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Blog Comments posted by Soran

  1. Oh how I dislike those kind of dreams. I remember we were studying arachnids in class. I went to sleep that night and dreamed that I was going to a zoo. I entered the spider exhibit and got locked in there with all the spiders in there. To say I was scared for my life is an understatement. After I woke up 3 hours later I didn't sleep for the rest of the morning.


    Its okay, I'm sure you'll find those beautiful shoes in a store some where on sale.

  2. So you do have a sprite form. :P

    Well that certainly looks interesting, in a good way. I like the wings, they look great!

    Nice to see even those who don't really do graphic art taking an interest in the kit. :)

    So out of curiosity is this your Takanuvia's matoran form?


    Btw: You only need to give credit to any fan submissions (like masks) is you used the mask.

  3. I'm pretty sure I should be able to understand the 2nd part of what you just typed but I honestly have no clue. Although it seems like you were talking about laser pointers in which case I propose you use your talent with lasers for good and use the laser pointers on cats to chase.


    A new comic? Huzzah! I shall scream it to the world from some place very high! Hurray (I still have homework though...) :(



  4. My reaction to this blog entry;


    I scored an internship with a local design firm!


    Oh, thats cool can't wait to read more about this design firm--


    As a general reminder, always remember that you are loved. Yes, you. Everyone has friends and family, someone who cares about them and it may not even be the ones you suspect - sometimes we are bad about letting others know about what is in our hearts, but that means your life may be even more precious than it already is.


    Wat ._.


    Yes, soon you will all be my fawning fans, my adoring public, sitting pretty inside my fist as I string you along in my insane quest of writing a silly comic on the internet.


    Oh, I get it now. This is obviously your way of distracting us from discovering your plans for world domination. Now it all makes sense...


    I agree with emperor, you are very good at rambling.



  5. And that is why you doodle! :D


    I like some video games but normally they're the adventure or puzzle kind. I've never really been fond of shooter games because they seem pointless.


    Luckily all of my english teachers (when I wasn't home schooled) were all laid back or new to the grade. I think my favorite teacher was when I was in 6th grade I do believe, my english teacher moved from kindergarten to 6th grade. We never got in trouble because she believed in second and third and fourth, etc chances.

  6. I like the eyes too but I must admit that they do look a little scary...


    For some reason in the 3rd doodle I keep thinking she is saying 'Give me your food...'. It was from a movie or something where a dog said 'Give the dog your food' with the same huge eyes.


    I don't know why but I love how you make your trees. They just look like they fit the scenery and with it being black and white it reminds me of winter.

  7. Surprisingly I read all of it. :D

    It looks like you had a lot of fun on the trip, or at least an interesting time. I might go there some time to experience some of the thrills.


    screaming as if she was being pursued by a swarm of bees brandishing knives


    Whats that? Sounds like we have another pokemon fan, because that sounds quite similar to a beedrill. That or great minds think alike.


    Either way, sounds like an interesting and entertaining trip and I can't wait to see what happened next.


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