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Everything posted by Constructelf

  1. IC: Tomo The Aerial Fortress had now way of dodging the incoming stream of plasma. The lights on Tomo's control panel lit up like a Melding Day tree. "Hull breach?! Vertical Kadin-thrusters damaged?!" Now not only was there a giant hole in the bottom of her mech, the Aerial Fortress was also starting to fall. Not falling quickly, but further climbing in altitude was now not an option. "Thisisbadthisbadthisisbad..." Angling Velika's Vision downwards, it started firing into the sandstorm while moving away from the Puppetmaster's mech. IC: Eryard Getting closer... It was time to pick a target. Who would I ram? Hm... Would it be wise to try and attack the one that stood by itself? Sterrig my mech towards the lone fighter (Irvine), I opened concentrated fire at it, firing two explosive Thornax fruits in between a barrage of force blasts.
  2. IC: Tomo Velika's Vision shook as the Baterra Nui's laser cannons struck its hull. "Ouch... None of the flight systems were damaged, good..." Tomo responded to her opponent's laser by firing off short, weak bursts of her own laser in a scattershot pattern. She had used a considerable amount of energy in that first shot; she probably could work on budgeting it a bit better. "That sandstorm is odd though... Eh. I'll deal with this guy first." IC: Eryard The enemy combatants are coming into view. A very simplistic-looking bipedal assault vehicle engaging another vehicle of its mind with some sort of explosive launcher and... "What the ." Was that a giant piece of paper it was fighting? What the actual ? This place really was weird. I wasn't close enough to really pick a target and ram it just yet, so I just fired indiscriminately with the Thornatus's force blasters. OoC: Tomo engaging Puppet master, Eryard spraying at Fishers, Langmuir, and Sesdec.
  3. IC: Lytrel "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight." ... "I guess I'll find a room for you then? Or do you want something to eat? Or maybe read a book? Or watch a video of the fights? Or work out? Or spar? Or... I dunno, there's a lot of stuff in this place. IC: Sudrec "Sounds good. I can provide fire support at range with my 30mm gun, or I can get in close with the tonfa." Sudrec's mech began crawling towards the buildings of the town. Really brings back memories... After so much time sitting around and thinking, it feels good to be doing the heavy lifting like an Agori again. Memories of the Core War came to his mind. He had fought on foot as a mercenary then, not as an enlisted pilot like he did 100000 years ago. But though the instruments of war may change, its essence never changes. No matter if he was on foot or in the relative safety of a mech, he would still feel the thrill of the fight. "Now we just have to wait for the show to really start," he said to himself, having temporarily turned off his mic.
  4. IC: Eryard ... Why was a thinking in third person a while back? That was odd. Okay. Now that's out of the way: This reproduction of the Thornatus-AR handled so much better than the original. Sure it had a few issues starting up, but everything else about it? It's like the difference between a striploin steak and a fillet mignon. They're both the same species of meat, sometimes they might even be from the same animal, but the eating experience? Totally different, yet still recognizable as thst particular variety of meat. Anyways, analogy over. Point is: this was so much better than I expected it to be. The blood was racing through me. The fight-or-flight response had kicked in. For the first time in a long time, I felt alive. Maybe I was even happy? I wasn't sure. Driving this thing, here and now... Let's just say there were mixed emotions going through me right now. This vehicle was bringing back memories of both the good times and the bad. ... Three figures came into view in the distance (Irvine, Bundy, and Polyhydra). Squinting slightly to focus my eyes, I accelerated towards the group, finger hovering the thornax launcher's trigger... IC: Sudrec Sighing in relief, Sudrec walked his mech closer to Ross's before dropping back down to Insect Form. "We should probably keep moving, maybe get into the town. Or is your Exosuit more suited for open areas?" IC: Tomo "100 bio (450 feet) reached, currently flying at 35 kio per hour..." Adjusting her radar, Tomo noticed two objects (Baterra Nui and Heremus's Wrath) close by. Setting the radar lock to one of them (Virse), she waited for her HUD to get a lock on the target. "Really need to upgrade the targeting systems..." Finally the target she had selected on the radar became highlighted. Tomo gave a sarcastic "yay" followed by a yawn as she pulled the trigger, firing a anti-materiel level laser at Heremus's Wrath. IC: Yoko "Cover cover cover..." Due to the small size of her powered armor, Yoko had thought it wise to get herself into the (abandoned) urban center. Flying into the streets of the town, she touched ground and cautiously paced down the road, sword drawn. OOC: Eryard approaching Sesdec, Fishers, and Langmuir, Tomo attacking Virse, Yoko entering the town.
