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Everything posted by Primis

  1. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « I thought the exact same thing when I saw it.
  2. Primis

    Olookie What I Found

    I saw that too, as well as the accompanying .PDF file, but I wasn't sure if it would be okay to talk about it.
  3. Please tell me that this is going to be a real poster for sale on S@H. 'Cause that would be awesome.
  4. Primis

    A New Console

    inFamous and Prototype.
  5. You have an awesome avatar.

  6. I'm really looking forward to Avatar. 2009's been an excellent year for movies.
  7. This isn't just another immature boycott, though. Read this, it is entirely possible.
  8. If you're into RTS games, Command and Conquer 3 is very good. And Portal is available for download on the Arcade.
  9. Except for the fact that this was a recent decision...
  10. The poor book sales and subsequent cancellation are due to the deplorable advertising by Scholastic. If BIONICLE is indeed ending, the books did not contribute to it. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
  11. I thought the same thing when I saw the movie. But looking at these pictures now, they really don't look that much alike aside from the color scheme.
  12. The '06 comics were just as rushed. Heck, the '06 story in general was just as rushed.
  13. Comic 15. "You are not the first Toa." And Comic 21. Vakama had a vision of the Visorak. That's hardly convincing evidence; The movies are always released sometime in September or October, do you really expect the story to just stand still for three months?
  14. What's really funny is that the Stars Tahu set is probably just as big as the original Tahu Mata set.
  15. Primis


    According to the list you went Premier on May 24th, so that gives you twenty-one more days, November 24th.
  16. Do You Call My Name? ~ Ra Genocide ~ Ra
  17. Primis


    Behold the power of cheese.
  18. I only hope that they don't completely gloss over The Hunt, like the webcomic did.
  19. I wasn't jumping to conclusions, I DID check the OGD, and all I saw was Greg confirming Tahu was a Mata next year, I saw nothing about the gold pieces. Looking at it again, I still see nothing about Tahu becoming a super-Toa; It just says the gold pieces are canon, for all we know it could just be regular armor that happens to be gold. That makes no sense whatsoever. That's like saying 'Well this TV show gets a lot of viewers and fantastic ratings every week, so we're gonna cancel it.'
  20. I did check the OGD, I saw nothing about the golden pieces being canon, I must've missed that.
  21. Hooray for jumping to conclusions! Two things you should realize: BIONICLE Heroes was 100% non-canon.The gold pieces in the Stars sets, in all likelihood, are just incentives to buy all of them. Just like the silver Kanohi in '02, they don't mean anything.
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