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Everything posted by Relapse

  1. Name: Ryj Thyataro Species and Gender: Male Toa Appearance: Though he isn't elderly, Ryj's armor is pitted and faded from years during which he lacked any care for it. What was once a bright and brilliant red is now a sad and disdainful brown- a visual representation of his journey from a hopeful hero to a lackluster wash-up. While he is of good height, his leg is somewhat bent from breakage years ago, and he walks around bent over a cane. His features are sharp, but curled into positions characterized by his chronic depression and skepticism. He easily blends into a crowd, but he is most often seen slightly off-kilter, somewhat drunk. Kanohi: Arthronn, mask of sonar Gear: His cane hides a blade stretching four feet long, which he almost never uses. For this reason, it is mostly blunted. Abilities, Powers, and Skills: Though he has the power to manipulate fire and heat, this has been weakened by circumstance and his problems with alcohol. Additionally, he can scan the immediate area with his mask. Before developing his alcoholism, Ryj was a genius-level detective, with the ability to solve problems with ease, and create solutions even easier. However, his cognitive skills have been crippled by his problems. Personality: Ryj often comes across as hopeless and depressed- this is because he is. His prime directive has simply become survival due to the all-consuming nature of the ice. He has momentary lapses of brilliance, but his personage is largely one of skepticism and paranoia. This is just one aspect of his personality, though; Ryj is also a particularly nasty cheater- he'll bend rules over backwards and snap them back the other way when he deems it necessary. Since he is nearly always a bit intoxicated, this can be quite a bit of the time. Weaknesses: As a Toa of fire, the terrain is difficult for him to travel on, so he mostly stays inside. As stated above, his left leg is on the rebound, so he isn't exactly light on his feet anyway. On top of these, his alcoholism is a crippling issue in his everyday life. Biography: Ryj, before the ice age began, always tried to be a hero. He formed a group of Toa, he chased evil, and he devoted all his time to the greater good. At first, they were mostly successful, ridding a town of some of it's lowlife, helping people out- overall being as heroic as they could be. Little did they know, the small good they had done would be quickly reversed. They were celebrated for a time, taking out to a bar for drinks. That was where Ryj first tasted it.. the drink that would ruin his life. From that day on, every mission would end with a drink. Then every week. Then every day. Then, the worst came- he showed up to fight intoxicated. He had underestimated the results: half the team was killed. The other half injured, himself included. He was stuck in the hospital for days, told that his leg would never be the same. Alcohol had literally ruined his life and the lives of his team. He went into a coma for weeks, but when he woke up, he only had one thought- he was thirsty.
  2. Name: Ryj Thyataro Species and Gender: Male Toa Appearance: Though he isn't elderly, Ryj's armor is pitted and faded from years during which he lacked any care for it. What was once a bright and brilliant red is now a sad and disdainful brown- a visual representation of his journey from a hopeful hero to a lackluster wash-up. While he is of good height, his leg is somewhat bent from breakage years ago, and he walks around bent over a cane. His features are sharp, but curled into positions characterized by his chronic depression and skepticism. He easily blends into a crowd, but he is most often seen slightly off-kilter, somewhat drunk. Kanohi: Arthronn, mask of sonar Gear: His cane hides a blade stretching four feet long, which he almost never uses. For this reason, it is mostly blunted. Abilities, Powers, and Skills: Though he has the power to manipulate fire and heat, this has been weakened by circumstance and his problems with alcohol. Additionally, he can scan the immediate area with his mask. Before developing his alcoholism, Ryj was a genius-level detective, with the ability to solve problems with ease, and create solutions even easier. However, his cognitive skills have been crippled by his problems. Personality: Ryj often comes across as hopeless and depressed- this is because he is. His prime directive has simply become survival due to the all-consuming nature of the ice. He has momentary lapses of brilliance, but