  5. IC: Lytrel Some part of Lytrel wished that it wasn't here that he returned to. He wishes that he was... What was that word? That word for... What was the meaning of that word? It's a feeling that I'm having trouble describing... I wish, I wish that I was... Home? Home. That must be it. But what did it mean? What was it like? Given his amnesia, all of his memories of home were corrupted at best, nonexistent at worst. But the feeling... Could you erase a feeling? Conscious memories were easy to work with. The mind is very malleable, and even small things like emotions or bias can shift, corrupt, alter, and skew data. But to be able to erase a basic instinct, a basic desire ingrained in the genetic code of one's species, in the most fundamental of processes... Was it possible? Was it truly possible to take away what made a person a person? "..." ... "I wish... I wish I had a home. That I belonged somewhere." Was that what a home was? Somewhere where you belonged? ... If so, then Lytrel had no home. For he did not belong anywhere. But he wanted to belong somewhere. Probably not here, but maybe somewhere else? He provably would never see his home universe again. But maybe he could go to a universe in the multiversal countryside, eke out a simple existence there? He'd have to survive this tournament first though. And considering his rebellion against the Queen... ... Such thoughts could come later though. "You should probably introduce yourself to the staff here," Lytrel said to his mirror self. "Should I take you to them?"
  6. IC: Lytrel "... Maybe you're right." Lytrel tried to remember which tunnel HER had appeared from when he had tried to kill HER. "... Maybe that one," Lytrel said, pointing to the center tunnel.
  7. IC: Lytrel "Okaaaaay, that one leads to a dead end," Lytrel said, pointing at the door that he and Xaeraz came through. "Don't know about those other two - wait." There was a fourth door open. "Maybe there's something to see in there..." Three dead bodies laid on the floor. Nocton's, which seemed to be mostly intact, THE MONSTER'S which had been decapitated, and HIS, which had suffered a similar fate (Lytrel didn't know that Xae could survive without his body). Aside from the macabre floor decorations, the room seemed to be devoid of everything except for a pedestal, which had nothing on it. "... Maybe not." Lytrel turned back into the main room and began looking at the doors that he hadn't been through. "Hm."
  8. IC: Lytrel An eyebrow was raised. "Wait, you don't have gravity powers? Huh." Lytrel activated his energy reserves, and the two of them began falling upwards (and slightly outwards). Reaching the top, Lytrel grabbed onto the edge of the hole and pulled himself up.
  9. IC: Tomo (VV) "Altitude of 44 bio and climbing, speed of 20 kio per hour and accelerating, setting radar to ground scan, all weapons systems are online..." ... "This is booooring!" If any of the fighters were to look up in the sky, they would see a giant metal so here air-crawling its way around. Tomo sat in the pilot's seat, bored out of her mind, as she watched the happenings on the ground, finger on the firing trigger of the joystick. "The people on the ground are getting smaller." IC: Eryard (Thornatus-AR) "For the last time-" The engine of the Thornatus-AR finally came to life. "Thank you!" With his vehicle finally working, Eryard strapped himself in, closed the hatch, and slammed on the gas. And as if a picture from a children's book had been torn out and brought into reality, the Thornatus-AR zoomed across the barren sand. IC: Yoko (Sky Queen) ;Reminds you of the Dioscuri, doesn't it?; "That was different. Dioscuri was more of a Kaita than anything else. Here I'm physically wearing armor, not having my soul transplanted into a robot shell." ;Whatever you say.; Rather than walking, Yoko chose to hover slightly off the ground, activating the flight systems of her armor. She hoevered low to the ground, zipping above the surface of the battlefield, heading for the town.
  10. All of my characters are in. Those who have mechs will be starting in them.
  11. IC: Sudrec The rush had died down. No targets had been sighted... "Setting drive mode to quadrupedal motion." "Affirmative." Just then, he spotted an enemy mech - "Setting drive mode to combat-walk. Releasing trigger lock. Setting combat mode to shoot." Mech rises to its feet. Rifle is raised... Wait. Familiar shape.[/color] ... Calling? Rifle is lowered slightly. ... If this is what who he thought it was, then... She might honor the truce they had last round... "... Activating loudspeakers. Setting communication mode to voice. Broadcast all vocalizations, beginning now." "Riss? It's Sudrec. From last round... You wanna team up?"
  12. IC: Sudrec https://youtube.com/watch?v=KNQL867XCy0 It was time. Time to destroy. "Been a good 100000 years old friend." Gracefully gliding into the cockpit, the fluid motions still embedded in his muscle memory, Sudrec sat himself down in the chair. "Inserting activation key... Password is ERYARD..." The mech gave a whirring sound and came to life. "Hello Master Sudrec." The AI had been added too, as according to specifications. This would be a good time... "Activating auxiliary power units. Releasing brakes. Setting drive mode to landspinners." Foot, slamming down on the gas pedal. OOC: other characters coming later.
