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Rahkshi Guurahk

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Everything posted by Rahkshi Guurahk

  1. half-right, at least. i mean, an innocent died...but a wild card went down, too. So much of a wild card that he was busy preparing for a concert and didn't get to log on. =P
  2. Out comes Bionicle gen 2. (Hmm, that transition sounds familiar. =P) In goes a 78 record of Sigurd Rascher playing the Saxophone. (that's very oddly specific but oh well.)
  3. October by Eric Whitacre is a great piece of music. That is all.

  4. Why do I enjoy AMAs a lot but generally not think of good questions only when I'm reading one? =P
  5. I'm voting you back because I also don't have a clue but I want to save my hide.
  6. Spot 23 please. Also as an observation, Hiker Mike seems to be a very powerful role.
  7. My main instrument is AltoI said Bari because the thing looks more like a weapon than a instrument. CONFESSIONToaTimeLord, killed Night 3 by Baritone Saxophone.
  8. The band trip went great! =D We just got back.

  9. ^That's why I abstained from voting.Also because I had a really fun band trip. =D
  10. So I visited Carnegie Hall today and I can't even

  11. NYC, excitement. Band trip is in NYC right now and it's great!
  12. This is really tough for me to decide, but probably West Side Story I guess? (ugh so many choices that's hard.) I tend to like Bernstein's music a lot so that's probably why. =P That's really nice of you to give a premier away! Hope whoever gets it likes it.
  13. Sleeplessness, excitement. (Sleeplessness because of homework, excitement because of band trip starting Saturday.)
  14. Summary of me in band currently: "Schuman y u do dis"

    1. FrozenFlash


      "Aw, I can't believe you done this."

  15. I kinda have been busy this week. sorry. (Yay this month is so busy)
  16. yeeee watching nightmare before christmas

    1. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      The best thing about that movie is that you can watch it both for Halloween and for Christmas

  17. So will I, even if I'm keeping the game itself unspoiled for myself.
  18. I vote we kill my corpse. Wait a second... =P
  19. When there's actually a Homestuck Upd8

  20. I vote myself. Wait a second... =P >inb4 I manage to set up everything while in band
  21. Also as a random comment, INTJs seem to be the most likely to both believe without any grains of salt, and to bring it up to others. ...I also suppose that's why I know that. =P
  22. OH! I have that problem too some times with autocorrect, plus it likes to make guesses about what I'm typing that make no sense.
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