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Vezon shall Return

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Everything posted by Vezon shall Return

  1. 1. Have you changed since BZP came back?Yes. 2. How have you changed?I’ve changed in many ways, I have become wiser and obtained better understand how the world works. My knowledge of philosophy and morality has greatly improved though intellectual reasoning and various studies. 3. Have you noticed anyone else change?Answer: If this question refers to the members on this site, then I would say I have no idea. 4. *insert pointless question here* Are you a close-minded or open-minded?Answer: It depends, what is considered close-minded in your view?
  2. I think it is obvious that by calling it the "downtime" in the first place gave it the name the " downtime". Even though it lacks creativaty, most people seem to refer it to the "downtime" as the "downtime"... sort of like the reason we call our moon the "Moon", most people don't care enough to name it something else or don't have enough supporters to call it something else.
  3. Interesting observation, but I would have to disagree with this statement: "What's important to remember is that rationality is irrelevant.” For instance, rationality is relevant to all people at all times, but the level of rationality simply varies and are measured through their understanding, values, and interests. (This could refer to anything, such as like certain hobbies or simply liking something over another.) The values and/or interests of people and how much they are willing to defend it or justify it depend solely on how much they believe in it or like it. For example, hardcore fans of anything are more likely to cross the line of irrational actions to justify and defend their position or interest in something, even if that means attacking the opposition of their standing on the matter. However, someone who doesn’t care either way are usually the ones thinking more rationally and are better suited to make fair judgment between two oppositions. In contrast, someone who is narrow-minded only to their view or interest and feel they need to defend and justify themselves to people who don’t share their interests and views are less likely to act rationally, show tolerance, or compromise. It is human nature to defend or justify ourselves to others, but it is the rational people who see the inconsistencies between both oppositions in the terms of rationality and can reflect upon them is more likely to come to a just solution. You must understand that many of times people who have a common interest in something tend to form secular groups, such as a fan site or club. This site for example is mainly dedicated to Bionicle, not bronies, therefore it makes sense that an opposition exists in this site against bronies. My solution to maintaining peace in any scenario is to behave civilly and to act rationally: 1. Do not to respond in a negative fashion and don’t attack their character but it is alright to argue against the disagreement itself. 2. Always acknowledge the opposing view and even if you disagree simple explain “I respect your view, even though I disagree.” And simply state your own a point of reason in a way that does not force another to follow it or in consequence face personal attacks or extreme disapproval. 3. Be humble enough to admit or at least acknowledge some weakness in your own view and if you say or do anything that offends another; apologize or seek some form of compromise, again without insults. 4. Respect other people’s views and at the same time acknowledge the concerns of others and to seek compromise as much as possible to satisfy both your interest and others and then move on. 5. Remember, there is nothing to gain in trying to convince someone to your own view if they refuse to listen or respect you. Your time is better spent simply avoiding such conflict as much as possible. Even if you feel strongly about something, if someone strongly doesn’t care about your position, why bother arguing with that person in the first place. 6. If it seems necessary, it is best to avoid conflict by defusing it from the beginning by simply addressing the person of disagreement their “own” opinion (no matter how narrow-minded) and moving on without defending or attacking said opposition. This eliminates the desire to prove another wrong and stabilizes sides from attacking each other and usually creates respect for each other’s different views. By acting rationally, anger and disagreements could be resolved and more people with different interest and views become united and with that actual tolerance becomes into practice. For peace is created from rationality and comromise, while war is formed from irrational understandings of others and the inability to be open to civial discussion or debate.
