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Everything posted by Hexann

  1. Ha! Nice. For some reason I don't think I ever considered that.Yeah, I was desperate.Wow, my comics are still on the front page. The Comics/Shops and Kits forum must be really inactivate. Of course, the whole everything being rebooted back to August thing probably didn't help.
  2. Awkward Fail 1........... NEW COMIC! Don't ask.
  3. Today's my last day of Summer Vacation, however I refuse to admit defeat to the author's laziness plague and WILL make a comic before starts.

    1. Underscore


      Hey, MY summer vacation ended on the 14th. And what have I accomplished?

    2. Kanakalackin


      Mine ended on the ninth. But, I'm homeschooled, so I generally finish earlier than most schools. ^^

    3. Unauthorized Autobiography

      Unauthorized Autobiography

      Mine ends this week. Then I'm on vacation again because I'm homeschooled. B-)

  4. This is because of Brickshelf's reluctance to approve files lately. I have a link to a good portion of the collection on Mediafire some where in this topic.
  5. Well, sadly, folks; school stats again for me on the 19th. *Sigh*. Take it away Shikamaru. Shikamaru: What a drag. -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Underscore


      Hey, MY school started on the 14th

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


      my school hasn't started

      and my school be homeschool

    4. Hexann


      Scerw you Kamikez.


      JK :P

  6. OOC: Karz, they're not online. IC: 8 in Starboard Deck 8 looked at the star 29824 had mention. He wondered how far away it was. He wondered when he'd get of this ship. He wondered if he even would get off this ship.
  7. IC: 8 in Starboard Deck "That also means another thing", 8 began to reply,"It means; we're either in space or it's night. Probably the former."
  8. @Comic 1: Dem MOCs are too cool...
  9. Hey never mind I found out how to do itRez I have a question in the chimoru sixshade kit it says you need darks perm to use the expressionsWhat's the deal with that? And the person titled "mine" keeps showing up who is that? Considering he has not shown up on BZP since the downtime, just make sure to give appropriate credit to him for the expressions. You're allowed to use them, just make sure you credit them. As for "mine", the Six-Shade Kit was primarily created by Gerlicky, although his name has probably been changed by now. When you see "mine" it's probably just Gerlicky telling people he created that specific part of the kit. -Rez hey thanks i got a bit confused didnt want anybody to get upset ill remember to give credit and if i decide to use chimoru R kit can those eyes mouth things be used with it? and whats the ICC and UCS? Those are 'continuities', groups, formations, whatever of comic makers/friends/acquaintances who just choose to create specific comics together or work together in some way, shape, or form.Like a square. ... JK.
  10. Oh, yeah. I have to say this: Jarrus isn't being sexist because sexism is wrong and being wrong is for women. XD ..... *Grabs riot shield and runs to bomb shelter* JK! JK! JK! That was just a joke, folks don't jump on me.
  11. IC: 8 in Starboard Deck "What is it, 29834?" 8 asked 29834,"Did you find something. Wow, just wow. 8 sometimes really questioned the nature of living being. Of course he found something.
  12. Hexann

    IIA Kit

    Wow, I'm really glad somebody posted! Chardons (Credit to TLG and Les Tanukis for making these and credit to the Biomedia Project for making their files accessible)
  13. Really?!?! Yay! Update: Added the materials to make a spinny Mata head. Figured it's about time to have a back view with people starting to make back view masks. You might want to add the mask I made too.
  14. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Starboard Deck "Do you guys see anything?", 8 called out to the rest of the group.
  15. Karz, then I'm not sure how much I can help you, but I'll say something that might help. Here's your problem: if you have tool options for resizing then it's likely that you have the interpolation set at none. What you need to do is find these tool options and set the interpolation to cubic.
  16. It seems the Photo Comics idea has been more active lately. Wow, dude, when I my reaction to Cyrahk was First Panel: It's Keetongu! Second Panel: It's a Rahkshi of Laser Vision MOC! Third Panel: It's a Toa Mahri Hewkill fused with a Rahkshi of Laser Vision MOC! Eleventh Panel: Cyrahk? XD
  17. IC: 8 in Bloody Hallway-Starboard Deck 8 readied his sword and Electric Pulse Canon. He waited.
  18. WOAH. That is cool. Though I'm just wondering why did you add the orange to the cape? That is actually brown not orange. And the reason i added it was i was not sure what color he wanted the cape so i did a simple grey version then a version that implemented the two colors of the actual sprite Oh, ok.
  19. WOAH. That is cool. Though I'm just wondering why did you add the orange to the cape?
  20. I second this explanation. Just two MNOG designs.
  21. Congratulation, Wasp! And Ozzy!
  22. This is kind of sad...mostly because now it'll be difficult to view all those old kit topics....
  23. Hexann

    Sycron's Comics

    @Comic 4: I laughed hysterically when I saw the over 9,000. Though the amount of zeroes you added was kind of over kill.
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