  13. IC: Lytrel "... To make a long story short I got pulled from my home universe, got my memory wiped, and then roped into some sort of gladiatorial farce. After the first match, the who runs the show recruits me and... Uh, five others to go find some sort of gem that gives psychic powers. Along the way, we met some giant Ba-Toa with a split personality, who I ended up getting into a fight to, and he dumped me into a hole. After which IC rawled through a tunnel and came to this room."
  14. IC: Lytrel "... I'd ask if it involved any dungeons, slavers, or doctors in labcoats or anything, but it doesn't seem that you wanna talk about it. I can live with that." Lytrel exited back into the mirror chamber and began heading towards the tunnel he had arrived from. "Yeah. From what I can remember, I used to be a schoolteacher. My memory comes and goes, and right now it's gone, so I can't really say more. But it seems yiu and it worse."
  15. IC: Lytrel Shrugging, Lytrel began crawling back out. "So. Tell about yourself. Were your first memories waking up in that room, or did you have a life before that?"
  16. IC: Lytrel "It could be an illusion..." Lytrel, not knowing that the Mind Gem had already been captured, went to examine he room, looking for any secrets.
  17. IC: Minami Minami took a disk to the Kanohi mask. Minami fell over. Minami said ow. Mini was unsure if her mask was damaged or not. Minami tried to get up, but was seeing too many stars. Minami wondered if she should take a nap. Minami wasn't thinking straight. ... Minami passed out.
  18. IC: Minamk Minami looked down. "I'm afraid that what you ask for will not be granted. The Queen possesses great delusions of grandeur, and the Host is utterly obsessed with this tournament. Your wishes are utterly beneath them." Minami started laughing quietly. "So this is what it's like to be one of the lesser castes, to be utterly at the beck and call of someone above you, with no hope of protest or escape..." The laughing grew louder.
  19. IC: Tomo "Oh, you're from Spherus Magna too?" Tomo asked Belitun. She then turned to Sesdec and said: "Like I said, interdimensional fighting tournament. There are a lot of people from various different locations and even universes here. Have you read any books dealing with parallel universes before?"
  20. IC: Ira "Do you honestly think you're in control?" Ira asked somewhat incredulously as this Le-Toa declared his challenge. Le-Toa... His wind will just deflect any flame I throw at him... Le-ToA... Ira elected to rapidly absorb the heat from the area around Shu. Even if the cold flash didn't work, it would replenish his energy supplies. Also, cold to hot was a strenuous transition on the body...
  21. IC: Eryard "... I suspect that maybe we come from different time periods."
  22. IC: Eryard "... Huh. So he went pretty far in your world?" ... "... I'm still not entirely sure what you meant by 'Shattered' and all that... Maybe a different time, a different place?... If you're really adverse to Psionics abilities, I guess... I mean..." ... EDIT: At Alisa's mention of getting drinks, I thought for a moment... "... Maybe a glass of Thornax Tears (OOC: basically Thornax vodka). It's what I was having before... Before all the smoke."
  23. IC: Eryard "It's... It's fine. I've seen similar things before." And I've elected not to show you them. I stared awkwardly at the ground with a gaze that might as well have been boring down to the center of the planet. Finally, I muttered to this Naona: "... It's been 65000 years since the death of Lein. Raanu, Certavus, and Surel were born around the same time; they were young men when... When they died. "... When I was pulled here." "Do those names mean anything to you?"
  24. IC: Eryard I pulled my focus from the thought transmission long enough to say this: "Look. I think the thought transmission might be better."
  25. IC: Eryard "... What? No... I don't know what you're talking about. Isn't it Spherus Magna?" What was this TOU-ah talking about? Turning to the other TOU-ah (Alisa), I accepted the outstretched hand, activating my power... Think, think Eryard. Think of a happy time... Think of a time before the Enemy... Spherus Magna... Timestamp needed, timestamp needed... 40000 years after the death of Lein. (ooc: 125000 years before the Shattering, 225000 years before the Reformation of Spherus Magna). I had just been appointed an Officer of the Fire Tribe, commissioned by the Great Beings. Apparently they saw potential in me or something. To be honest? I was more scared than excited. Command did come with its hefty share of responsibilities, and I wasn't sure just how well the old boys would react to a total newbie in their command... Wait. Gotta think more in general. Okay... It was a time of peace. All eight of the tribes lived in harmony, interacting with each other on very good terms. Skrall, Sand, Ice, and Iron to the north; Fire, Water, Jungle, and Earth to the south. Most of the Agori and the Glatorian lived simple, yet comfortable lives. The Great Beings did bring great progress for many, but a combination of a lack of factories to mass produce their work combined with a general lack of interest sort of stagnated the technological development of the planet. Was there anything else to tell? No, that should be good enough. Even as I transmitted the appropriate data to this TOU-ah, I opened my mind, in case she wished to send anything about her world as well.
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