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Everything posted by Constructelf

  1. IC: Eryard "Hm." On Halken's recommendation, I began looking at the profiles of the mech pilots of this team. "Feli Gemshimmer. TOU-ah of Crystal and a knight of the Order of Hope (some sort of monastic order?), piloting the Wraithknight. The mech is armed with a crysteel...? Some kind of sword, a plasma cannon - ooh, that sounds nice - and an energy shield. Looks nice." "Catatonic. RAHK-shee of Fear...? Pilots the Fear Itself. Armed with a cannon that fires high a temperature energy pulses, a repulsion field, and... Drill hands?" "Vinra. A... Vore-ticks, piloting the... Uh, Ar Em Dash... What is this even? Anyways, it's armed with a... Some sort of radar with anti-stealth features (what the is a Kanohi Rode? Or a Kanohi for that matter?) and... Shotgun hands. Shotgun hands. Oh, and it's really agile for its size." "Riss. TOU-ah of Sonics, and pilot of the B-Side of the Moon? What? These names make no sense... Anyways, it has... Bass cannons? And a - oh my god. That is the most impractical axe I have ever seen. Who needs a guitar with blades on the side??? And... Ooh. Power copying. Sounds interesting." "And finally, your's truly, pilot of the Thornatus-AR V1. A Fire Tribe Glatorian from - what?!" I stared at the tablet in shock. "... 'Coming from a primitive Spherus Magna (approximately 100000 years prior to the creation of the Ma-TOR-an, Skakdi, and other G-S-R races)...'" No wonder I didn't know what half the people here were. Blink. Blink. After staring at the tablet blankly for a few moments, I finally looked up at Halken. "If you want me to command an all-mech squad, I could do that. Though, I might also recommend dispersing the armored units throughout the army so as to not 'put all of our eggs in one basket'. I did work with infantry when I was still a cadet, so..." Eryard continued looking at the tablet, this time viewing the profiles of the foot soldiers.
  2. IC: Eryard "... Okay. Good to know. That Gem there will be most handy... Provided that there comes a time to use it." Eryard took a look around the Control Room, looking up at the map display before turning back to Halken and Venga. "Could I look at the list of the profiles, if you have such a list on hand? It would be nice to know who can do what before we decide on how we go about... Go about winning."
  3. IC: Urashimako A new contestant? But this one was fast asleep And missed the message. I walk over to this one Attempting to wake her up.
  4. IC: Eryard "... What?" ... "How is that even possible?" IC: Yoko Yoko watched as the mech discharged a bolt of lightning. "... Huh." She moved the Sky Queen further away from Jorth's mech.
  5. OoC: oh, sorry. IC: Yoko Looking up at the mech being awkwardly driven, Yoko simply activated the flight powers of the Sky Queen, floating out of range of the sand being kicked up. EDIT: "No problem," she said calmly. IC: Eryard "A Raak-shee...?" Okay, that name doesn't tell me much of what a Rahk-shee actually is. It might be rude to press the question though. I wait for Halken's response to Venga's question. More info would be nice.
  6. TAHTORAK IC: Eryard Something in me flared up when this thing mentioned the Iron Riders. Thump thump thump thump... Not now, Eryard. Stay in the present. So it seemed that this Noble was appointing me as a subordinate officer over the group of individuals on the cliff. ... I could do this. At least it would be better than being ordered around like the grunts. "... Y-Your Excellency, I accept on two conditions: I would prefer it if you would talk about my past as little as possible. There are quite a few... Bad memories there.Secondly, forgive my bluntness, but what are you? I've never seen your species before. The same goes for Lieutenant Venga. There are many varieties of creatures that I am unfamiliar with here..."
  7. JUNGLE IC: Tomo "Yawn..." Tomo was sitting down by the currently grounded Velika's Vision. She wasn't sure if she should be doing anything at the moment... IC: Sudrec Sudrec was currently checking out the Jungle Stronghold. DESERT IC: Minami Minami headed for the pyramid.
