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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. So in December it will be Winter 2015 2? I never heard of seasons getting sequels before :P


    On a more official note, weather folks refer to Winter by using BOTH years. So we're currently in Winter 2014-15 and this year we'll enjoy winter 2015-16. Personally I find it very odd calling what we're in right now Winter 2015 as winter typically suggests the end of the year rather than the beginning. But then seasonally it is at the end of the year. It's just always a few months late getting here so it hangs around a bit long when it should be springtime :P

    Yeah, but Lego doesnt have sets officially released on December. So when you say winter 2015 for Lego its pretty clear what you are talking about. I agree, If I said winter 2015 in general, it would be sensible to assume I am referring to the "Holiday season". But with LEGO, its pretty straight forward.


    We get our first sets in the winter 2015, so they are the winter sets. The we get our second batch of sets in the summer, so they are the summer 2015 sets. It wouldnt make sense to refer to Bionicle as winter 2014 sets because Bionicle never officially released in 2014.

    • Upvote 2

    Despite this being the called "The Winter Wave"and it still being winter all the way until February.  If he said summer, I would agree but winter is the correct word. Besides, jokes or humour shouldnt be allowed on these forums so he shouldnt have said it anyway.


    Hah sorry then sir :P Winter 2015 is the Winter which BEGINS in 2015. This is technically the end of 2014's Winter so no he does not have the sets from Winter 2015. If you want to call both the first AND last few months of each year winter for that particular year then yo uwould also have to acknowledge that there are two winters every year. There are not. There is one Winter at the end of the year. The one at the beginning? This one we're in right now? This is the end of 2014. Weather just operates on a different timezone to the rest of creation...


    You know, there is more winter at the start of the year than at the end if you think about it. 




    Update: All winter 2015 sets are put on a plastic shelf right next to me bed. Never seen so many intact figures at once in real life.


    Duuuuude! You have sets from the future?! Tell us all about them! Do we get new bad guys or new good guys? Are there Titans?  :D


    I have next to no idea why his post implies he is from the future.


    Winter begins in December, Winter 2015 would begin in December 2015.


    Despite this being the called "The Winter Wave"and it still being winter all the way until February.  If he said summer, I would agree but winter is the correct word. Besides, jokes or humour shouldnt be allowed on these forums so he shouldnt have said it anyway.


    Update: All winter 2015 sets are put on a plastic shelf right next to me bed. Never seen so many intact figures at once in real life.


    Duuuuude! You have sets from the future?! Tell us all about them! Do we get new bad guys or new good guys? Are there Titans?  :D


    I have next to no idea why his post implies he is from the future.

  5. IC: Tuhrahk


    "I need to learn how to use my Fire Staff" He said, walking at a brisk pace. "But more importantly, I need to learn how to apply dexterity to my knowledge of fighting techiniqes. You see, I know how to fight, I just can't do it." He shrugged. "I'll get there."

  6. IC: Tuhrahk


    Tuhrahk was happy someone at least didnt mind being in his company. He had become something of a social recluce since his friends death. 


    "Sure" he said, in a friendly tone. "Lets go"

  7. IC: Tuhrahk


    Tuhrahk smiled. He liked this Rahkshi. 

    "Well" he said. "Im off to the gymnasium. Ill see you around if you're staying here." 


    He picked up a book of Staff Fighting Part I.


    Maybe starting from the begging wasnt so bad after all.


    And he walked out towards the gym.


    Hey is anyone's character here sufficient in melee combat? I need someone to mentor Tuhrak.

    Caoutchouc. He's currently teaching Exxan, but I'm sure he can handle more than one pupil.


    Sounds good. Joint lessons or one on ones?

  9. IC: Tuhrahk


    Tuhrahk shot him an odd look. It was one thing to grow accustomed to ones weapon, but to name it? Slightly odd in his book. Still, each to his own. 


    He laughed. "And what exactly does it do?"

  10. IC: Tuhrahk


    "Say" he said, gaining his normal voice and posture back. "Whats your name?" 


    He hadn't had much social interaction since his best friend had gotten himself killed two months and maybe now it was time to start opening up again. Maybe even make some friends.

  11. Wow. Thanks for all the replies everyone. Ill try and get around to meeting up with all your characters tomorrow. Wouldnt hurt to get my character known a bit better around Corpus Rahkshi before I head straight into the story.

  12. IC: Tuhrahk


    Tuhrahk looked up towards a gold Rahkshi wearing a strange hat, surprised anyone had noticed him and a little self conscience right now too.


    "Yeah..." he smiled gingerly. "Today's just not been my day, thats all."


    He picked up a book that was no way near as complex as the one he was reading before, but way above his level. Maybe he wanted to impress the other Rahkshi. He read the title.


