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Archer Vonn

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Everything posted by Archer Vonn

  1. fallout has a lot of themes. they simply needed to sell. otherwise, the 'one man can make a difference' wouldnt be in the picture. nobody is going to buy a video game to play as a farmer who sat by and watched the world unravel around him. one man makes a difference in call of duty, in battlefield, in halo (halo is explained, at least.) and even in pokemon. ultimately, its a good setting, one that makes statements (albeit none particularly controversial) about politics, patriotism, and religion. it's perfect for an RPG, but as mentioned, challenging. in every RPG a player needs to feel like he matters but placing one player above all is nothing but a good way to lose players. ~ on a side note, i think that fo3's story was the only thing it has over new vegas. that and the mostly patched bugs and having more then a handful of voice actors. but off topic.
  2. spinky poo told me about CJ's RPG which did thoroughly discourage me- i've been unable to contact this CJ, although i do think we'd be a good team. (ba dum bum chhk?)
  3. thatd be me and im glad to hear it- i've been bouncing ideas off a few RPers here but none particularly familiar with fallout, but i think i'm onto something good anyways.
  4. OOC: he belongs to kaitan. sorry i'm not ICing, not feeling very inspired today.
  5. i didn't say it was a competition. if developing a character and telling a good story isnt as fun as writing 'i shot the guy', by all means suit yourself dude.
  6. check that. im not paying attention to the warlocks, thought only humans were at the fountain.
  7. the point is to develop a character and prove you can write, not really to have fun.This is patently untrue, especially here at BZP. The point IS to have fun. You should also develop a character that exists within the realm of the rpg you're playing in, but that is not why you roleplay, that's how. If you are role playing and not having fun, then don't role play. If you just want to develop a character and write, then you should write a story or a novel. im talking about non-combat oriented rpgs. even if i wasnt, way to miss the point.
  8. the point is to develop a character and prove you can write, not really to have fun.
  9. i figured this particular section of the english language merited its own topic, given that the 'writing advice' topic specifies creative writing, prose. so poets of the forum- poetry can go here, advice can go here, but i'd like to talk specifically about the concretes. what do you value the most in them?
  10. cod4 was so good they were able to sell it three separate times
  11. Seems like it would be the toughest thing to do. it isnt. the forum im used to has entire sub-forums devoted to rpgs based in schools and neighbourhoods. granted, it's a much more mature site than this (not saying anything about myself) taking combat out of the picture only makes it harder to come up with an actual RPG. the rest is just writing skill at its finest.~if i may make a very biased opinion, i'd love to see an RPG set in modern day hollywood. i'm very heavily under the influence of entourage, however. but it has the scenario to be realistic, non combatative, yet very cutthroat. i'll admit it'd probably work out better as a novel then an RPG, however.
  12. IC[Jason Hanlon - Arhtok] Jason advanced quickly. The rooftops were mostly clear, but he surveyed anyways for any lying down snipers. Knowing the warlocks, they'd probably sooner wave the white flag before resort to using human weapons or even worse, human snipers, but he had seen too many careless soldiers lose their lives thanks to their own sureness. As he jogged, estimating that he was about halfway to the spring, and if they were close, his squad was too. He altered his steps as he spotted an adjacent alleyway. He dropped into a crouch briefly, and took a look down his scope, and his lips pulled back tightly.
  13. OOC: coming in and telling me to calm down after the issue has been resolved is definitely necessary. (y)
  14. dare i say it, i'd like to feature a non-combat RPG. one that focuses on development rather then superiority. telling a story of two warring factions is one thing, but i'd like to see the story of a lonely boy from queens every so often too.
  15. OOC: new to the site but dont get me wrong im a newbie in only the loosest sense of the word they'd probably both have their areas of expertise where they excel.
  16. OOC: you're following daniels and the rest of them. hanlon's the only one up top. i'd like to point out that i have no problems that you misunderstood, but i'd appreciate if you did not try to one up me in the future. you can prove your character is better if your character is actually better, if it means enough to you for you to go out of your way and actually try and prove that. you seem awfully smug for someone being 'polite', but that could be misinterpretation on my part.
  17. OOC: he motioned for them to advance. and dont tell me what to do. i don't know much about you, but i already know you like making problems. i dont wanna put up with that. and im not gonna put up with that. and i know i'm not alone there. i'd advise you to stop trying to be a troll, i'd advise you to stop pretending like your the bigger person here, because we're both speaking volumes and neither are about me. and with that unpleasantly out of the way, i'd kindly like to ask you to revise your post so we can get the having of the fun.
  18. i guess having a laser sword that can cut through anything also probably helps.
  19. eragon was still a lot more powerful then anakin or luke ever could be (and in the last battle, in eldest, iirc he went on a jolly ol' killing spree that probably killed hundreds, but your right, hundreds of thousands is a bit much) and the riders kinda were inspired by the jedi- but most of the inheritence plot was copy+paste from star wars anyway.
  20. IC[Jason Hanlon - Arhtok] "Are you daft?" He hissed. "Follow your orders! You have rear guard, get down there!" OOC: it might be because i had a bad day but i really can't think of anything to say other then 'lern2read' also, dont freaking one up me. ever. you aren't impressing anybody by typing 'my characters moar ninja!!1!', and if that's what you need to do to get off, i pity you. just dont do that.
  21. speaking of star wars we should get a star wars rpg going (y) star wars is kinda a double edged sword for rpgs. theres the clone wars that everybody knows and loves and have been done fifty billion times, and then theres the rest of the EU that nobody knows anything about. i dont know how comparable jedi are to riders, though- jedi don't slaughter hundreds of thousands of enemies by themselves.
  22. second game's story was unnecessary. it was d'aww but it the story of rapture was done in the first game.
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