his personage is largely one of skepticism and paranoia. This is just one aspect of his personality, though; Ryj is also a particularly nasty cheater- he'll bend rules over backwards and snap them back the other way when he deems it necessary. Since he is nearly always a bit intoxicated, this can be quite a bit of the time. Weaknesses: As a Toa of fire, the terrain is difficult for him to travel on, so he mostly stays inside. As stated above, his left leg is on the rebound, so he isn't exactly light on his feet anyway. On top of these, his alcoholism is a crippling issue in his everyday life. Biography: Ryj, before the ice age began, always tried to be a hero. He formed a group of Toa, he chased evil, and he devoted all his time to the greater good. At first, they were mostly successful, ridding a town of some of it's lowlife, helping people out- overall being as heroic as they could be. Little did they know, the small good they had done would be quickly reversed. They were celebrated for a time, taking out to a bar for drinks. That was where Ryj first tasted it.. the drink that would ruin his life. From that day on, every mission would end with a drink. Then every week. Then every day. Then, the worst came- he showed up to fight intoxicated. He had underestimated the results: half the team was killed. The other half injured, himself included. He was stuck in the hospital for days, told that his leg would never be the same. Alcohol had literally ruined his life and the lives of his team. He went into a coma for weeks, but when he woke up, he only had one thought- he was thirsty.
  3. This character's position and rank has, unless I'm mistaken, been approven by Dovydas over Skype. The rest has not yet been looked at. Name: Iceblade (originally Dryne) Gender: Male Species: Toa Kanohi: Kiril, Mask of regeneration Element: Ice Faction: Blades Appearance: Iceblade stands an ample 8'7", a powerful figure among any crowd. Wearing a suit of silver armor that is always shining chrome, not a scratch on it. His weapons are not instantly visible, but can seemingly appear from nowhere when needed. This is because his weapons (noted below) blend into his armor. As he tends to be hard to find, one does not often see his face, but when you do, you won't soon forget his harsh red eyes and biting snarl. Powers: Iceblade has powers over cold and all of it's attributes, as well as the ability to regenerate inorganic material. Equipment: Iceblade carries hidden blades all over his body. One is a knife, imbedded in his chrome armor, which runs from his knee to his upper thigh. This, like his other blade, is placed in a hidden sheath built into his armor. On his wrist, a digital set of buttons include two switches which, when toggled, cause the sword hilts to snap out, allowing him to draw his weapons. His other weapon is a sword which slides into his wrist gauntlet and stands at three feet long at full extension. This weapon, unlike his knife, isn't entirely concealable and makes a very obvious sound when drawn. Skills: Iceblade is an excellent fighter, practicing two forms of martial arts (real world hipkido and Brazilian jiu-jitsu) and possessing a moderate knowledge of judo. Weaknesses: Naturally, he has a weakness to heat. Additionally, he has mild asthma which kicks in at high altitudes and when he is hit with a good amount of pressure. Bio: Iceblade is hated amongst other gangs, more so than one would expect. This is due to his rather cruel tendencies- he is stoic and merciless in combat, causing unnecessary pain and death and taking pleasure in it. Perhaps this is why he was chosen as the Blades' second in command- his ruthlessness is well-known and documented. Even before the formation of the Blades, Dryne was a thief and killer. He met Swordshifter, it was not in alliance. It was in conflict. When he realized he had found his superior in the art of combat, he pledged his allegiance to the budding gang and became Iceblade.
  4. IC(Kol - Lightstone) Uskey solemnly followed Tharros out of the bar. "Then we better hurry."
  5. IC(Ryjak - Blackrock) "Before his time in the Brotherhood, Zekev was a criminal. Our entire cover could be blown."
  6. IC(Icha - Sanctum) Icha placed a hand on the guard's shoulder. "I realize you meant no harm. But, in this time, we must be more careful than ever. Ambages is all we have left. If he dies, Ko-Koro might well fall into shambles." He stepped back, preparing to return to duty. "I do hope you choose to stay amongst our ranks for awhile. We can always use competent soldiers."
