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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by CeeCee

  1. BZP follows leaked policy: gets 12+ tickets to the BIONICLE reveal at NYCC.

    Other sites don't: get 5 or 6 total.

    I'll keep with the leaked policy, thanks.

    Yeah I have to agree with that. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad there are sites that don't so I can see leaked images, but if BZP is going to be a big forum again and the main one for Bionicle, we should be on our best behaviour.
    • Upvote 1

    rf    p0fvg-bpoooooooo Sorry that was my cat. ^^^^^ Anyway, if bionicle made a comeback, I'd really enjoy a MNOG style flash game, preferably designed by Templar. The flash animations were certainly timeless works of art as well, considering I still watch them years and years later.


    why don't you edit it so "rf    p0fvg-bpoooooooo" is no longer in the comment?
    You're implying it's different from the rest of the spam
    • Upvote 1
  3. IC: Tyemek. 


    It was odd. Tyemek almost wanted to find another Rahi. He wanted the kill. For once in a long, long time, he had enjoyed killing again.  

    "So..." He said, shaking off his dark thoughts. "Whats the next plan?"

  4. IC: Tyemek


    Tyemek gave the Skakdi a look of cold and void look, before the colour returned to his face. 


    "Thanks" He said, out of breath "I owe you one"


    He was still unsure of what he had just done. Just earlier today he struggled to even fill a glass. Then it dawned on him. He had been using his powers so wrong. All this time he thought water was useless but now... he realized it was one of the most destructive elements in the universe. 

  5. IC: Tyemek


    Something about they way the beast just refused to die made Tyemek very, very mad. With all his might the then used his elemental power to controll all the water molecules in its body to escape from its eyes and mouth.

  6. IC: Wryu


    She gave the over grown insect a squinted glare. "Lets not beat around the bush. The sooner I get rid of you the better. What is it you want from me?"

  7. IC: Wyru


    For once in which seemed like a long time, she could breath without it feeling like a dagger was stuck in her windpipe. There was no pain as she got out of her bed, just a whoozy and heavy feeling, like she had been a sleep for a long time.


    For a moment, she was confused to see Chivinix standing there and then she remembered she still owed him her part if the bargain. Despite knowing him for only a short amount of time she assumed it would probably be something involving his appetite. She just hoped it wasnt herself.



    I'd like to see rogue Toa. After seeing Into the Storm, I think it'd be cool to see rogue Toa screw things up royally by causing natural disasters and stuff. Just imagine New Atero being ravaged by a sudden and mysterious tornado outbreak. Even if not rogue Toa, any villain pulling the strings from behind the scenes and making things look completely natural and fooling even us readers would be cool. I dunno, something about power abuse sounds intriguing to me.


    Well, there's only forty-something Toa left, according to Biosector01, and only about half of those are known named characters. It's not too unfeasible to imagine a team of six Toa from that fortyish deciding to go rogue and do their own thing. Toa Mata versus rogue Toa would make for an interesting year's worth of storyline. (And bonus plot twist - Marendar shows up in the end and wipes out the rogue Toa, thus becoming that year's hero and the next year's villain as well!) 




    Seriously though, I wanna see that now. XD


    Which Toa would be most likely to go rouge though? I feel like if its any of the main 18 its just an insult to their characters

  9. I think Makaru's idea of blind-packed Matoran as pretty feasible - I mean, Mega Blok, Kreo, and Lego have been doing blind packs of minifigures for some time now. If it wasn't a successful endeavor, they probably would have pulled those from the shelves by now.

    But remember minifigs have a much larger appeal that Bionicle. But if Bionicle became really popular like it did in G1 then i could definitely see them doing something like that. It would be awesome

    • Upvote 1
  10. Well if you think about it, the story we followed could be the back story for the new saga


    So it would be something like: "In the time before time, we were forced to evacuate our universe by the evil spirit known as The Makuta. The Great Spirit, Mata Nui sacrificed himself so he could save his friends, both new and old. But a new force rose from the shadows and now we must band together as one race to prevent it!"


    Or something more poetic than that.

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