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Rahkshi Guurahk

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Guurahk

  1. Ohai Clarinets are cool. =P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. McNugget


      Bass Clarinet being the only exception

    3. Rahkshi Guurahk

      Rahkshi Guurahk

      I play both of those so I can agree with the second. =p

    4. McNugget


      I cool

      I play both too

  2. Ohey I actually lived through this =D This game was fun, thanks for hosting it Ehks!
  3. I point out to those on your hype train that G3 probably wouldn't end up being for a while. This sudden change in velocity sends your mask flying forwards to me. My mask.
  4. ooh yay, I liked that. Slizer Mafia 3 looks like it'll be fun, especially if there's even more random song quotes. (also am I the City Slizer already? =P ) And on that Adamsian humor that there's a bit of-I like it.
  5. I vote Underscore. Also, the Prince should at least let Luroka finish speaking.
  6. sorry to break it to you, but ehks didn't hire me to write these scenes I'm in an honor band this weekend so far so my thought processes are kinda scrambled. =PSoooorrryyyy, both of you :3 Which honor band?District, County, or State? None of the above actually. =P For a college. District Honor Band is this weekend though. =D
  7. sorry to break it to you, but ehks didn't hire me to write these scenes I'm in an honor band this weekend so far so my thought processes are kinda scrambled. =P Soooorrryyyy, both of you :3
  8. Sorry Taka, even if Voltex made your character sympathetic you've still gotta have them die. Voting Taka. EDIT: I have no idea why I wrote Voltex there, whoops. Sorry Ehks.
  9. how can you drink the sweetened dishwater that is sweet tea? normal tea is good but iced/sweet tea is revolting. and i say that as someone who lives in the south. ...wait, what was this topic about again? something about political intrigue and scary half-masked protectors right? I also live in the south and agree, I don't like sweet tea at all. Normal tea is okay, I guess.
  10. The computering and grammar is not with me today. I blame Winter Band Camp.

  11. Oooh, this is looking to be a very fun game. Good luck to everyone involved! (additionally, that "All men must die" comment is rather foreboding considering the last time I heard that it was in a piece of music written by someone criticizing the world he was living in at that time. And rather understandably. Also yes i know the phrase is from the series, but that's not where I originally heard it.)
  12. your PM title is atrocious and you deserve the inevitable death that will come for you in this game I regret nothing. =D Besides, I could do much worse than "RG's Stats and such: Season 2." ...I don't think that would be very advisable though. edit: "WHEN YOU SIGN UP, you need to send me a PM. The PM should be titled “BZPGOT: (Your Display Name)”. This will make it easier for me to keep track of the PMs, which you will be using throughout the game for making moves, as well as receiving information from me." I have eyes, I swear.
  13. RG (II, I guess? I need to figure out how I'm related to the previous me.) of House Coal, signing up for a spot in fire region. Typing up a PM now.
  14. Well this is a very good thing to cheer me up after not getting into all state tonight/last night. (my audition was at about 11:30 so I can almost call it today, lol.) Some random comments on how in character I am followed by the rest of it: "but both times RG had apparently not understood the sudden topic change." Why is this completely in character for IRL me not noticing that at times? =P Nato glanced over at RG (and boy was that making him question his sanity. Why was he asking RG to help him make sense of the world? All RG ever worried about was his collection of saxophones). Obviously, RG was just as clueless as he was. I've been sane and aware of everything? I never realized that was possible. =P Additionally, I find it rather fitting how Voltex can easily be on the throne within just a week. = P But yeah that was really great! Can't wait for chapter 3! =D
  15. I'm also going to be voting Vox per the reasons above. And if you're not guilty Vox, sorry, and I'll listen to what you said in your defense.
  16. ^This, it was very interesting to read. And that would be pretty cool, as a bit of a nod to the expansion of our lore.
  17. I'm sure enough that I want more. =P
  18. That was...interesting. In a good way.
  19. You're a ghost, I'm just simply not even in existence at this point in time because I didn't get into the signups. =p But yeah I do agree, the Stone Region seems like the correct choice here. hopefully all of you live through this.
  20. *waits slightly more patiently after always being told in mafia I'm impatient* (=P) But yeah I am really excited for this game. I'm just worried about the fact I'm going to be very busy in part of April and how that can screw up my playing maybe.
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