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Status Updates posted by Relapse

  1. Can you review my comics?

  2. Changed everything. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Relapse


      ...infected mask?

    3. Let's Henshin!

      Let's Henshin!

      It's pretty good.

    4. Mef Man

      Mef Man

      Who are you again? Oh, King. I had to do the same as Onarax to tell who you were. :D


  3. Check again, bub.

  4. Come on, don't you see it's wrong/I'm waiting for you to stop what you've prolonged For far too long, don't you see you're hurting both of us/or was that your plan, to murder the trust I've tried to hold onto, because you're my brother/now I wonder I even ever bothered Woah, back in reality, logic and all/I guess this means one of us will have to fall I'll kill you before you blink, man/I'm done trying to swim or sink, man But what have I done?/feel lik...

    1. Relapse


      I'm through with this lie/not gonna bring down the sky

      Lose yourself in the fight/cause all heck starts tonight

      This combat's lasted through the age/but I'm gonna change what you call rage

    2. Relapse


      -Dedicated to Enaltai, March 3, 2012

  5. Comment if I should write another story!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Relapse


      Oh, THAT'S what that meant. XD


      So Adders doesn't want me to?

    3. The Dark Chronicler

      The Dark Chronicler

      I cast my vote!


      Yeah, I think you should write another.

    4. They


      write another.

  6. Congrats on full PE! I know you don't like praise but now you REALLY deserve it!

  7. Congrats on POBZPCship! Can't think of a whole lot of others who deserve it more.

  8. Congratulations on the news report proto boost!

  9. Cool, you put me in your sig. :)

    Thanks. :)

  10. Coolio. I sue my best judgement.


  11. Correct. Does that....mean something to you? I could make you a staff if you joined.

  12. Could you help me? Just look at my comment box for more details. I need another army, fast. You have a hunt on Zar, right? Get some others that are against him. I'm taking it to the Foirann.

  13. Could you send me some comic special effects by PM? I have a finale to finish!

  14. Couldn't even tell if he was saying anything. :P

  15. Couldn't think of a better word at that time. How narrow-minded.

  16. Counterjoke? BTW, you forgot about the lightning *gasp*

  17. Custom position. B)

  18. D-d-d-d-drop the base~

  19. D: I'm sorry.

    Actually, I'm doing quite well.

  20. Daedalus: Greek inventor, supposedly son of Athena. He killed his nephew, also a son of Athena, and lived to regret it. Made the Labrynth (or something like that) and is partly known for creating bronze wings capable of flight.

  21. Darn, they changed my name back. And I still have to wait 90 days.

    1. sunflower


      Dude, that sucks. :P

    2. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang


    3. BBBBalta


      aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh hahahaha

  22. Darn! Anyways, can't wait to see all the upgraded Sigpets.

  23. Darn... JUST REPLY THEN!!! :P

  24. Did you forget about my sheild?

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