemed to be snowing? To forest Akrainid like himself, snow was irritating and intrusive. Something that was cold, very small, completely useless, and incredibly, incredibly common had no place in sophisticated society. After all, if everyone is unique, like a snowflake, then uniqueness is forfeit and everyone is the same. And Ryiu liked to think he had a measure of uniqueness in him. He'd recieved quite a few looks since he'd arrived- apparently many of them had never seen a live Akrainid. Ever since Kyju had tainted their name in his attempt to take Onu-Koro, he'd had more trouble in business than he ever expected he would. But today was not the day for business. He'd forsaken his white suit for warmer cloakings. His staff and shield had been left in the Polzin home, traded for more discreet equipment. A poisoned dagger which he hoped he'd never have to use. A gauntlet with a hidden blade he had promised himself he wouldn't unsheath. It was all necessary, however, if he wanted to accomplish what he had come for. It had taken three long months to track down Ishi to Ko-Koro. Three months without correspondence with his businesses. Three months without the comforts he usually enjoyed. For someone like Ryiu, this was not an easy ordeal, and finding his brother had been even harder. Had it not been for three months of searching, he might never had found him. Through all the code names, backtracking, secrecy and sneaking around, the long lost Polzin brother had made himself surprisingly scarce. With any luck, Ryiu would be able to find him before he left the village. The best place to start was in the slums, of course, since Ishi had never been particularly prestigious in his practices, and so that was where he went first, asking around in hopes that his brother had been seen.
  7. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) Iceblade was ready for it this time, however, and countered. The Crast could not repel more than one object at a time, so he formed a large piece of ice to intercept the force of the mask. When it came flying back at him, he simply shattered it and he continued to fall. He slashed again, this time for Aglesis' s chest.
  8. IC (Leah) The thief was somewhat shaken up by the arrival of a third vigilante...the heroes in Wichita were obviously very thirsty for criminal activity. The sudden shock of the newcomer caused her to trip over herself, falling and skidding across the concrete, hard, face down. Jewelry slid out of her pockets left and right, creating shiny patches all over the otherwise dark sidewalk. Something in her leg felt twisted and she bled from her forehead, but the bolt had flown over her, so she had that going for her, which was nice.
  9. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) As he fell towards Aglesis, he willed the ice to disperse among the battlefield. He fell directly on the former Blade, who was at the disadvantage of having fallen. Iceblade slashed for his weapons, hoping to disarm him with pure momentum.
  10. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) Iceblade knew he couldn't block the Crast's power, and took the hit, flying into the ceiling. To prepare for this, he conjured a shield of ice to encase the back of the body. Upon hitting the ceiling, the ice exploded into shards, absorbing most of the impact. As he came back to rhe ground, the remaining shards- twenty or so in number -became razor sharp and flew at Aglesis.
  11. IC(Leah) "ADHD pills." She said through clenched teeth. She spun her revolver on her fingers, slinging it back into the abysses of her trench coat. She heard the sirens as well as they did, and quickly took action. She began putting her hands up, as if in surrender. She didn't expect this to fool them, of course, but it got her arms in position. From each of her extended palms came a blast of fire, small and of low intensity. If it did hit, it wluldn't likely do more than scorch their clothing a bit. The prime motive behind this was distraction. As they dealt with the flame, she darted forward, her enhanced speed carrying her past them and out the door.
  12. IC: (Leah) "That would be great! And then we can talk about my problems and get me to turn myself in and/or become a good person, right?" She narrowed her eyes; letting her sarcasm be known. As he took steps towards her, she did the same towards Nizhoni. "Truth is, I don't really want to shoot Yoga Pants. But I really, really need this jewelry. More than some rich man needs it to impress his wife."
  13. IC: (Leah) "You've got to be kidding me." Another wannabe hero had shown up specifically to rain on her parade. She held the weapon straight, still focused on the first vigilante. In her other hand, she was prepared to throw a flame when needed. "I'm guessing we can't just call it quits and go home as unlikely friends?"