  4. Agreed, and yes we do more originality of some sort... I am still thinking of something.
  5. I agree, and besides MLP isn’t controversial or bear double meanings mixed with political or religious ideologies (which the other previous one did) and doesn’t offend 50% of members that argue it is wrong, which in consequence, doesn’t offended the other 50% people who had those sigs from being offended by those others disliking their sigs and/or those who were offended by them. Oh and besides MLP has a more clear image of family friendliness and less serious with no real controversial motivation behind it. MLP sigs in BZP are way more beneficial to the BZP community then the previous sigs (war) and even helps ease the previous tension and division of Bzpower members. I urge that those who may want to revive the previous debate or those who want to troll others to revive the previous debate that it would not help or prove anything regardless of which side you affiliate with. Also, if the debate of the previous sigs were to occur again because of this topic of the MLP meme, I will report on it and then demand that the rules to be ratified in the terms of great details and several examples of what is allowed to be said and how it should be expressed. (Although at the moment this is not an issue as it was back then, being that there is no need to exert better clarifications of the rules established.) Anyway, I believe we are all starting to get of track in the main topic here and I admit I am guilty of this as well and I apologize. I am not part of the BZP staff but I will warn you all to not spark another sigs war, that would be destructive, irrational, and completely inappropriate behavior. So try to be more civil and show more respect to each other, rather you like bronies or not or agreed or disagreed with the previous debate. So please think before posting something that might start some pointless argument again and not only keep on topic but keep it friendly and open to everyone. This is a fan site, it was meant to be productive, creative, and fun; even when disagreeing or discussing memes or anything for that matter. I hope what I had to say was useful to everyone here and helps prevent any potential outbreaks. I don't think that would help anything... and I am curious to what "pure" motivation someone would have to justify such action? Please, everyone, don't threaten to start something again just to prove some personal point, it is a emotionally unhealthly characteristic to possess and will not serve you or this site in the long run.
  6. I think it was a more recent one and they only did like two episodes of it but the sound quality was almost as good as the actual show. In it Flutterfly had a deep manly voice throughout but still acted shy and talked at a low voice. In the end of the second one there was a scene when they were fighting that evil pony and they were fighting it Final Fantasy I style. I watched it a week or two ago.
  7. Yeah, I think the irony is why a lot of people start. And then they realize, "Wow, this is awesome! Fluttershy is the best pony!" Audible gasp... wait who's Fluttershy? Is it the one as your avatar? Yes. I remember watching an abriged episode (not suitible for children) and that one had a very deep manly voice and I almost died laughing... although it the real show it's a girl right? I don't know much about the actual story its self. Also I did watch prank phone calls with that character and it was pretty funny.
  8. Yeah, I think the irony is why a lot of people start. And then they realize, "Wow, this is awesome! Fluttershy is the best pony!" Audible gasp... wait who's Fluttershy? Is it the one as your avatar?
  9. Some of us actually like it. *gasp* I know it's shocking... *sarcastic*
  10. I had an idea of what it might look like... Perhaps something cross between an American cartoon and an anime would of been great is it were exacuted right.
  11. Wow... I walk away from this for about a day or two and everyone is still arguing about MLP? Hahahaha... and somehow it turned into same arguement of it being sexist or stereotypical or whatever and a few actual on topic comments, but still not really breaking any rules. Although, to be honest, I thought one of the main reasons MLP and bronies became popular among teenagers (mostly guys) because of the fact that it is a girl show and the irony of guys watching it and actually enjoying, that's sort of the joke. There really is not sexism here, unless you are taking it too surious and out of context.
  12. You know what, I think we should create more Bionicle memes, for this Bionicle fan site lacks the creativity of creating a completely "bionicle" related meme that sticks. Though I can't think of anything at this moment...
  13. Exactly... but there are still a lot of people that don't encourage that (even more towards boys playing with girl toys) and generally most girls and boys do follow the "norms" mostly from peer pressure, pop culture, and how they are raised.
  14. Actually it's less pink and 20% more cooler.Well... Ok...? It's a MLP joke. Actually since BZP came back I've only seen one meme(ponies). Huh... I heard that before, but I don't really know what is means or where it came from?
  15. Actually it's less pink and 20% more cooler. Well... Ok...?
  16. I know Omishade, but that generally is the strongest argument that they could offer agaist MLP, and even that is rather weak. Particularly since most people here are not creepy old guys and most bronies here are probably teenagers. Though I myself find little harm in it, after all I could see why some guys might like it for the good animation and voice acting and watch it not because they are weird but because it does have sort teen element in it. However, I personally don’t care to watch it. Although, it would be just like watching the Power Puff Girls, which I had in the past or Kim Possible only more pink and "magical".
