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Peach 00

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Everything posted by Peach 00

  1. Peach 00


    Posted it just an hour or so ago. Reviews are appreciated.
  2. This is my first story that I'm going to be re-posting, just so that way I'm getting things started again. The people who viewed this on the old forums should know this story already. Plus, I must add that this is UNEDITED. In other words, none of the original spelling errors have been changed, so if anybody spots those, let me know. Enjoy. Nightmare The volcano rumbled violently as Tahu made his way up the steep cliff, nearly stumbling or falling over as the earthquake-like feeling made the ground quiver harder and harder as though it was going to crack. He edged his way across the area, trying to still maintain his balance as he gripped his swords. Though he may not have wanted to go to Voya-Nui to investigate and explore the area, he knew it was his ultimate duty if he were to survive or die in the process of searching the supposed-to-be forbidden island. Six of the Matoran on the island have said that there have been strange beings on the island, and some of the Matoran that used to be seen normally and regularly on the island had mysteriously disappeared. The remaining six Matoran had been trying to survive for their lives. Balta had been the Ta-Matoran. He had seemed to spend some time talking to the others, but then sometimes would disappear to try and make new weapons for the five others. Being an engineer like the Po-Matoran on the Resistance Team, Balta was one of the more useful Matoran to them all. In all, he seemed to be a good friend. Velika, the second engineer on the team and a great friend of Balta, he was also of significance, doing the same job Balta had: creating weapons for them. He had been friendly, open and welcoming and light-hearted even in the light of the strange disappearances that happened to other Matoran that once had been seen on Voya-Nui. He seemed to be more useful than he looked in appearance. Piruk was a scavenger, also a definite spy as a help to the six of them. He had been devious, even for a Le-Matoran, and also somewhat of a strategist like their Onu-Matoran leader. He didn't seem very smart, clever or intelligent when you would first see his appearance, but then you'd find you'd be terribly wrong. Piruk is definitely one of the cleverest Matoran on the Resistance Team, if not the cleverest as their spy. One of the other Matoran was Dalu, the Ga-Matoran on their team. She herself wasn't seen very often, but she was always around when meetings were said to be done at a certain date. Dalu would talk very often, nearly recalled to be a chatterbox sometimes. Though even because of this, she was still clever like her Le-Matoran comrade, also a very close friend of Balta's. The Ko-Matoran, Kazi, was a gazer, always trying to think of the future. As most Ko-Matoran usually are, he didn't talk much, not unless it was a rather interesting and great suggestion. He always would sit in his hut doing things with his telescope, writing things down in his journal, gazing up at the stars at interest. Kazi always seemed interested in the night sky for some reason, and it was something rather unknown to his colleagues. Last but not least, the leader of the Resistance Team, Garan. Though his size cannot compare to his ideas and strategies. He was the strategist on the team; including being the squad leader when exploring parts of the village with his five other comrades who would bravely join him in search for the villagers that once were seen on the island. While Tahu was reflecting on his meeting with the Resistance Team, he had then shook his head to realize the quivering of the ground had stopped, when he started to climb up the cliff once more. What had he been looking for? His foes, wherever they may be. Now that he thought of his mission on Voya-Nui, he thought of Gali, who he had wanted to spend time on Mata-Nui with if the mission hadn't been started. As stubborn as she was about loving Tahu, she couldn't stay this way forever, he knew. And trying to change her mind was impossible, unless he did something rather startling to excite her. Which, of course, she would never be impressed about anything he did. After all, he was a little bit of a hot-head when it came to his temper and power over fire, which made Gali dislike him it seemed. Don't be so pessimistic, Tahu thought mortifyingly to himself, angrily gnawing at his mind to get rid of this odd and reluctant topic that made him seem less-concentrated on his mission that needed the most amount of significant attention. Why do I think like this when I'm on a mission? Is it because she's not around? Because I love her too much that I can't stop thinking about her every minute of the day and that she already knows and doesn't care? Because I try to continue and annoy her to sweep her off her feet? Tahu had remembered that the rest of the Toa Nuva were on the island, but then ignored that fact. Seconds later he heard strange noises. Thump. Thump. Thump. It sounded faintly, but he could hear it from a distance. It grew louder every second, increasing and the noise multiplying. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump. As usual, it just increased, until an unexpected shake occurred at that moment. Tahu stumbled; fumbling to grip his swords as he nearly fell from his position. Trying to maintain his balance, Tahu tried to lean forward with all his might. With no hesitation, he then engaged the power of his Hau Nuva, when the rumbling of the ground was blocked finally, and gladly he sighed. Though he wasn't sure when he had to deactivate it. He simply turned off the power a minute or so later, when he realized the tremor had disappeared so suddenly. Bang! It sounded unexpectedly, blowing him back as he heard it. Tahu braced himself for the impact on the sloped rock cliff he'd feel when he'd hit the hard cold rock at a fast speed. The blast hit the area in the blink of an eye. What could it have been? It had seemed odd that no flames or anything had ignited when it happened, let alone the fact that he never saw anyone nearby. Perhaps it had something to do with the sounds he heard earlier. When Tahu had went to use his mask power before he hit the ground, he had seen a shadowed figure at the top of the cliff, red armor glistening in the light of the blazing golden sun that started to lower further on the horizon, the deadly blood-red sky adding to the effect. Tahu couldn't help but think what or who this was that stood there, holding a rather peculiar weapon in his hand. Though Tahu couldn't see it clearly, as his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy, having a terrible headache as he went to rise from the ground, even if he had been shielded from the impact. Something is oddly and awkwardly peculiar 'bout this guy, he thought suspiciously, then trying to run backward down the cliff in the middle of his dizziness, which wasn't the best of ideas. Bang! The sound made the ground shake once more, and with that Tahu was sent reeling down the sloped cliff. Dizziness struck him down again, making him confused and drowsy, weak and powerless, being thoroughly unable to use his mask power whatsoever. He tried to lift his head, but his head felt like it was clogged. Tahu couldn't lift his head, or his body for that matter. Blood trickled down his mask as he felt as though his mask was dented. It was unbearable, perhaps that he would die at this certain time. He breathed raggedly, his breathing increasing at a faster pace. The figure seemed to walk downward with ease, faster and faster the being's pace went. "Crushed, are you, Toa? What is your business here, weakling?" The words Tahu heard were faint, but he could hear them. Tahu was soon to die, it seemed obvious enough. As the being raised their weapon high in the air, Tahu closed his eyes as he awaited death that'd soon come to him. The weapon clashed with Tahu. The cold metal hit him, cutting through his flesh. Blood had seemed to splatter everywhere, and seconds later, Tahu's life faded. *** "Sir...?" The voice was heard, faint as it sounded and somewhat echoed to him. What had happened? It was confusion, as he was deeply perplexed in the situation. The voice had seemed to grow louder as it was repeated, and while this was, he tried to open his eyes. Drowsiness still overwhelmed him in his state, though he knew he was awake. Somehow... "Sir, wake up. You fell asleep," the voice repeated. "Now, how'd that happen...?" another voice chimed in, soft and questioning. "Eh, no big problem, really." once again another voice came, recognizable but vague in his groggy state. "It isn't too serious you mean? It's sort of odd how it happened so quickly, at first he looked like he was daydreaming then he just fell asleep," said a gentle and warm being, female. Instantly he realized it for some reason. Tahu snapped out of it, opening his eyes widely to see four figures above him, one of them Garan, the next Dalu, Pohatu and Gali. Her eyes glowed against the soft lightstone light to the Toa of Fire. He then went to try and rise, finding himself a little dizzy. Tahu tried to maintain his balance a little, when everyone backed away. Smiling, he then said with an optimistic tone, "I'm perfectly fine; just a nightmare that I had." Tahu had went to walk towards the long table in the middle of the large hut, putting his arm around Gali, who tried to shrug it off but then didn't bother. To Tahu, he was absolutely fine next to Gali. ***
  3. I know what you mean with the color. Sorry if I said it the wrong way, but I was just saying that I didn't want to attack the staff personally or anything about the colors - I know its default now that you've pointed it out. I'll read that now, so at least I get it. Thanks for letting me know about that.
  4. Peach 00