  8. OOC: yay, more character posts! FIST IC: Lytrel "What the..." So, another round. Lytrel stared up at the video of the Host, wishing he could rip out the madman's intestines and force-feed them to him. But right now, there wasn't much of anything he could do. Lytrel took note of his surroundings, trying to find out who was on this team. BLINDSIDE IC: Yoko ;Read for another round?; "I hope I can actually do something this..." Yoko's voice trailed off as two Toa (Ravyn and Dayeth) suddenly started fighting. ;Might wanna deal with that.; But by the time Yoko got there, a third toa (with a strange neck) (Xaeraz) was already trying to calm down the belligerents, carrying himself with some manner of authority. Yoko decided to sit back and watch, the cold face of her powered armor staring at the individuals involved in this mess. IC: Hagah Another chance to stretch his legs, huh. Though... It was hot. Hagah took off with a mighty gallop, making a beeline for the pyramid. OOC: more later
  9. OOC: WILL POST AS EVERYBODY ELSE LATER. TAHTORAK'S FIST IC: Eryard "... Uh. Whoa." It was a long way down. So War Games? ... I could understand if they called something like Diplomacy or Conquest Magna a War Game. But a bona fide conflict between individuals, where death was a real possibility? How could you call that a game? War is a matter of vital importance to the state. How could you reduce something of such great importance, of such great tragedy to a game? ... The time for those thoughts could come later though. Two familiar figures stood by me on the cliff. Before I could get their attention, however, I was called over by a loud, bombastic... Holy . What the was that monstrosity?! ... Well, he seemed in charge of this operation, so I followed him anyways.
  10. IC: Urashimako "The doorway is clear," I said to this strange person Who shouted a lot. "As for my name, I am called Urashimako, and you?" EDIT: Stepped out of the way I did, leaving the doorway Open for transit. I regarded the Toa With a warm, welcoming gaze.
  11. IC: Lytrel "Nice to meet you, Antiro." Lytrel sighed as he stared down as what was left of the pizza, his appetite gone too. "This sounds very pessimistic, but I don't really see a way out of this. Unless we... No. That won't work. There's too many..." Lytrel looked around at the gathering people in the cafeteria. "They all grow complacent. I tried to kill the Queen down in the tunnels, when I was on her ridiculous Gem Quest. Yet everybody rushed to defend her. They don't see her for what she is. Even if they were kicking and screaming when they were first brought here, somehow..." Lytrel looked Antiro in the eye. "Protip: remind yourself every minute of how much you want to go home and how the people who run this shindig are the scum of the earth. Then you won't give into the lie. The lie that they're feeding everybody here. Sure, play along, pretend you're happy here, but never forget." ... "You should feel lucky that you have a home to remember. Even if it's as much of a mess as you say it is, at least you have somewhere to return to. Remember that." ... Lytrel looked down, seemingly ashamed. "... I-I'm sorry. Ended up rambling there for a minute. I just..."
  12. IC: Lytrel "... They never mentioned it," Lytrel realized. "They never told us how exactly we win... I guess we're here until they get bored of us."
  13. IC: Urashimako Hearing the man's words, I turn to the cramped doorway. With I mighty thought, I summon Kusanagi, The Soulsword glowing brightly. I extend the blade And dig it into the frame Cutting the doorway. The task is quite tiresome And takes a very long time. Eventually, The doorway opened enough, For the man to pass Through its now enlarged archway. I make room for him to leave.