  17. Perhaps I can explain, MLP was originally a show for little girls, but because of the new show's (interestingly) high quality animations, good voice acting and supposedly intriguing story was populated by some guys who spread it's popularity throughout the internet and coined the term bronies by mixing the word "Bro" (from brother) with the word ponies, Bronies/Brother Ponies. This was popularized as a meme to make it more appealing and expectable to the general public. Of course not everyone is into that sort of thing and often criticizes it and points out how it is commonly associated with "creepy" grown men who are inappropriately interested in children shows and suggest suspicion of their purpose. Just like the meme involving a creepy brown bear in the background of a playground. So that’s where that bias comes from and is why it angers some people.
  18. Yeah... That almost killed BZP. *stops running from topic and turns around* Hey I remember that... that was an "educational" experience I don't want to repeat. It didn't end well and was more of troll war that split BZP in half.
  19. Hahahaha... I think I should leave too my friend... There is too much rainbowcovered freindship talking bronies and their terrible surger coated power of friendship is far too beyond our power and control... Must... resist... the cuteness... Ughhhhh.... *Runs in panic from topic*
  20. I don't even understand the issue here, what is the main debate about, that Lego was being sexist in not making enough female characters or products? All they simply did was aim the story more towards young boys, who are in fact not interested in girls that much. If they aimed it more towards teenagers, they would of added an equal amount of girls and suggest more relationships/dating, which 12 and up girls are more into these days (this is because of the maturity gap between the two genders.) However, their primary focus in this story was towards young boys and not teenagers, let alone girls. But because they chose not to aim towards teenagers they presented less female characters so it would look more appealing to young boys who don't care about close relationships but care about being a hero. The reason why there are less girl fans of Bionicle is because of the lack of relationships, not really because they don't like adventures and action. If you think about it, most female members are usually the ones that promote the few relationships and make fan fic stories about them. Here’s a thought, think how different Bionicle would be if there were more relationships and more female characters? It would it still be considered for kids, but more for teenagers, and look seem more like Marvel or DC comics. Here’s another thought, think how different Bionicle would be if it had mostly female characters and about one male character? It would probably be considered sexist because most likely the main character (who is male) surrounded by beautiful woman all fighting for his approval and relationship. I only thing I think of is... it would of been just be like anime, which most have a lot of fan service aimed to teenagers and young adults, mostly sexual induendos. (Which is my main disaproval of most anime and wouldn't do well with Bionicle). So you see, because of our culture and the social environment and pressure the reason why there are not a lot of girls in the story makes sense in terms of Lego's decision. However, personally I wish it was aimed a little more towards teenagers; it would have attracted more girls to it.
  21. If that were to happen... I think I would simply just laugh very hard... so hard I would be on the floor dying of laughter. Even if it was 100 percent serious and accurate and not a comedy. It would make my day though.
  22. I actually don't mind, it could of been a lot worse themes then "My Little Pony" stuff after all. At least it's kid friendly and besides it will fade away in a few months or so and a new theme will take its place. I view this to be quite normal on this site. Oh and by the way I am a guy and I've seen the first two episodes... of course it was abriged though...
  23. I like it a lot, it feels like it could go well in a movie or a show, such as a scene when the main villain explains his plot in depth. I liked the end the most, it reminded me of the original 2001 music and Makuta.
  24. I'm impressed, an actual trailer and footage of the project with voice actors and music (even though it was taken from the movies and other sources). I am looking forward to this and hopes it turns out good. I rate the trailer 9 out of 10 for good choice of music and for showing their progress.
  25. I am no treky, but the female voice does sound a little like the star fleet computer and the male voice sounds just like Tuvok (the vulcan) from Star Trek Voyager. By the way, I found is very admusing, it could of went even better with a video or a slide show. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif
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