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Status Updates posted by BioCry

  1. I saw your Hero Factory ones from a long time ago.

  2. Yeah. I can see that. :P

  3. Not much. I've seen that you've written some new epics. Also I just finished my comedy for the Pole Vault Contest. Would you mind taking a look at it and give me some feedback?


  5. Oh! and I'm goin' to Legoland tommarow. Hopefully, I'll be able to some pictures and put them up here for those who've never been there. :)

  6. Hello Miss Ex-Empress.

  7. Um. You might want to change your signature because I found a cuss word in it.

  8. Merry (Late) Christmas! :P

    Also, Happy New Year!

  9. ._. comics? maybe...?

  10. Um, I guess. But, I'll need your spritesheet. So, you'll have to PM me that.

  11. Your drawings are AWESOME! I wish I could learn how to draw like that.

  12. Oh, sorry about that. I fail so badly at this.

  13. Bwaaah. All the stuff that I didn't write is gone! D:

  14. What sprite kit did you use to make your avatar?

  15. Ooops, I think your avatar confused me. I found the guy I was talking about, but don't worry. Your drawings are still really good.

  16. BioCry

    Wow, your drawings ARE AWESOME!!

  17. Cherrio, ol' chap. XD

  18. Aw man, so close. XD

  19. You heard correctly.

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