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Lord Oblivion

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Status Updates posted by Lord Oblivion

  1. Yeah I sadly am not working on any new MOCs due to school but I start during Friday sometimes Thursday

  2. It'd alright anti :) Thanks bro :D

  3. *reads below comment*

    Grant Twain Sud. Has a ring to it :P

  4. Lol cats like to do that xD My friend used to have 3 adult cats I felt like we had to always watch our step whenever we went to his house lol

  5. Your featured on the main page Brah B)

  6. I just did :P Sorry though ;_;

  7. what's up? I'm invisible :P

  8. Ozz noess your PMship ran out ;_; Im sorry about that dude.

  9. I'm a samurai and I kill ninjas :P

  10. Congrats you soon to be POBZPC :P. You should get me lifetime too >_> :P

  11. Hey T11 It's LO the reason you can't see me is cause I'm invisible XP

  12. My christmas was awesome B) hbu? :P

  13. Scary how you can blog yet your not premier O_o

  14. Everything going good dude? :D

  15. Did I mention how your personal pic scares the makuta outta me :P

  16. I'd rank you as one of my favorite BZP staffies :3 just cause of your awesomeness (and hilarious way moving topics :D)

  17. spelled mean wrong :P

  18. *reads PS* your strange :P

  19. Whos this noob I see :P

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