    You got a point, but I think I won't. Mainly because I want to focus a little bit on school. If I get far enough ahead, then I might try it. Otherwise, naaah.
  5. Agree with you on Arbiter's Grounds, although I liked that place more for the boss (FTW). Liked the Temple of Time, but the boss was lacking a bit. Also loved the Ice Temple (You are in a MANSION), and loved the last two temples. I got stuck a lot in the final temple, but the one before the last was awesome, the boss cool. But, to be honest, Zant and Ganondorf scared me a bit.
  6. Peach 00


    Eh, I don't think I'm going to do it. Writer's block intimidates me too much for me to get in.
  7. So, for the fun of it I decided I'd blog about BZP's new look. There's probably been five other members who did this before me, but eh, I don't care. =P I'm going to weigh in a little bit on the pros and cons, hopefully some people might comment and give some insight, too (which, might I add, is completely welcome). Read below for the review. The New Look Honestly, it's a bit dull - not much life in it. It's just blue and white. We need more flare. Blue and white are overused colors. I'm aware that the staff is going to be getting skins up, if I'm not mistaken, which might be better. But it would be nice if we some red here and their, or a really bright color. I'm not personally attacking the staff's decision with the color choice, but just saying. Forums and Their Home I like that the creative outlet is now its own forum area, with Art, Library, and RPGs and whatnot easy to find. They're all together. That's what it need to be. Before General Discussion was in the middle of it, which seemed out of place. Now it seems much better. And LEGO sets and Bionicle sets are together, which looks nice instead of it being a 'Non-Bionicle' area at the bottom. To me, the whole area is laid out better. Birthdays? People have birthdays? Yeah, I don't necessarily like that it's a content block at the side. Rather have all the member names at the bottom like it used to be; seems like now there's a list you have to look through in a BZP link. It was easier to read the birthdays off, go wish the people happy birthdays, and move on. Now it's click, click, click typetypetypetype now. I don't consider this a huge issue, but would be better the old way. Blogs I like the layout, but no favorites list at the top? I liked that I could instantly go to my favorite blogs, but now I've got to either search through pages and pages or add them to that list or whatever on an entirely seperate page. I have no clue how to add the blogs there. *shrug* Profiles are good, but... ...status? o.O Not sure why that's there, but I don't entirely dislike it. I don't see a huge need for it, but oh well. Either way, I like the profiles now, it's easy to see friends, check your blog, et cetera. It is more organized than before and easier to navigate through, honestly. *** Those are my views, so now for just a list of pros/cons now below. Pros ~ Yay, organization ~ Decent look ~ Forums/Subforums in their right places ~ Profiles look good and organized ~ Comments easier to track on profiles ~ Reply boxes are more fully-equipped ~ No having to worry about codes to put in! ~ Instant multiquote ~ IT'S BACK Cons ~ Colors are slightly dull ~ Dataclysm repeat, noooo ~ How do I favorite blogs? >.> ~ Newest blog entries of blogs I don't view? Eh, might not be too bad... ~ Quick reply should be an open/close box ~ Confusing instant PM system So in all... Pros outweigh the cons 9-6, yaaaay. Anybody is welcome to provide their own thoughts on BZP's new system.
  8. I was considering deleting it, but then I realized, 'nobody will read my blog nooo'. xD Agreed, although I sadly haven't play Portal 2. =P
  9. Good review, Grant. Sadly, I've never seen the show, so I can't really relate to what you're saying. =P However, you make good points about it. Characters sound interesting, original personalities with each. It being a kid's show, you can't expect it to be super interesting, although your review gives it a more interesting perspective. The characters sound almost adorable in their own way, and seem to make the show different than other cartoons. You're a good critic about things, and you definitely are always trustworthy with your judgement. Although I probably won't see the show, hopefully you'll draw in new viewers with this review. I'm anticipating more reviews to come.
