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Everything posted by TheSkeletonMan939

  1. Is that why the MU seemed that way? Or is it because Farshtey moved the plot along so aggressively that there were few moments where the characters could interact with each other on a personal level?
  2. They're not emotionless; they just have no concept of romance.
  3. Jay Vincent used to share a crazy amount of music through his SoundCloud and/or YouTube. He stopped when around when season three started. And I guess the soundtrack album didn't sell well enough for Varèse to make a second volume. Oh well...
  4. Teridax's theme. This would be a good opening for Dark Mirror.
  5. A well-deserved win for the two composers. They bring in hummable motifs, surprising energy, and incredible range for their musical score to the series.
  6. 1) Release all of Justin Luchter's and Nathan Fursts's Bionicle compositions.
  7. These things are always cool to look at; thanks for sharing!
  8. I like the older Lego games because they're simple. Get from Point A to Point B, and maybe grab the bonus stuff along the way. The enjoyment game from playing the game, not from listening to poorly utilized dialogue. The dialogue, overworlds, and the lack of defined levels really is a step backwards in my eyes. _____ I wonder how much they had to pay Harrison Ford to once again act for a character he can't stand.
  9. mfw these sorts of threads are still being made... If you hate G2 why waste your time with it? Why not read some old Farshtey stuff if you want some Bionicle enjoyment?
  10. Wow, do they still use that? I remember it from like 2005.
  11. In a way it did have a lot of depth. Not the same type of depth as 2008 and '09, when we had books, movies, comics, story serials and Ask Greg to overdose ourselves with. But 2001-3 had depth in terms of what one could gleam from the lore and fragmented stories of what had happened in the past. Kind of like the story for The Legend of Zelda series. Until recently very little concrete information was given, but people then and now took pieces and tied them together to create (sometimes mind-blowing) theories. I don't care at all for G2 and never will. But you can't deny that it's riding on G1's coattails for its success. In 2001 when the toyline started Lego had to be very good about making sure the toys had a background that was engrossing in its mysteriousness. They don't have to try as hard now.
  12. It's a second-rate remake, just like so many other things today. What more can one expect, sadly?
  13. Dude, I joined in 2010. Were people here that disgruntled by the Phantoka/Mistika concept?
  14. Or maybe a full animation exists, but it was cut into pieces for the various promo videos, and the full one was never used.
  15. What was the "Mistika divide"? It sounds tantalizingly silly.
  16. I actually like this idea. It's not as if it takes away his "quirk" or his worth as a character. Although Tamaru seems completely fine with heights in the Bohrok animations. Maybe he was just freaking out on the inside, though.
  17. ... I don't know about 2008, but I know there was a video that spoiled 2009's ending.
  18. good theory 10/10 Edit: wow, I just realized I've been on BZP for FIVE SIX WHOLE YEARS now... yesterday was my BZP birthday. Time sure flies...
  19. In that case, they've been doing the same prank over and over for years. I wonder when they'll realize it isn't very funny.
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