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Lord Oblivion

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Status Updates posted by Lord Oblivion

  1. I really hope we'll see you more here Ret :)

  2. I see your going private now B)

  3. havent talked to ya in a while dude ^_^

  4. You scared me :P So getting close to buy lifetime pmship? :3

  5. *Awesome slash slashes through dynamite* you forgot to lite it :P.

  6. Good nice to cya here :P

  7. That was a compliment right? (sorry if I seem kinda mean about this comment I'm just confused XD)

  8. Oh ok then :P Oh btw I love the job your friends did in the Mummy movies lol :)

  9. Cant believe it took me until today to figure out your from Cali too :P

  10. That sounds Awesome!!! I am hosting a contest on LU maybe u could join it?

  11. *calls ghostbusters* :P

  12. Lol took me long enough XD. But now its 446 ;_;

  13. Uses a shield to richote the bullet too you :P both of you noobs can't handle me >:P

  14. Theres lots of them :P Even a guy named swarzeneggar XD

  15. Then we must do battle :P CAuse I like Itachi more >=P Kakashi is still my #2 though lol

  16. lol I'm not changing XD. Anyways I' a freshman :3 yet I look like a sophmore, so no one picks on me >:D

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