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Axilus Prime

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Year 12

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About Axilus Prime

  • Birthday 10/25/1996

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    Bionicle (obvious, though lately I haven't been into it, for reasons that are also obvious), Transformers (Movies, WFC/FOC, Prime), Halo, and some other stuff.

    Oh, were you expecting this to be longer? It was before, but it was also out of date at that time. So, which would you prefer? :P

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Master of Poison Loose

Master of Poison Loose (167/293)

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  1. Rewatching Mask of Light. The Matoran voice acting is horrible and Onua is very mischaracterized. All the characters are also much worse at fighting than the comics or books portrayed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yeah, he was shown in the movie as better than all the other Toa were in the books and comics. Took on three Rahkshi by himself. Tahu was portrayed in the movie as a total cool dude unfit for leadership.

    3. Makuta Luroka

      Makuta Luroka

      Matau was also an absolute cool dude in LOMN. I really liked Kopaka's one-liner, and that I can deliver it with such a voice to make P~M question his masculinity

    4. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      I can deliver many lines from many characters in various things, Transformers especially, but I need a high quality mic (which I do not have) to make it sound the way it does in person. The better the mic I use, the closer it sounds to how it's supposed to. Unfortunately my only medium quality mic doesn't work for laptops.

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