  10. Likes: PM system, forum design, no more having to worry about doing codes Dislikes: dataclysm repeat, colors (kind of...dull) Not much to complain about or compliment.
  11. Just watched it. Awesome, all though it had some weak points. Action was sometimes a little cheap, but only at the beginning. Characters were cool, played well off each other. Also, I loved the CGI effects they did when they used the dagger. One thing I liked was that it wasn't a natural Disney movie. It wasn't like you could tell it was Disney, which made it better. Jerry Bruckheimer did a great job (Which also explains why it was so much like Pirates of the Carribean). In all, awesome movie. OK, movie review over. (Also, how come I have the feeling that I'm waaay late in watching this? )
  12. I agree with you about MM. It was different - new. That was what gave it its heart. It was something that was completely unrelated to Hyrule, so it was a fresh idea. Midna at the end of the game was...well, beautiful. =P But the hookshot was awesome, yeah. Double Clawshots were cooler, though, not to mention the Ball and Chain. Also, the Bow and Arrow's always great.
  13. Hahli Inika. She wasn't very special to me then, but now she is because she's what led me to buying other sets and finding BZP. I thing that's a huge debt to pay.
  14. Finished Twilight Princess a month ago, and loved it. Midna is an awesome character. Ocarina of time is the best, though, with Majora's Mask second (haven't beaten it, but awesome. Stone Tower = PAIN), and then TP. Wind Waker had its weak points, strong points, pros/cons, etc. Same with Minish Cap, and Four Swords I haven't completed. TP has the most memorable moments though, especially in the credits. Anybody have a favorite temple/weapon throughout all the games, though?
  15. Yeah, Tobias is just wrong sometimes, but is still a riot. Also, I agree with you there, not to forget Annyong. I now say that to everybody I talk to. XD
  16. I loved CoD3, 5, and 6, although Black Ops was a bit of a disappointment. Not bad, but just disappointing. The reason I found it disappointing is because the online was kind of lagging a bit, and was unenjoyable to play. If you don't have the right weapon, you're done for. Also, my highest round is 39 or something on Der Riese, and my brother made it to 64 on Shi No Numa with nothing but a Ray Gun and Wunderwaffe. O_O I was really disappointed with Moon, Kino Der Toten, and Call of the Dead. Didn't play Shangri-La, but it looked unenjoyable. Ascension, however, is awesome, but small corridor-like areas. Easy to get trapped, but thank goodness for lunar landers. =D Also, plus, I'm not considering getting MW3, because there's some gimmicks to it, like you have to go pick up a guy's dogtags after you kill him to confirm the kill. That will be annoying, because teammates will steal the dogtags, no doubt.
  17. It's got to be my favorite show of all time. I can't wait for the movie next year, although I haven't heard of a Season 4. That will be awesome, though. Anybody have favorite characters? Mine are probably Maeby, Gob, or Michael. Either any of those characters or the narrator. =P
  18. How come you learning to drive is scaring me? Also, I envy you when it comes to Portal 2. I'm waiting for it for christmas, hopefully I'll have it by then.
  19. Inferno is probably my favorite, although I haven't read many Bionicle books. Nonetheless, it's the most enjoyable one for me.
  20. This being my first time having a blog, I am completely confused with this process, lol. Either way, I'm now a part of the blog chain, so hi blogpeople!
  21. Peach 00

    Font Change

    Use the one before the last, I believe that's this, right? Or is that this? Either way, they look nice, despite small size...you could probably increase the size, but too much coding at that point. Either do those two, or go back to normal, but I like the Comic Sans MS.
  22. I would trade gamertags, but I don't have it yet. Gosh, darnnit, I want it now.
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