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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by BBBBalta

  1. I don't really see the wisdom in lynching anyone on the first list since there's no guarantee any of the suspects are Mafia members. Unless someone presents substantial evidence otherwise, I vote Null/Abstain for Maliceghost's murder. For the Lloyd's murder I'm not going to vote yet. Ehks' reasoning for choosing Kranan seems sound, but I'm not entirely sure.
  2. So I'm about to go catch Yveltal - what's a good Nature for it?
  3. That link points to the old Bionicle Media Project site, so the game would presumably be on the current site as well. BMP is down at the moment, though according to this topic it should be back soon. I don't know if there's another place to download it in the meantime, though I think I have it saved on my computer and could probably send it to you through Skype if you want. PM me if you want to do that.
  4. BBBBalta


    pigeon mask > horse mask
  5. I vote Taka Nuvia for the second murder. Man of Miracles also seems likely, but he has plenty of votes already.
  6. Just as Xaeraz could have photoshopped the Mafia PM out of a screenshot of his inbox.
  7. For the first murder I'd like to switch from no one/null/abstain to Xaeraz. Still not voting yet for the second.
  8. For the first murder, I believe that no one (null, abstain, whatever) should be lynched. Not yet sure for the second.
  9. Riding your bike back and forth on Route 7 is just as effective as running around Lumiose and it lets you drop off Eevees as soon as they hatch and pick up the next egg. Make sure you have something with Magma Armor or Flame Body in your party so they'll hatch faster; Hatching O-Powers are useful too, I've heard.
  10. Though it won't make any difference at this point, I'd like to switch my vote from Valendale to JL. Several reasons for this: first off, Valendale is obviously screwed, and yet he still claims to be innocent - lying about his role wouldn't do him much good at this point. (Unless he thought we'd feel that way and switch our votes, which is an extremely weak Hail Mary after he already voted for himself). Second, though I've never played a Mafia game before, it seems to me highly unlikely that the Mafia would let one of their own be lynched with basically no evidence - if Valendale were Mafia, I'd think someone would have pushed a bit more strongly for someone else's death. The fact that two of the three remaining suspects voted for Valendale's death seems to support my above point, but I nonetheless voted for the only one who nulled instead. Why? Because, assuming JL is guilty, I'd have done the same thing in his place - waited until a bunch of other people had already voted, maintained a casual air when posting, and ultimately nulling to make myself the least suspicious of the suspects. As for the other two: Xaeraz was my first choice, given that he was the first to vote for Valendale and later claimed to have chosen via RNG (which I saw as an attempt to throw the Village off his trail). However, it seems to me that for the actual perpetrator to put in the first vote of the first round would be a bit too risky. Not to mention that he had no way of knowing that Valendale would receive so many votes. As for Canis, I'm not as convinced he's innocent. The fact that he waited to vote until Valendale already had a number of votes combined with the fact that he made sure to note that he was joining a bandwagon seems suspicious to me. But I guess it doesn't really matter since Valendale has no chance of survival at this point. JL it is.
  11. BBBBalta


  12. Well, I got it to work by just making a new LEGO ID. The only thing I could think of that might have been causing the problem was the # sign in my username? Because I tried it on three different browsers and two computers and it still didn't work. Oh well.
  13. In that case you could simply state that this character had been in Ko before Matoro was killed, though keep in mind that the city cannot be exited either.
  14. At the moment the city cannot be legally entered, no. If you wanted to slip past the guards somehow - say, with a Kualsi - you probably could, though you should of course keep it realistic.
  15. So I tried to sign up but neither the "Yes, I would like to participate" nor "No, I do not want to participate" buttons are working. Anyone else having this problem?
  16. The first link is broken; it should lead to playminifigures.com rather than playminifiguresonline.com (the latter of which doesn't exist).
  17. IC: Koloktos Dead. The Akiri is dead. The leader of the people I am bound to protect, the man for whose protection I swore willingness to give my life, has been stabbed through the throat with a chisel. This is an insult. An insult to me, an insult to the Sanctum Guard. An insult to Ko-Koro. The Akiri is dead. There will be blood. <> I’m not entirely sure why Korzaa thought it would be a good idea to set the whole of the Guard force prowling through the streets in the middle of the night. I respect Korzaa, of course, I really do, and I tend to agree with her decisions more often than not. But honestly, what did she think this would accomplish? The soft mutter of some choice words from my left told me that my partner felt the same way. “It’s almost dawn,” Vria said, glancing at the sky. “Haven’t found any suspects, no evidence…” She spat to the side. Her saliva froze in midair, shattering upon impact with the frigid ground. “In this weather, too. Not that that matters to you.” “No indeed.” I shined my flashlight around the corner of whatever building we were walking past. The eyepieces on her Akaku rotated momentarily. “Clear.” We walked on. <> It was midmorning before we found anything of interest. Though the sun had fully risen, the streets were only slightly less empty than they had been hours before. The day was cold – unusually so, I mean. A stiff wind blew through the city, carrying with it flurries of wayward snow. Vria wiped a few of the white flecks off of her lenses as she glanced through the walls to the next alleyway. “Cl– Wait.” The eyepieces rotated again. “There’s someone … a Matoran, looks like, lying on the ground–” I rounded the corner cautiously, prepared to draw my crossbow if necessary, but it seemed I need not have worried. The Matoran in question was quite clearly dead; his stiff corpse was already nearly buried beneath the newly fallen snow. “Great,” I muttered as Vria knelt to check for a pulse that clearly wasn’t there. “Another homicide. Just what we needed.” “Doesn’t look like a homicide to me,” Vria said, standing. “More like a homeless beggar who froze–” “Well, yes, but we have to treat it–” “And besides,” she continued, “who was it that’s been complaining about how boring everything is around here?” “Mm.” OOC: Two things, in case they weren't clear: 1) Vria is an NPC, and 2) This is the body of Matoro's killer, though of course no one knows this IC.
  18. Hey um I have no idea what I'm doing here or really how this game works for the most part but it looks cool so if there's still space I guess I'd like to sign up?
  19. Not to mention that the character in question probably wouldn't know that magnetism can affect anything other than metal in the first place, so it's doubtful he would've tried to magnetically repel the sphere at all.
  20. I caught an Octillery with Suction Cups today to try my hand at chain fishing, but the chain kept breaking around ten or so. Frustrating.
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