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Gamzee Makara

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Status Updates posted by Gamzee Makara

  1. hahAhAh... WaIt, WhAt?

  2. I'm a perfectionist like that. :P

  3. oH wHoA, wHeRe'D yOu Go, KaN?

  4. In case you were being serious, FauxMonstur made the art in my banner, and her stuff's on deviantART if you want to check it out.

  5. Ah yeah, "Questions Only" is always one of the more hysterical ones. I'm actually watching the episodes online right now. :P

  6. I can thank Whose Line Is It Anyway for that one. That was a good show, I wish it was still around. All the performers would be old, though. :P

  7. This just in:

    Nine out of ten people will always agree that there will always be one person out of ten who will disagree with the other nine!


  8. And yet, there's probably someone who would disagree. :P

  9. Oh, whoops. :P I forgot to check up for that.

    Now, what was it that I "did again?"

  10. Welcome to BZPower! I wish you a pleasant stay! :D

  11. Welcome to the magnificent BZPower!

  12. TC= Topic Closed, eh? Guess people had better watch out for me, then. >=D

  13. Code Geass was the only Anime show that I made it all the way through. It was pretty darn good.

  14. Inorite? :3

    I just came across it randomly on another site. Bonus! :D

  15. Nah, I'm one of those people with the strict parents who think video games melt brains. :/

    So no, I've never really gotten into that kind of thing, unfortunately.

  16. So were you planning on going back to anything MSPA after John Arrow?

  17. That personal picture of yours is awesome, too. Where'd you get that?

  18. I believe I found it on dA.

  19. Lol because you actually read it. :P

  20. wHoA tErEzI, yOu DoN't LoOk ToO bAd In ReD!

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