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Jonathan Crane

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Everything posted by Jonathan Crane

  1. you've conquered Makuta, congrats. One down, many more to go
  2. 5/5 It reminded me of a combination of the All-American Rejects and Three Days Grace
  3. this is absolutely amazing. what did you use for the barnacles/ seaweed?
  4. "Black Armor" by The Onu-Matoran "Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf" by Rob Cantor
  5. Kopeke. "I wait. I am at peace."
  6. Tahu, death by steam
  7. "Electrical Chains" by Mahri Hewkii "The Crow and the Butterfly" by Shinedown
  8. 5/5 I really loved that intro, and the singing kinda remindsme of Breaking Benjamin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LFJZaziDjQ
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