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Everything posted by toatitan

  1. Does philosophical debate really exist...

  2. Why is what is what is?

  3. How did you get into bionicle? What is it that kept you enthralled? Was it the story? or the play value? Basically, what made Bionicle Great?
  4. I never had any of the cards, but I agree with Akuna Toa of Sonics
  5. I thought the av-matoran would be awesome, but when I actually got them and built them(in about 30 seconds), I couldnt see the value that I had hoped for.
  6. yes it would actually go there in my opinionIt's about the actual sets, not characters, so it does belong here
  7. Does anyone have an idea why lego didn't stick to the original sizes of toa and matoran?Bodies and limbs just kept getting bigger until they settled on the toa inika, and the matoran continued to grow until the av-matoran build came along. The constant growth made the original toa look like matoran! WHY?!?!
  8. Of course Sumiki is the Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying. the best opinion first :PBut yeah, Kopaka's sword, Lewa's axe, and Toa Iruini's sword was pretty cool too.Toa iruini didnt have a sword, he had a spear, but anyway,I liked ackar's sword, the fact that it was multiple pieces, and looked good to boot.
  9. I changed my mind,Small sets:Chroniclers companyCanister sets:Tahu, Lesovik, Toa Nuparu, Helryx, Toa Pouks, Kopaka NuvaKalmah(w/ breathing apparatus), laser vision rahkshi, nektan, baterra,ice visorak, reanimated nivawkTitans:MU robot w/ kraahkan,prototype robot w/ mask of life
  10. Have any of your bionicle pieces mysteriously vanished? I've noticed that certain pieces are prone to disappearing, like all my toa inika weapons, toa nokama's weapons, all my kanoka disks, and ironically, toa vakama's huna. Please share any similar experiences you've had regarding lost pieces.
  11. I think both the Ignikas and mata nuis conciousnesses are coexisting in the mask, waiting until they are needed.
  12. Avak has cheeks like a chipmunk or squirrel.
  13. What, in your opinon, is the mask with the best design?I would say tahu mata's hau is the best due to its originallity and heroic look.
  14. Least favorite= toa mahriFavorite= barraki or mistika
  15. I think the final versions were muh better than the prototypes in the case of the inika.
  16. My first rahi were pewki and the gucko bird. My favorite however, would have to be the kikanalo
  17. Telekinesis is definitely the best mask power.I would like to have seen a mask that cancels out others' mask powers, like a mask of imperviousness.
  18. My Nuparu inika disapeared mysteriously. I've found a few bits and pieces of him, almost like someone kidnapped him and chopped him up into little pieces. Mysterious.
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