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Status Updates posted by Soran

  1. Merry christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hexann


      I making Valentine cards!

    3. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      Oh, that's past. I'm watching 4th of July fireworks.

    4. Hexann


      Quiet! I am trying to celebrate St. Patrick's day.

  2. My avatar looks very whimsical in nature, just like in my Japanese animes!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ghidora131
    3. Ghidora131


      I was afraid you actually had a series of animes going.

    4. Soran


      No worries, I do not.

  3. My laptop is completely dead now. I didn't have enough time to save all the date from my computer. The only thing left to do is to try to transfer it to my brothers laptop. In order to do that I have to know my brother's password and I can't figure out the darn thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BULiK


      how much was lost?

    3. Soran


      About 2 years worth of artwork including all my kits, personal backgrounds that aren't released publicly, sprite sheets, and other miscellaneous drawings.

    4. Hexann
  4. My laptop is finally fixed! I now have my sexy backgrounds back, my spritesheets, all of my comics, I feel so complete.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BULiK


      42 would be better XP

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Awesome. And that's enough Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe references, Hippopotomethelthelhtlehsadosafaodjsfoaieiaud.

    4. BULiK


      no, I'm called slartibartfast! bulik for short.

  5. My little brother decided that too many people show up to my house, so he made an open/closed sign for the door. Right now we're closed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Terra Nuva

      Terra Nuva

      LOL That's funny.

    3. Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      Kaleidoscope Tekulo

      "Sorry, we're only open from 9-5."

      "But it's one in the afternoon! D="

      "... We're out to lunch..."



    4. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      "We are closed."

      "Don't ask why."

      "Since you will probably ask."

      "I will tell you."

      "We are closed because we are cleaning granny May's underwear"

      "Now leave!"


      People at Soran's house- "Sounds reasonable!"

      They leave.

  6. My little brother won't stop laughing hysterically... It's starting to freak me out.

  7. My MNOG-esque backgrounds got featured. Neat, I'm on a roll.

  8. My mom just finished crocheting a blanket for me. Its now my new favorite blanket.

  9. My notification system isn't clearing so i have 44 notifications. Its irritating me.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Hexann


      Dude. It took forever for that to go away.

    3. Hexann
    4. Hexann


      So, let's do it again. :evilgrin:

  10. My screen on my laptop cracked basically and now half of my screen I can't even see. Its just a rainbow of colors. Probably no comics till the screen is fixed.

    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      >_O was my face when I imagined it. Hope you can get that fixed.

  11. Name a cheese pun.

    1. Ghidora131




      That's-a not very gouda of you.

    2. Axilus Prime
  12. Neat avatar. I'm curious what's going on to the left of our avatars there. It must be pretty interesting.

    1. Hidron Nuva

      Hidron Nuva

      Thanks :D

      I should change it back to the old one though, Halloween was almost a week ago.


      On the left of my monitor there's a water bottle. A very interesting one actually.


      ...I can't seem to look away anymore.

  13. Need something blatantly advertised? Call the Advertising Daves!

    1. Sycron


      Advertise Porcupines!

  14. New Avatar for "Summer Showers". That's a thing, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Why don't you do something like this for halloween? I bet you could come up with something monstrous.

    3. Soran


      Darn it, just looked it up. It's supposed to be "April showers bring May flowers" My wit was too late, I should've done this in April and put flowers in May. Oh well.


      @Naota: I'd watch it.


      @Ghidora: I'll just flip the picture around. That'd be monstrous.

    4. Ghidora131


      Wait what


      NUUUUUUU you monster

  15. New Series, "The Road to Home" is out now. Check it out in the Comics section and participate!

  16. New Soran's Comic. Check it out in the topic.

  17. Next time, maybe...

  18. Nice Avatar, I see what you did there... looks like its from the speech bubble tutorial comic I made.

    1. BULiK


      yeah, it is. I like the custom masks you use, and the tutorial itself is interesting.

  19. Nice new profile pic. Looks more relaxed, like she's ready for the holidays.

    1. Voltex


      Thanks! It's by an artist named Tsuaii; you can see the original on his DA here: Lucina

    2. Soran


      Was originally going to ask who the artist was but it's great to see you put it here. It definitely looks pretty sweet.

  20. Nos Dirigira una revolucion hostiles contra la republica

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Nah. That doesn't make any sense

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      it's "Dirigiremos una revolución hostil hacia la republica". That's correct

    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      wait wat? I am all for republic. unless it's star wars. CIS forever!

  21. Not in the mood for comics.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      I meditate. ALL THE TIME! Turaga Nuju said that it calms the universe. I think. (and matoro said it actually, not TN. he just jittered his teeth and stuff.)


      I kid you not. I don't want the universe to blow us all up or something.

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      aaawww why didn't you make a typo?

    4. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      Ha, ha giggles.

  22. Not planning anything suspicious, don't mind me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ghidora131


      Because... Pickled toothpaste.

    3. Ghidora131


      And that is a lesson we should all learn, because you have to be considerate to those who don't pickled toothpaste so they can't toothpasted with pickle when pickpaste toothle toothepicklaste I picklshhindigoothpasteasdmcmdorfjdodnfndoicvdffvodfxiomcdoskfmvdr.

    4. Ghidora131


      Never deal with me at 1 in the morning.

  23. Not sure If I am going to finish the picture I am currently drawing (The one from my avatar). Having trouble with the background and posing.

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