  7. IC(Icha - Sanctum) As chance would have it, an actual lieutenant was in their midst. Such men were rare- the Ko-Koro guard was largely made up of footsoldiers. A superior was often hard to locate, but fate had caused him to intercept the two Vortixx. He had overheard the latter part of the conversation between them and their hired soldier Sukot, and realized he had to step in. The guard had plans of leading them to Ambages himself- something not likely to be allowed at such a random time, by such random people. He approached the three, arms crossed. It had been a cold day, even for Ko-Koro. Even to a Toa of ice. Since Matoro had died, he hadn't been in the greatest of moods- one beloved leader had been enough. Two had been beyond extraneous. It was astronomically injust. "I'm sorry, but you can't be serious. Two foriegners from off the streets, no background check, holding weapons, want to just walk up and chat with the last pinnacle of leadership we have?" He shook his head in disdain. "Yeah, no. You'll need permission from the captain of the guard, who will then go to Ambages, who will then decide if he has time in his busy schedule to talk to two Vortixx who feel entitled to more information and authority than everyone else."
  8. Fanservice has yet to be properly explored.
  9. IC(Houren - Onu Streets) Houren dropped his weapon, seemingly giving up. Of course, the Phantom didn't let his guard down, but the second he relaxed, just subtly, Houren dropped to his knees, leverage pulling his opponent to the same position. Before the Toa could shoot, Houren had picked up his own crossbow and leveling it at the Phantom's chest. "I don't give a about my audio receptors. My trigger finger feels mutually about your vital organs."
  10. IC(Norm) "Alright dude...just keep in mind, you're helping them in just about the most painful way imaginable when we have disinfectants and wrap."
  11. why is no one paying attention to anybody who actually makes sense
  12. saying that something offensive said unintentionally isn't so, is like saying that spreading a deadly disease to someone accidentally doesn't still kill them
  13. Honestly some critics, you seem to part of a vocal minority. This is the minority who calls for riot over a toyline of spinning white dudes in ninja outfits, based at children who think feudalism is some kind of game show.
  14. Name: (Name discarded) Codename: Black Knight Age: 27 Gender: Male Loyalties/Faction: Hellfire Club Power(S): The Black Knight has the ability to boost his body's physical production by half for around twenty minutes, or a hundred for five. This includes stamina, strength, and speed. His muscles will grow slightly in bulk. Additionally, he can focus this extra energy into destructive blasts which must be charged to gain size. However, these advantages are not drawn from nowhere- after his time is up, he will fall into unconsciousness immediately, and will be overheated and absolutely exhausted for a time period depending on how much he exerted himself. In particular, energy blasts drain him massively and will cut down the total time of his twenty minute boost. Small blasts will bite off seconds, but large, truly destructive ones can take off entire minutes. Appearance: The Black Knight is costantly costumed in shiny, metallic black armor. This armor free of boxy edges or points, all of it curved and smooth for unrestricted movement. On his left shoulder, a stylized stenciling of the traditional chess knight motif is spray-mainted in silver. Underneath the armor is the same tatooed in black, running from just below his neck, encapsulating his arm down to the wrist. He is nearly always wearing a helmet which covers his face- his identity remains unknown to even his closest allies. Under this mask is, perhaps shocklingly, the shaggy blonde hair and stubble of a surfer. To complete this are his chiseled abs and muscles. Weapons: He carries a SMG at all times, as well as two extra clips for it. He also carries a traditional black steel sword, and while he is familiar with it and can use it with deadly skill, it is mostly to complete his look. He keeps it sheathed at his back, ready for drawing at any time. Skills: He is naturally strong, even without his power boost, and is a competent shot and swordsman. Personality: The Knight is stoic at all times, offering not a word, simply obeying. He doesn't hesitate in any task, and won't argue with orders. He seems to be absent of traditional morals or emotion, forsaking them for subservience. Weakness: After using his powers, exhausted is understatement. He is in danger of heart failure should attempt to do anything