  14. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) As Aglesis weakened, Iceblade did the opposite, strengthening his attack. By now, the axe was held together by less than an inch of wood. With one leg burned, Aglesis likely had all of his weight on one leg. Coincidentally, this was the leg Iceblade had his foot hooked around. He pulled hard, hoping to force his opponent on to his back.
  15. IC(Ryak - Blackrock) "Maeydra," he commanded, "ready the cart. We leave tonight." The undead did so, preparing to depart. "I apologize, Zekev. This mission is quite important."
  16. Wow, this game is blowing up. Is there anywhere I can jump in with an alcoholic Toa?
  17. Iceblade - Archives) The manner of Aglesis's block landed him face to face with the Blade, mask mere inches from Ice's. In Iceblade's chromed features he saw himself reflected. "I remember you," he said, face stoic, "you used to be a Blade. But you couldn't handle it, could you? Don't feel bad...neither could your pathetic leader." To emphasize these words, he pushed hard against Aglesis's axe, forming a considerable amount of pressure. As he did so, he hooked his foot around his opponent's. Should he use his mask to repel Iceblade, he would trip himself up and likely sprain his ankle.
  18. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) Iceblade saw the disk coming, and mid-stride created a thick wall of ice, blocking the disk fairly easily. The disk-shooter was easily one of the most formidable opponents on the field, but he would have to be dealt with later, as there was a more immediate problem to deal with in the form of Aglesis. Sword extended, he slashed directly for the Fury's neck.
  19. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) Skyra's bullet entered the beast's head and left it with relative ease. The monster dropped dead in the midst of the skirmish. Iceblade turned around and began putting his hands up in a salute; a momentary thank you, when he realized she was now aiming for him. Grimacing, he prepared to dodge... ...just as a mask of repulsion sent him flying out of the way. Mid-air, he retracted his blade as to not land on it, and braced for impact against the wall...and hitting it with enough force to shove the lightstone shard further into it's wound. Iceblade's sword slid back out of his gauntlet and he narrowed his eyes at Aglesis, charging the Fury guard with a rage of his own.
  20. IC(Houren - Onu Streets) Houren's ears rang, he could barely hear, but he stood strong. He let go of the opponent, who slid to the ground. "That was a very low-caliber bolt. It probably didn't even pierce any of your vital organs. You'll live."
  21. IC: (Iceblade - Archives) The Toa of ice noticed the disk at the last second, and sidestepped as hard as he could, letting it fly past him as intended. He didn't intend, however, for it to hit the Blades' soldier standing behind him. The loss was mournable, but no one lived forever and everything was- Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss....................... Iceblade jerked his head around, eye's widening as he gazed upon the reconstituted Blade. He had grown a few feet, was hunched over, but the most interesting bit of information about this transformation was the claws. Larger than his own sword, each one was. Iceblade took a second to turn around and look at the shooter, mouthing the word "why" before turning back to the problem, who was ripping apart the nearest Toa randomly. He had known this man. His name had been Yuiru. Now, he was nameless, insentient. The second in command of the Blades had one strategy, and one strategy only. There was no reasoning with the beast. Aim for the head. Charging in wildly, he stabbed at the thing's leg, hoping to cripple it. Yuiru's claws deflected Ice's sword like it was nothing. He stepped back, assessing the beast's new body before going back in. He repeated slashed, trying to hack away at it's hide. It was no use, however- its new skin seemed to be impenetrable. With a single blow, the monster formerly known as Yuiru knocked Ice onto his back a few feet away. Gritting his teeth, he stood back up, and noticed a certain Skyra Daring with a rifle from a vantage point. He waved his arms, getting her attention. She might have been busy with something, but surely she could spare a bullet for a monster with no allegiance. He motioned to the beast, then tapped his mask, as if saying "headshot."
