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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Aderia

  1. Hello friend! Wanna go to the movies?? J/K let's take a nap at the cemetary!!! >=D

    1. otter


      There's a long line, people are just dying to get in.

  2. Hello friend. I have a question for you. What’s your favorite game? Mine’s called Following You Without You Knowing. >=D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aderia


      I can see you in general >=D

    3. Grant-Sud


      The windows to my room... ARE open right now. And it's dark outside.... AHHHHHHH!!!!

    4. Aderia


      D= Why are you telling me things I could see for myself!

  3. "One more day on my own. One more day with him not caring. What a life I might have known! But he never saw me there."

    1. Velox


      I love that song. ^_^

    2. Aderia


      sooooooo much love <3

  4. "And although I know that he is blind, still I say, there's a way for us."

    1. Grantaire


      Eponine > Puppy.



    2. Aderia


      shut up, you bigoted cat person. i love puppies D=<

    3. Grantaire


      Do you disagree with my statement? :P



  5. hrmmm trying to teach myself to write with my non dominant hand. it's a lot harder than i thought

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BenLuke


      I applaud you effort, as I can barely write with my normal hand as it is.

    3. Space: Ocean of Awe

      Space: Ocean of Awe

      I can sympathize with you.

    4. Protodite Karzahni

      Protodite Karzahni

      I'm trying the exact same thing. Though I'm starting to realise college isn't the best place to practise. I'm having trouble reading my notes now... =/

  6. ITS THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!!!!!!!! happy birthday buddeh =)

    1. Grantaire


      *groans as he picks himself out of the wall the yell blew him into*




      And thank you. ^.^

  7. *giggles*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aderia
    3. Razgriz


      Awww snap


      you're in for a world of torment now buddy


      I warned you about the ducklings bro


      I told you dawg

    4. otter


      You should've warned me better.

  8. cheesecake brownies with nutella drizzle, because I know you care, BZP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      By the time you find these sweets the world will have already created the cheesecake browny teleporter...

    3. Grantaire


      True; I'd most likely have to retrieve them from someone's stomach. :/

    4. Razgriz


      come at me bro

  9. Hey! Welcome to the ECC! Its awesome to have you on the team, I may have mentioned before. But you totally need to add us on Skype, so we can have an official induction ceremony. We're awesome people, I promise.

  10. (lemme see ya do the cupid shuffle)

  11. Aderia

    holy wowness!! supder duper congrats on your promotion!!!! =D

    1. GSR


      Thanks! I'm still pretty surprised myself, haha.

  12. Aderia

    You're a fully fledged ECC member now =D Congrats, you definitely earned it!!

    1. GSR


      Thanks! And I never got around to saying it, but your new set/username is awesome. Mal was such a great character/antagonist.

  13. “Do you know what it is to be a lover? To be half of a whole?”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grant-Sud


      I was totally expecting an Arthur theme. ;D

    3. Aderia


      hehehe, I watched Inception again just for JGL <3 But I threw a curveball at you all with this name change. Unpredictable!

    4. Razgriz


      No I like being complete thank you very much

  14. Hey. Hey Dov! Guess what! nice name change =D

  15. =D You wrote a COT Epic!!!! You're my favorite person ever!

  16. listening to 'phantom of the opera' soundtrack in french. its so beautiful!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aderia


      well, yes. but i vaguely remembered something about no other languages allowed on bzp for censoring rules so...yeah. but touche

    3. Naina


      Haha, true. :P

    4. Naina


      We should totally talk to each other in French off BZP.

  17. So. Under your 'Interests' section on your profile overview, when you're listing things you love, you should put, "i love capitalization'

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      shift is only one letter away from a very mean word


      can't be coincidence

    3. Aderia


      bzpower, hail your resident genius ^^

    4. Razgriz


      hey now


      let's not forget who taught him the ways of nocaps

  18. I want to hatch ducklings in real life. If 'because it would be totally amazing' doesn't convince people, I'll say it's an independent study for a biology course.

    1. Naina


      Ducklings are cute. As long as they're small.

      When they get older, they stop trying to peck your shoelaces and start trying to peck your head. :P

      (We have ducks/geese at school. They're horrid hissy creatures that attack everyone in range.)



      ^ imagine if they were giants!!

    3. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Not if you train them for military combat.


  19. Hey!! I was away on your birthday! So, five days belated, happy birthday!! =) better late than never, right?

    1. Steelsheen


      Aw, thanks, Aderia!

  20. Zar! butcher more poetry for me =P

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aderia


      okay, I give up. You win. You will not drag me farther into your one-man literalist cult.

    3. Grantaire


      ...One man?


      I deny that, there are more of us.


      And we're watching you...



    4. Aderia


      Says the creepyface. Nice new avatar, btw.

  21. Eggshell garden, woot! I'll have it up on my blog soon :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Aderia



    3. Grantaire


      ...Poor things. ;.;

    4. ~Xemnas~


      Mmm... eggs. Did you eat the eggs and keep the shells?

  22. i'm feeling a wave of narcissism coming on --> hour later --> omg an actual profile with actual information

    1. shadow pridak money gang

      shadow pridak money gang

      Whatever happened to 'no judge zone?' :cccccc

    2. Aderia


      Ahaha, you already know you can't be thought of as anything but 'genius' ;)

  23. I'm sorry, I sound like a broken record, but I really love the quote blocks in your blog.

    1. Grantaire


      You're bias. :P

    2. Aderia


      Me? Nahh, I would never

  24. Zar, d5on't you agree, I make y5our profile 5feed look goo5d?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aderia


      should I quote what readers digest says about laziness? it had something to do with obesity too.

    3. Grantaire


      We could both counterquote or do neither. Your pick. :P

    4. Aderia


      i was kidding, i don't actually read the reader's digest

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