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Everything posted by TheSkeletonMan939

  1. Wow! Color me impressed! Xonar is also working on a restoration of the 2001 site, but I'm not sure how far along he's gotten so far.
  2. It's really fun to look at all this old material, and inspect its contents with the storyline knowledge we have today. Kind of fascinating to see how simple it all was back then.
  3. That makes sense. I don't think they meant that Toa are literally weakened by the mere presence of the opposite element (like Superman and kryptonite), but that they were less resistant to it. I can imagine Kopaka getting much more tired out in Ta-Koro much more quickly than, say, Onua.
  4. The music hasn't been released in any way, shape of form. I am not amused!
  5. Because kids don't like words in movies. Kids just action and KA-BOOM! SMASH! AIEEEE! At least, that's what filmmakers think.
  6. I think there are unused Ta-Matoran textures somewhere too... I'll get ahold of Vahkiti and ask him about it some time.
  7. "SkeletonMan, you've been working on that for five hours, you have to go back to work." "No."
  8. Destiny War... it was the culmination of a lot of the side-stories that had been going on in serials. Takanuva's Blog was also great fun to read. Every Monday and Thursday, a new entry.
  9. I think it's only hidden in the PS2 version. There were originally going to be six Mata and six Nuva levels... I think it was going to be canon too.
  10. But that's what all the cool kids are into these days, man.
  11. It's Warner Bros. They'll make Lego sets out of any properties they can.
  12. That was post-production! I did them in Flash in the older ones and it was absolute heck to get things to work right. Good man. Never do today what you can do in post.
  13. Did you program the sounds into the actual Flash animation or did you add them in in post-production?
  14. According to Vahkiti BIONICLE: The Game has unused levels hidden within its code as well.
  15. Why do they do that? Let people discuss what they'd like. I too would like BZP to stay less run by boxes and more by the members.
  16. Then get rid of the Ninjago subforum. If it's "struggling", why keep it around? The media subforum could be split into "Bionicle" and "Everything Else". People would probably only talk about Ninjago and Chima in "Everything Else" anyway.
  17. Ditto. Bring back the software forum but have it encompass all Lego media.
  18. Bota Magna, because I think it's the only place in the Bionicle story that doesn't get completely demolished at one point or another.
  19. 2008 is a perfect embodiment of this. - Comics - Books - Children's short read books - An online story - Web serials - Web animations All communicating a very busy yet very focused story year. It was wonderful to watch it all unfold.
  20. Is that another pop culture reference I don't understand?
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