but walk around. He has little will of his own, and seeks only his superior's wishes. Bio: Born to two international travelers in Sierra Leone, he grew up in the African country as an odd man out, but learned Krio and English from his parents. He was toughened as he got older, and became a hired soldier who would do exactly what his commanders told him to. Eventually, he became aware of how corrupt his leaders were, and, in the first use of his ability, slew them and ran. And ran. And ran. By the time twenty minutes was up, he was in another village, collapsed in the streets. He was eventually sentenced for his crimes and thrown in jail. However, after three months in the prison, he and twenty others broke out and plotted to stow away on a cargo ship to America. Before they got there, eight were caught and imprisoned. The rest were able to make it on to the ship. Only seven, however, were able to survive the trip, as food was scarce and water even more so. They thought they had made it when the ship was docked, but they were caught and sentenced to deportation. In the second used of his power, he leapt into the water and swam as far as he could, eventually washing ashore in ragged clothes in the middle of the night. He slept on the beach until the next day when a man whose name he never learned took him in. This man was a skilled swordsman and sought to turn the desperate washup into his apprentice. The man taught him martial arts and swordsmanship for seven years, until the man, who had been of great age seven years prior, passed away. In search of something, someone to latch onto, he turned to the Hellfire Club. He swore undying service to Romulus, who he considered a god amongst men.
  15. IC (Leah) The thief just backed up slowly, searching the fog for her opponent. She kept her gun pointed forward, but her other hand searched behind her. She kept back-treading, slowly scanning for the back door... "Son of a b-" She found the back door, indeed. However, it was barred over. Yoga Pants had spoken the truth. "You...I like you," she said, shaking her head. In her free hand, she began charging a fireball in preparation of attack. Backed against the wall, she was ready for a strike from all sides- a sneak attack would be nigh impossible.
  16. IC(Houren - Onu Streets) Houren groaned as his eardrums flared, but held on to his target. The millisecond of sound was like looking at the sun for a bit: it left a mark for a few seconds but was largely ineffective. The Phantom was weak where Houren was strong. Even as a Matoran, he was powerful enough to keep his target down. He grabbed his saperka and stabbed at the invisible Toa's chest. OOC: Just saying, it must be taking an insane amount of concentration to be keeping his mask on while using his powers and physically fighting.
  17. IC(Leah) With superhuman speed she had a weapon of her own drawn. Nizhniy found herself in the sights of a revolver. The pyromancer sighed, but cocked the gun with a distinct click. "Seriously," she warned, affability gone, "please don't make me shoot you."
  18. You'd be surprised at how careful the people who guard secrets of national importance are. To claim that janitor disguises is all you need to have access to America's hidden databases is just silly.
  19. IC(Leah) The thief scooped a handful of rings and necklaces into her jacket's inner pockets. "Thanks for the tip. If I end up needing to leave quickly I'll keep that in mind." Leah narrowed her eyes, tilting her head a bit. This wasn't a cop, obviously. As she grabbed a bracelet, she started giggling softly. "Rocking the yoga pants, I see. Mad props for that."
  20. IC(Norman) "Woah there, dude," he said to Kane, motioning to a cauterized civilian. "That is grossly unnecessary."
  21. Is there any way I could create a character in the Hellfire club?
  22. IC(Ryjak - Blackrock) "It will be done. However, traders seldom travel as alone as I will be. I must request that another of our Brotherhood accompany me. Maybe Jaaku? He and I would fare well in a fight should it come to that," he said, his tone calmer than before and his demeanor subservient.
  23. IC(Ryjak - Blackrock) "I would gladly act as a trader. Simply tell me when; Maedra and I will go."
  24. IC(Leah) The thief looked to the front of the shop- she herself was about halfway in. The whole building was about forty feet long, and twenty feet wide. "Nope!" she politely shouted back, reaching for her gun. She had decided fire would make a scene if she used it inside, whereas she intended to be long gone by the time the police caught wind of a gunshot.
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