  14. IC: Urashimako Have I found myself In yet another journey Across the domains? Yet the Olmak is long gone So how have I arrived here? The answer arrives In the recorded address Crafted by the Host. So I have been drafted then? The thought is disquieting. Though a silver lin- -ing is there in this matter. For I am now free From being trapped in one world, Free to roam the worlds once more. There is the matter Of getting a new Olmak. That task could be hard, But alas. Other matters Are now of greater concern. My eyes see a man Of the species of Nocturn Stuck in a doorway. "Do you require help sir?" I ask in polite manner. OOC: Urashimako interacting with Agraney
  15. THIS IS THE MONADO'S POWER!!! *goes back to AP exam study session*
  16. When the Bionicle G2 site first came up, Onua's name was spelled as "Onya" in his bio image (IIRC) for some reason (probably a typo). EDIT:
  17. IC: Sudrec and Eryard "Psionics users..." "Round didn't go so well for you?" "Ran into one of my colleagues. Some bloke from bioengineering. Apparently he turned himself into a f-uh, freakin' illusionist. And he was piloting some sort of liquid metal machine. Seriously got on my nerves. Made me feel like a fool, a puppet... Sir." Sudrec clenched his fists and hissed in frustration. He wanted to DESTROY that man. DESTROY DESTROY DESTROY... A second Great Being in this tournament? This was surprising. Though not as surprising as the day I learned that hotshot Jungle Tribe Corporal wasn't actually Jungle Tribe... (If you didn't get it, that hotshot Corporal was Sudrec). I was silent for a moment, not sure what to say to this older Sudrec. Eventually, I said: "Well, you win some, you lose some. I, I don't know how things were in your, uh, uh... Your version of history, but in mine, we learned to deal with it. Somehow. Mostly it involved looking to the future and not letting your emotions get the better of you. Think about next time." "... Yeah." Sudrec looked down, sighing heavily as he stared at the ground This is bad. Does Eryard know? This definitely isn't the same Eryard I served under when I was still a kid. He seems sadder, more world weary, less friendly. I don't know how he would react to... Well, the Divine Annihlator. Would he be disappointed? "... Excuse me Sir," Sudrec said quietly, getting up off the bed and heading out the door. He needed some time to cool down. For a moment, I felt like I actually knew that man. "He's so similar, yet he isn't the same..." Sitting back down on the bed I had woken up on, my thoughts began to lose track of themselves, journeying back to happier days...
  18. IC: Lytrel Wow. Prick. "Okay, so... Every once in a while, the Host will announce a round. Once the announcement is given, you can choose to opt out, though doing so costs you a life in the Infinite system - which i will get to later. A certain amount of time after the announcement, those participating fighters will get teleported into the arena. Apparently the arena is capable of changing its form; it was a shiny metal chamber when I was warped in here, but for the first round, it had become a snowy mountaintop. Once there, your goal is to defeat as many enemy combatants as possible while still staying alive, though I'm not sure if free-for-all is the only " game mode" - I was only here for one round before one of the Hosts roped me into... Running some errands." "As for the Infinite System, you start with seven 'lives'; these can be taken away if you opt out of rounds or make trouble and get caught. Apparently they can be gained from winning rounds. I'd assume you die once you get to zero lives." Lytrel took another bite of pizza before continuing. "Also, rare piece of info: you want to know why you've been roped into this?" Lytrel leaned closer to Antiro and lowered his voice. "Apparently the Host and the Queen have been doing this for millennia, hopping around from universe to universe and looking for artifacts of power. This tournament is only a cover for their true objective: their entire civilization and species was wiped out a long time ago, and they're looking for objects of power to bring it back. However they can't do it alone, for some reason, so they kidnap tons of people from across the Multiverse that they think could help with their search." Lytrel sighed. "This time around, they're looking for something called Infinite Gems. They're these gemstones that hold strange powers, like Sickness or Silence, hidden in the tunnels below this facility. However, just their mere presence here is severely ticking off somebody here, who is apparently guarding these gems. Stealing, it's what this is." Lytrel sat back and sighed. "Personally? To ###### with the Host and the Queen. I couldn't give two kidneys about their cause; if anything, they deserve to die for how many people they've screwed over, just from this iteration of the tournament alone. Selfish mother######ers..."
  19. IC: Chiyo "It was broken during a training session."
  20. IC: Sudrec Deep down, Sudrec had known those two figures were illusions. That didn't mean he was any less annoyed. GO TO THE CORE YOU PSIONIC PIECE OF BONE HUNTER EXCREMENT!!! I NEVER LIKED YOU ANYWAYS! BIO-NERD! Sudrec really hoped his opponent could hear those thoughts.
  21. IC: Sudrec AAAAAAAAA... Sudrec went to go shoot at the two figures he suspected were illusions, leaving Riss to deal with the building.
  22. IC: Sudrec Sudrec had passed the point of annoyed and was now in the state of " AAAAAAARGH I WANNA RIP THIS GUY IN HALF" sort of aggravation. Seeing two figures appear behind the mech, the CHLE turned around to take a look.. "Wait a minute... That doesn't make sense." How was the enemy mech still in the first building? It wouldn't have survived its destruction, and yet... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH SRSLY??? DIE DIE DIE JUST DIE SUDREC ORDERS YOU TO DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE... EDIT: IC: Lytrel "Sounds rough," Lytrel said. "From what I rember, it's a real pain when your coworkers don't pull their weight." *munch munch munch*
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