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Everything posted by Sinclair

  1. Oh yes, The Wall is amazing. (I'm going to see it live next month! )
  2. Key Entity Extraction V: Sentry the Defiant - Coheed & CambriaNo, really.
  3. - Ride the Lightning by Metallica- Fly by Night by Rush- When Dream and Day Unite by Dream Theater- The Afterman: Descension by Coheed & Cambria
  4. It's Alive, She's Alive, We're Alive - Star One
  5. A Nightmare to Remember - Dream Theater
  6. Set Your Controls - Star One Doctor Who song whooooooooooo
  7. Mate, this is brilliant and I love you.
  8. Sinclair


    Universe stunk. Agreed.
  9. Caecilius was actually 12 using a Chameleon Arch. I'm calling it.
  10. So Dream Theater released a song from their next album. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2013/08/04/dream-theater-enemy-inside-premiere/2613895/
  11. He was already in DW as Caecilius in The Fires of Pompeii. That's a little odd.
  12. Welcome to the Machine - Pink Floyd Chilling.
  13. Nah, I haven't heard them yet; Also, Robert Plant's solo work isn't half bad.
  14. Sail to the Moon (Brush the Cobwebs out of the Sky) - Radiohead
  15. I've never been able to enjoy Led Zeppelin at all. Most of their songs are just so dull and drawn out,.
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