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Everything posted by TheSkeletonMan939

  1. There are a lot of people in BIONICLE who did a lot of horrible things. They don't deserve redemption. The Barraki tried to overthrow Mata Nui. That's unforgivable. Miserix is only "good" because he didn't want to lose his leadership status to Teridax. He did anyway.
  2. Of course not. You - we - have no authority to tell Greg what and what not to do with his story.
  3. That was a Templar creation. That's a better example. Forgot about that one.
  4. If you think that happened in MNOLG 2, then yes, Your memory is more than terrible. MakuXHuki? I guess? Muddy romantic subplots made my stomach shudder...
  5. That's different. LEGO was in potential legal trouble for using that and other words stemming from the Maori language. So they changed those words to be less offensive. If the Maori had been all right with LEGO yanking words from their language, they would have stayed as "Tohunga". And Greg would not have stroked his beard one morning and changed the name to Matoran for kicks. The story team did it only because they had to. Legally. It was a retcon by necessity, not necessarily for story purposes. If Greg had changed the name to Matoran because he felt like it one day, that would be proper justification for "[setting] precedent". You're changing the situation by taking it out of context.
  6. Ding ding. You win. Too many people think of this in terms of normal people logic when tackling this storyline concept instead of thinking in Great Being logic. Then what do you buy?
  7. It's kinda ironic how Lego Ideas is about being creative, but the only creations that reach the goals are the ones based off of other companies' properties.
  8. No. It sorta bothers me when they needlessly change characters like that.
  9. Don't worry, I brought one! .... oh, you meant poll. I think only Premier members can make those, though why they give normal users the option to waste time typing out all the poll options confuses me too.
  10. How much data from the MNOLG do you think they have? Aside from some sketches, concept art, and the final game, probably not much. They don't even have the original music files anymore... bad hard drives, cracked disks, old computers, etc. are not kind to the files on them. So if they have barely that, how much nothing from LOMN would they have?
  11. This is the Bionicle I've always wanted, but Lego never made... Wait, it says "BIONICLE OF WAR 2". Was there a first "BIONICLE OF WAR"? Do action figures have sequels?
  12. That's not going to work: - What does money have to do with this? - LEGO has its own agenda regarding BIONICLE, and they aren't going to jeopardize it by hunting down a 15 year old unfinished game that officially doesn't really exist. - Plus they don't have the rights to release it on their own... right? - It'd be bad publicity for them too, since it works only on very specific machines and is, of course, broken. It doesn't meet their standard of quality, even though that gets lower by the day...
  13. There are users here who say they could probably fix up the game's code to make it playable past that point. But when the game is made public (when, not if! I HAVE FAITH!) we'll see how much they're really able to do.
  14. Mm-hmm. No matter where you land, it kills you. Probably a messy hitbox or something.
  15. Not sure about how I'd write it... but I wish that Lego would give fans a clearer look at Okoto. Like, through a video game or something. Wasn't there a 3D Mata Nui Explorer thing once upon a time? I want something like that, but for Okoto. Ah! The best way to make a quick buck!! Are you trying to make me laugh so hard that I suffocate? Because all you're doing is helping me picture a kid with school-short hair, at least one older, more popular sibling, and a need to sound more mature than his peers at all costs. Really, you should just stop before you really humiliate yourself. This thread is fun I like it! Keep going at each other, guys! Don't leave us hanging!!
  16. The "typo" thing was something I've heard regrading Orde being male. Which is why Greg made a complicated backstory regarding why he isn't female like the rest of his element. Not saying that's true or not, it's just the word on the street.
  17. It pulled the Ignika in from the MU. It could have done the same for Pahrak-Kal. Nah, the Ignika was launched into space by the MU. Wasn't just gravity. Of course. But you could argue that the Ignika could have been pulled in to the planet, and not gone somewhere else, by the immense gravitational influence of Bara Magna.
  18. It pulled the Ignika in from the MU. It could have done the same for Pahrak-Kal.
  19. I'd take Bionicle physics over Earth physics any day. You guys think about this stuff too hard.
  20. Have ANY seasons of Ninjago been released on Blu-Ray? Yes. But the audio quality was embarrassingly atrocious...
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