    Mastering the art of  Bō part III


    If only he had read parts I and II.

  13. Hey guys. Just wondered if anyone could help me integrate into one of their stories or just set up a new one. Its a problem I have with most RPs which normally avoids me from joining them, but this one seemed cool so I made the exception. If I could just have a bit of help I would be really grateful because Im really interested in sticking around.


    Thanks guys

  14. IC: Tuhrahk - Library 


    Tuhrahk, shot up from his chair, feeling defeated. Embarrassed that his sudden outburst may have caught attention, he kept his head to the floor, only to accidentally shoulder into a bulky Rahkshi he knew as Vaalku, although they had never spoken. It hurt, but he gritted his teeth through the pain. 


    "Sorry", he said, sheepishly.

  15. IC: Tuhrahk - Library 


    Turahk was sitting down quietly in the library,a very large and ancient book spread across the desk. He stared with empty burnt orange eyes at the pictures depicted on its pages. He massaged his temples and let a noticeable sigh of distress escape his lungs.


    On the books yellow and tattered pages were pictures and diagrams of different fighting styles, a type of book that wasn't exactly uncommon in the huge, vast library of Corpus Rahkshi.  However, these weren't the run of the mill training exercises performed my most his level, but complex forms of martial arts even some of the best warriors would struggle to pull off. He knew he was way in over his head, but he wanted to be the best and maybe jumping right in at the deep end would give him a head start in achieving his goal. No: His destiny.


    And yet as he stared hopelessly at the complex pictures and writing in a language he could barely even decipher, he wondered if maybe he should take it back a few notches, yet again. He wasnt the best fighter. He had a good mind, but unfortunately his body could not move at the same speed as it could. He was hopeless, but he had to try. He needed some guidance maybe. Perhaps another more experienced Rahkshi could teach him these convoluted forms of attack and defense he had been craving to learn. 


    He slammed the book shut, angered by his own short comings once more.


    OOC: Open for interaction.

  16. Name: Tuhrahk

    Variation: Fear

    Level: 2

    Gender: Male

    Gear: Fire Staff

    Appearance: Tuhrak is Red Rahksi with a small cape that covers is his right arm. He wears accents of blue in memory of his best friend, who left the school, only to return in a body bag. 

    Personality: Tuhrahk is quick to anger if pushed, but also has something some may call a conscience. Once just an angry hot head, ###### bent on destroying Toa and Matoran, latle yhe has learned to think about things, maybe a little too much for some other Rahkshi's taste. He has no problem making friends and integrating himself into social groups. He is eager to learn and be the best Rahkshi that has ever stepped foot in the School.

    Bio: Tuhrahk has spent his first few months at the academy, and aside from his best friend dying, not much has happened to him.



    Do we have nicknames for all the Toa yet? There's Omega Tahu, Alpha Kopaka, Taster of Jungle and Onya...

    Ugh. I hate this Omega Tahu thing. Seriously, I have no problem with TTV but the Omega Tahu "meme" is so grating. It's almost as bad as the hype train and all its variations..


    What? You have a problem with the hype train/bike/car/airplane/boat/subway/taxi/metro/aircraft carrier/flying saucer?


    ( :P)


    You are probably forgetting several hundred there haha.

  18. Do we have nicknames for all the Toa yet? There's Omega Tahu, Alpha Kopaka, Taster of Jungle and Onya...

    Ugh. I hate this Omega Tahu thing. Seriously, I have no problem with TTV but the Omega Tahu "meme" is so grating. It's almost as bad as the hype train and all its variations..

    • Upvote 4
  19. As for Pohatus  silver parts I have my own head canon that I use. I imagine he was like Lewa with no trans parts(and also no silver) before he crash landed on Okoto. But something went wrong and he ended up losing both his lower legs and one of his arms in the fall(just a note, it means you have to differ from the instruction booklet by adding the trans bones to his silver arm for this to make sense. When the Protector of Stone find him in the desert, he constructs him replacement fully robotic limbs, powered by his elemental energy(the trans neon green bones). If Pohatu loses his mask, he loses all power in his limbs. These bionic legs also give him the ability to run really fast too.

    • Upvote 1
  20. I think my favorite Toa would have to be either Gali, Onua or Kopaka. All three are solid sets with little to complain about. The other three are really nice too, mind. They just dont compare to the others.


    As for the protectors, I would have to say Water, Stone and Jungle take the cake. Fire and Ice are really good with some small tweaks(thank you scrapped HF parts). Earth I was expecting to really like, but there is something about him that just doesnt sit right with me. I dont dislike, he just doesnt look right.


    On a side note Im really sad to see the purple trans pieces dont really show very will, especially if they are around black like in the earth sets.

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