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Everything posted by Sinclair

  1. You said the same thing twice.
  2. At least I wasn't the victim of profiling this time round.
  3. don't worry, DH people, you tried and that's what really matters
  4. woah woah when did all this happen so the Brotherhood won?
  5. So, having now listened to Dream Theater's Falling into Infinity, I can officially say that, while its reputation as the worst DT album is not justified, it's not a brilliant album either. That said, Lines in the Sand sounds like Pink Floyd and I can't complain about that.
  6. HOLY----- So Norik's guilty of something after all. Also, may I rest in peace.
  7. These people care not for justice. Don't worry though, we shall both be vindicated in the end.
  8. woo, that's great news! definitely worthy of the Emote of Cool.
  9. I only wanted to participate in gang war mayhem I didn't ask for this
  10. So am I. That probably won't last, though.
  11. Or I could be a Rahkshi, pretending to be someone who is not a Rahkshi, pretending to be a Rahkshi. You didn't think of that, did you?
  12. Sinclair "I am not a Rahkshi" Scaryface

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