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Everything posted by Hexann


    1. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Yeah. The position of Iron Man is kind of taken.


      By me, actually.

    2. Hexann


      Nope. Ta-Metru Defender took it.

    3. Axilus Prime
  2. I vaguely remember kneeing a Onua claw piece too...
  3. I'd like to see the Inika feet that came with Nuparu, Hahli, and Kongu.
  4. That would look so cool..... I can't help, but like the little detail you added on the bottom of the feat to act as heels. Nice touch
  5. Official? Are you talking about the actual Terror Bird?
  6. Ah, so it didn't go unused. Did you use the Scopeless Akaku I made?

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      I made it actually, I didn't know you made one! sorreh!

  7. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Star Board "What was that?", 8 asked hoping that somebody would know. He'd been a little jump at the time. So much that he'd almost fired the Electric Pulse Canon.
  8. Don't worry, I'll help you. But gonna need a darn-ton of screenshots. Because you are going to do it. Period. I second this. I've never actually seen the 2001 site.
  9. Congratulations on winning the raffle, Lockmen Capulet!
  10. I approve this motion. I second this motion. Dude, that's just awesome. Congrats.
  11. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway, Personnel Deck 8 stopped pacing to see 6 behind him. "Don't you think you're getting a little ahead of yourself preparing so soon?", 8 asked with his sword held behind his back.
  12. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Starboard Deck 8 looked around waiting impatiently. So, he did what he'd usually did when he thought about something: he paced in circles in his own world.
  13. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Starboard Deck "I didn't expect it to be easy.", replied 8 with his gripping on the sword waiting for the bots. And so he waited.
  14. OOC: So, will they be evil service bots? IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Starboard Look Out "29284, I assure you that there was no sarcasm to what I said. I gave you a sincere reply. If you still don't believe me then I'll earn your trust.", 8 replied this was kind of difficult to say considering he had a pretty dense grudge against the officers, but really? Why wouldn't he? We screwed up pretty bad in some way apparently. Now, to the service robots. "That actually seems quite ni-", 8 began to think, but was cut short when his paranoid side reminded that most inhabitants of the ship were dangerous. With that thought he vaguely readied his sword.
  15. I didn't want to over-bulk the legs, because a real Ostrich's legs are quite thin. I'd have to agree with this.
  16. If you plan on using the other at some point then you should know that it's a Normalified Great Elda. Now on to the comic. First off I'm going to judge these panels individually. @Panel One: Your GIMP or Photoshop skills are impressive and In like how you made the character wavy to mean he's underwater, however, you probably should have done this with the mask as well or it just look like the mask is outside of the sea......some how. Also, why did you make the Magma Sword more opaque? @Panel Two: There would be nothing wrong with this panel....if it hadn't been for the Tree-Speak/Chute-Speak. Perhaps you should use this: http://biosector01.com/wiki/index.php/Chutespeak/Treespeak . One thing you did do right with this was not using too obsessively. I'd suggest studying the dialogue in MNOG 1 and 2 of Le-Matoran and the BS01 list of all the slangs they have. This won't be easy though. There's a reason why these are Greg's least favorite character to write about. @Panel Three: This applies to panel 4 as well. When you blur part of the body, but not the other it looks.....really weird. I'd suggest that you should only do this to background characters and leave the main character blurred. @Panel Four: As creative as using weapons from BS01's weapon examples is it still looks weird. I know where a few Air Katana poses are in MNOG style if you'd want that. @Whole Comic: What program do you use? Now, the plot: Nothing wrong with that. It's only comic four so I can't judge this quite yet. EDIT: It seems that I've accidentally deleted part of the paragraph for Panel Two. Well, that's fixed now.
  17. WHAT THE YOUTUBE! GO TO YOUTUBE YOU YOUTUBE! This is too much fun....
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