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Everything posted by TheSkeletonMan939

  1. If you've ever read A Wrinkle in Time: That's what Makuta wanted to do. Sort of "skip" a portion of time so that he could accomplish his goal in (what his mind and body would perceive to be as) much, much less time.
  2. I found a 2003 Bionicle sticker book in the back of some book store shelf in 2009.
  3. Oh good. At least they're keeping a tighter leash this time around.
  4. And how do you know G2 isn't part of a much bigger story that's been pre-planned?
  5. I don't get it when people say this. How intricate was the initial storyline in 2001? More or less it was at G2 levels of simpleness. The MNOLG and the comics were pretty much the only storyline sources, and their plots weren't necessarily vast or chaotic, with multiple plotlines weaving in and out of each other. There were mysterious goings-on that were hard to comprehend, no doubt - like the Red Star, or the mysterious impassable layer in the Onu-Koro mines - but overall there was nothing remarkably complicated about the G1 storyline when it started out. Give G2 some time to develop. It's possible that it could similarly go into Pirates 3 levels of plot-thickness (though I really doubt it).
  6. lol Here's a YouTube exchange between Lego and someone. Meanwhile I hear episode 11 is viewable. Is it really so hard to give the YouTube guy a schedule? What happens is that they're given the video files, they upload it to YouTube as they're supposed to, but forget to make the video private until the date they're supposed to premiere. I wonder if anyone was fired in January after the first nine episode popped up early.
  7. Nathan Furst's complete scores to the film trilogy. That's probably impossible tho'.
  8. I wish they'd release some music samples from these shorts...
  9. The way I understand it is that not Greg, but the original story team had a very clear idea of who and what Mata Nui was right from the very, very, very beginning, and in turn who/what the Matoran were. We received the information in a backwards sort of way, but it was probably not envisioned that same direction. And keep this in mind: Huki/Maku were only a couple in the Templar stuff.
  10. When you're a robot programmed to make sure the Great Spirit is all up and running it doesn't do well to have a special someone in the way of your work. That's the way I see it. The Great Beings wanted one less distraction for the Matoran to drive them away from their work. That's why Metru Nui, the "brain" of Mata Nui, had the Vahki. It was imperative that those Matoran especially not become too comfortable with the world around them. Remember, the Great Beings never wanted to create too sentient of life forms. The Matoran and Mata Nui had one endgame: fixing the Great Beings' home. The Matoran were not created as a test project or some sort of experiment. It was a last-ditch all-or-nothing gamble, and the GBs wanted to be able to lessen any risks of failure.
  11. Matoran are not built to have romantic affection for each other. Simple as that. They can love each other the way family and friends would, but they have no concept of romance. Agori/Glatorian/Skrall are a totally different case of course.
  12. But...my DVD copy has that ending? Does it contain actual clips from LoMN? Cartoon Network had a special airing that, along with showing Takanuva light the way to the island, included teaser clips. If it turns out your DVD actually does contain that version, I must know where you got it. Yeah, where it says "My Island Home re-found" as Takanuva, Jaller, & Hahli (I think) step out into the light and then Takanuva shoots a beam of light from his mask that goes across the oceans, through clouds and hits the coliseum of Metru Nui; then the credits happen. I bought it a couple years on Amazon.com Wait, your ending is exactly like this?
  13. This was confirmed by the way.Why didn't they put "the seventh toa" on the box :s Dunno. The name of the seventh Toa still could have leaked early, as part of the toy's description or something. Better safe than sorry.
  14. I think the real-world reason he's Takanuva is so that no one would discover the name and piece together that Takua was the Toa of Light before the film was out.
  15. Whoever buys that Style Guide better be able to capture VHS footage... I'm still hoping for a soundtrack CD to go up. Very, very unlikely, but not impossible...
  16. WOAH. I can't believe I never knew that before. And here I thought it was always robots programmed to bid always higher than you.
  17. Storyboards and sets? Laaaame. I want CDs for the complete scores to all four films.
  18. JonTron and PBG roocccckkk! The occasional Dunkey is funny too. There's also this YouTuber called TheSkeletonMan939 who uploads trailer music and other neat stuff. Check him out. Actually he's Hidden Block. Same difference though. Cracked used to be funny. Like, before 2013.
  19. It's fine. They had Nazi soldiers in the Indiana Jones sets, didn't they? And Star Wars has "military themes". You're just not going to see sets based on a real war, or a fictional war with people getting shot and killed regularly.
  20. The soundtracks to the MNOLG, the Bohrok & Bohrok-Kal animations, and MNOLGII were composed by Justin Luchter, who frequently collaborates with Templar. Hardcastle only did the Power Pack. Templar was likely given The BIONICLE Music by Lego to use. Templar probably does not have the opening stinger in higher quality, if at all. They barely have any of their old Bionicle music - the master files are damaged/nonexistent at this point. If Templar didn't make that stinger themselves, then it's probably borrowed from some stock sound design library.
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