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Everything posted by Primis

  1. When life gives you lemons, keep them, because, hey, free lemons.
  2. Primis

    Why I Don't Watch Lost

    Heh, sorry about that; I'm just a huge LOST fanboy and I often go overboard defending it. My bad...
  3. Primis

    Why I Don't Watch Lost

    Excuse me, I must now rant. I will never understand why people say that about season three, they were answering questions. Funny that you say you dislike "useless characterization", yet then say your reason for quitting is because they killed off a character. Characterization is almost never useless; LOST, and stories in general, wouldn't be half as interesting without good characterization. And I don't understand why Charlie's death would make you stop watching, when: 1. His death was predicted in the beginning of the season; there was no way around that. 2. His death actually got something accomplished. Did you stop following BIONICLE when Matoro died? It's the same thing. "some of them were like, whoops, we're firing the actress, so lets just kill the character off too" - What did you want them to do? Keep the character alive with a different actor, and some ridiculous excuse for why they look different? That is what kills shows.
  4. Of all time? Sky by Ra, followed very closely by Give Me A Sign by Breaking Benjamin. This week? Shout 2000 by Disturbed.
  5. And like BIONICLE wasn't just re-branded Slizers?
  6. I think Chapter 20's image is the best, or maybe 14's. Regardless, Mata Nui Saga has some of the best art BIONICLE's ever had.
  7. So tearing him open is too violent, but giving him an agonizing death from a moon crushing his skull isn't? Strange. Reminiscent of Dune, awesome.
  8. THANK YOU! Hopefully this will euthanize that whole ridiculous argument.
  9. Primis


    It's on the DVD.
  10. Primis


    Well, not "boring", but i kinda think here was not enough talking. I'm guessing you never saw the original short film that it was based on? Not a single word is uttered in that, but it's still an excellent film. You don't need dialogue to tell a story.
  11. I don't believe that; I use my LCD monitor right before bed all the time, and I seldom have trouble falling asleep.
  12. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «My bad, I totally misinterpreted what you meant by saying the plague was murder. I feel like a moron now... Yeah, someone unleashing the plague does seem plausible. But hopefully there will be some awesome, unexpected twist at the end, and knowing Greg that's entirely possible.
  13. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I'm sure Greg already knows what's gonna happen, he doesn't just make stuff up as he goes along. Also, the disease being murder? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Murder is the act of killing someone, not losing your ability to dream.
  14. Primis

    Mass Effect 2

    To be honest, the fact that gathering money was so easy in the first one kinda bothered me. Just play a few side-missions, gather 1,000,000 credits, then buy top-of-the-line gear for your squad and you're set for the rest of the game. Far too easy. ME2's system makes it so you have to be careful with your credits, saving up so you can only get what you really want or need, and not just gobble up everything. Makes it much more challenging, and fun.
  15. Funny then how this "hoax" fooled every single fan of LEGO, including LEGO employees themselves. Funnier still that one of those "fake" videos was used as a promo ad for the game on the promo Toa Mata CDs, way back in '01. And even funnier still that LEGO used several of those "fake" screenshots in their video summaries of 2001-2003 that they posted back in 2006.
  16. (Assuming we're talking about the Legend of Mata Nui beta) Um, of course it exists. Where else did all those screenshots, videos and audio files come from? Plus another BIONICLE fansite actually shows the physical disk. Hardly a myth.
  17. Not sure if they're what you want, but there are a few pictures on the BS01 page.
  18. Psst... Greg didn't come up with that idea. It was in the original story bible written by Bob Thompson. I will never, ever understand why people so vehemently hate this concept. "They're not what you might've thought they were" does not mean "ignore all characterization you're witnessed in the last eight years, because it didn't count." So why does everyone think that?
  19. Primis

    Mass Effect

    If you liked the first Mass Effect, you're going to love Mass Effect 2. They took everything that made the original great, and improved it massively. As well as removed all of the problems that plagued the original.
  20. Primis

    Top 10 Bands

    I love how every response to someone else's list is "[bAND] SUCKS! I HATE THE BANDS YOU LIKE!" Also, Breaking Benjamin is NOT generic.
  21. Primis

    Top 10 Bands

    Breaking BenjaminRaThe LetdownShinedownDAUGHTRYFrom this point on, no particular order.Three Days Grace30 Seconds to MarsMatchbox TwentyWeird AlEvanescence
  22. And CHUCK. Everyone needs to watch CHUCK. (Everyone)
  23. Primis

    Blue Moon

    It's also a partial eclipse.
  24. I've been watching since it premiered, it's a great show. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Last episode was good, but I can't tell whether Nikola's new ability is magnetism or telekinesis.
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