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Year 12

About Wotz

  • Birthday 09/02/1997

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Mask of Light Unveiled

Mask of Light Unveiled (164/293)

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  1. I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to stand around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all?

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    2. Wotz


      I have a friend who gets like bread for lunch, then I just rip it from his hands, screw it up and throw it on the floor.


      I have another who gives me money for chips just so they have someone to walk to the chippie with XD


      I have another who is shockingly easy to steal off of, and he's learnt not to bring chocolate anywhere near me.

    3. a goose

      a goose

      Those aren't friends. Okay, lemme see, my relationships with friends...


      One is Stormageddon, and he's awesome. =3

      One is that friend-who-is-a-girl. She's by far my oldest friend, and I've known her near enough all my life. She's unique in that I feel she's the only person who really understands me, puts up with me always, AND actually likes me.

      One is almost never in school because he has epilepsy, but we get along very well. We were sort of outcas...

    4. a goose

      a goose


      We were sort of outcasts because he came in a week late.

      Another is just plain weird. He was an outcast in First Year, and kind of still is, but we're friends because I give him food and he thinks I'm 'sound'. (as a point of interest, he also said I was 'the only fit guy in our class', but I'm not sure that's one to brag about. XD)

      The final of my 'best friends' came into our school in Second Year, and is ginger, so he ended u...

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