  22. IC(Houren - Onu Streets) Houren fired.
  23. IC: (Iceblade) The air grew cold around the Fury soldiers. The each felt the relative comfort of the archives forsake them for a deadly chill. This chill was accompanied by the natural shiver one feels when they sense the presence of a predator. Those who knew of Iceblade- practically all of them -felt this shiver, clutching their weapons just a little bit tighter as two red eyes approached from the deep halls. As the incessant gang beat down on the Fury's formation from every side, the Blades second in command watched from a distance. He looked through the fighting gangs as if they weren't there. After all, it wasn't them he was worried about. "VENGEANCE." It wasn't clear if the yell which resonated through the archives and through the comlinks of each of his comrades was the sound of Iceblade calling him out or a battlecry, for as soon as he yelled it, his wrist sword swung out and he let loose on the rival gang. When he rushed in, the skirmish became a bloodbath. He immediately became locked in combat with a taller Fury agent holding a sword. The chrome armor of the Blade soldier was illuminated in yellow as a lightstone rifle shot blasted him in the shoulder. But that was not the end of his battle with his opponent- with almost an unnatural rage he had stabbed through the Fury's thigh and dragged him down with him. Whoever had shot Iceblade had obviously moved on, for now it was just him and the Fury grappling across the floors of the archives. In the best of times, he would've made short work of the Vortixx. But, the rock imbedded in his shoulder was somewhat distracting, and his sword arm ended up pinned in the ground under his opponent's knee. The Fury raised his sword, preparing to slice him to pieces... SHRIIING! The tables turned in a matter of seconds. Iceblade's hidden thighblade had been drawn and placed in the rather sensitive position between the lungs of the Fury Vortixx. The Blades leader looked right into his eyes, watching the precious life drain from them, the blood dripping from his chest onto Ice's chrome armor. He pulled the knife from its perch in the Fury's chest, shoving it back into it's sheathe. He pushed the corpse off of him and stood, blood dyeing his armor red and a lightstone shard lighting up his face. If anyone saw him, they would see his teeth curling into a smile. He said again, quieter, more sensitive: "Vengeance..."
  24. Name: Iceblade (originally Dryne) Gender: Male Species: Toa Kanohi: Kiril, Mask of regeneration Element: Ice Faction: Blades Appearance: Iceblade stands an ample 8'7", a powerful figure among any crowd. Wearing a suit of silver armor that is always shining chrome, not a scratch on it. His weapons are not instantly visible, but can seemingly appear from nowhere when needed. This is because his weapons (noted below) blend into his armor. As he tends to be hard to find, one does not often see his face, but when you do, you won't soon forget his harsh red eyes and biting snarl. Powers: Iceblade has powers over cold and all of it's attributes, as well as the ability to regenerate inorganic material. Equipment: Iceblade carries hidden blades all over his body. One is a knife, imbedded in his chrome armor, which runs from his knee to his upper thigh. This, like his other blade, is placed in a hidden sheath built into his armor. On his wrist, a digital set of buttons include two switches which, when toggled, cause the sword hilts to snap out, allowing him to draw his weapons. His other weapon is a sword which slides into his wrist gauntlet and stands at three feet long at full extension. This weapon, unlike his knife, isn't entirely concealable and makes a very obvious sound when drawn. Skills: Iceblade is an excellent fighter, practicing two forms of martial arts (real world hipkido and Brazilian jiu-jitsu) and possessing a moderate knowledge of judo. Weaknesses: Naturally, he has a weakness to heat. Additionally, he has mild asthma which kicks in at high altitudes and when he is hit with a good amount of pressure. Bio: Iceblade is hated amongst other gangs, more so than one would expect. This is due to his rather cruel tendencies- he is stoic and merciless in combat, causing unnecessary pain and death and taking pleasure in it. Perhaps this is why he was chosen as the Blades' second in command- his ruthlessness is well-known and documented. Even before the formation of the Blades, Dryne was a thief and killer. He met Swordshifter, it was not in alliance. It was in conflict. When he realized he had found his superior in the art of combat, he pledged his allegiance to the budding gang and became Iceblade.
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