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Everything posted by Constructelf

  1. IC: Minami "I wouldn't recommend that," Minami said, finally speaking up to get Turbo's attention. "The organizers of this place are extremely powerful. The Host, the one running this show; he can teleport as easily as he can breath. His companion, the Queen, possesses Psionics power far beyond even the Dasaka of old. And the Enforcer? Not only can they cancel out any known power..." "... I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I hear that apparently they took an anti-materiel round to the face, a bullet capable of punching through carbon steel armor. They lived." Minami sighed. "Challenging any of them to single combat would be suicidal. They wouldn't willingly bring anything more powerful than themselves here." IC: Eryard] "... Yeah. Never heard of it before." ... "If you wouldn't mind, I have an ability that lets me exchange memories with others through touch. Itight be easier than trying to explain things through words."
  2. IC: Tomo Meanwhile, Tomo just stood there. She didn't know who this Le-Khan or this Tuy-Yet person was, but it was interesting nonetheless. So she stood there and listened.
  3. IC: Eryard "Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Robot Glatoria..." What had that Ma-TOR-an called them again? "... Mr. TOU-ah?"
  4. IC: Eryard "... Eryard, officer of the Fire Tribe. You?"
  5. IC: Tomo "Cool. Always nice to meet someone with an appreciation for reading. It's something good to appreciate but not too many people appreciate it nowadays. So. What sorts of books do you like? Information books? How-to manuals? Scholarly treatises? Or are you into fiction? Novels? Epic poems? Regular poems? Or do you just run the gamut and like to read printed text period?" OOC: need to catch up on some other characters... IC: Hagah Having sufficiently recovered from the shvok of losing the last round, Hagah began wandering the facility, his trotting eventually taking him to the Training Sector... IC: Minami Likewise, Minami was also pacing around the facility, eventually coming across two Toa (Dayeth and Feli) as well as a... What in the name of Zuto Nui was that? Some sort of automaton?(Turbo). IC: Eryard One of the Robot Glatorian (MC Naona) had greeted him. Eryard responded in similar manner. "Hi." His eyes shifted between the face of the strange robot and the ground, as he periodically covered his eyes to protect them from the (fading?) smoke.
  6. IC: Tomo "Pleasure to meet you, Sesdec. So, I take it you like books?" Tomo suddenly shifted gears, abruptly transitioning from greeting to a rather pushy inquiry into the tastes of this individual.
  7. IC: Tomo "Did you get the recording of that loony guy played to you when you first arrived here?" ... "... Well, in case you didn't: this is some sort of interdimensional reality TV show slash fighting tournament." ... "... If you don't know what a TV show is, basically they're cameras everywhere, recording everything that goes on here. The footage then gets broadcasted to interested viewers for their entertainment." ... "I'm Tomo, by the way."
  8. IC: Eryard While all this nonsense was going on, I was just trying to have a moment to myself over a drink. *cough cough* Apparently that would be out of the question. I didn't feel like getting up from the chair though... *cough cough cough* Agh, screw it. I got up, leaving the drink on the table (it now tasted intolerable due to mixing with the smoke, creating a horrendous mixture of flavors that stimulated the taste buds) and walked over to two... Robot Glatorian? Did that Ma-TOR-an call them Tou-ah or something? OOC: Eryard approaching MC Naona and Alisa IC: Lytrel Lytrel shrugged and got in the mirror tunnel. IC: Tomo Having submitted her request for a mech, Tomo found herself aimlessly wandering the facility, until she came to the library... Where a Toa (Sesdec) was freaking out over some books. "Um... Do you like books that much? You know..." OOC: Tomo talking to Sesdec.
  9. IC: Ira "All heil Makuta; heil," Ira muttered half sarcastically while shooting a stream if flame at Red's feet, also drawing his sword.
  10. IC: Sora "... Chess?" ... "Seriously?"
  11. IC: Lytrel "Okay then." Lytrel srhrugged and approached the tunnel. "You don't hurt me, I don't hurt you," Lytrel whispered to himself. Still, he was uncomfortable with having this person behind him in the tunnel, so... "Could you show the way?"
  12. IC: Lytrel "... I'd still like to check it out... If you don't wanna come, you can wait for me here?"
  13. IC: Lytrel "What? I just came from there and..." "I'm starting to sense a pattern here." ... Lytrel cleared his throat. "Did you fall into a giant hole created by an angry Ba-Toa smashing the ground, reach this level of the tunnels, and crawl through a side tunnel to your side of the room? Because if you did... I did the exact same thing."
  14. IC: Yasmin Yasmin went to inspect the router, picking it up.
  15. IC: Lytrel "... Ooookay then." Lytrel looked around before looking back at his double. "Shall we get going then? The only way out I can see is that tunnel over there, so..." "... You first? I promise I won't stab you or anything."
  16. IC: Lytrel Lytrel jumped and spun around. "What the ?!" ... There was a perfect copy of him standing there. "... Wait. That mirror was actually a window?" Lytrel quickly backed away from his alternate self, spear pointed out at the figure. "Okay, two questions: One: are you a Gem or the defense of a Gem?Two: why were you parroting me up until I broke the window?Three: I... I'm sorry for breaking the glass. You're not gonna hurt me, right? Can we be friends?" "... Okay, technically that was four questions, but whatever."
  17. IC: Lytrel Lytrel sighed, turned away from the mirror, and began looking for the mirror version of the tunnel that lead into the original room.
  18. IC: Lytrel ... Huh. Back to where I started, or am I? "It was nice knowing you," Lytrel muttered to his mirror self, as he stepped into the room behind the glass. After all, there was nowhere else left to go.
  19. IC: Lytrel No obvious weak points (OOC: gonna assume lack of description = lack of weak points)... Gonna have to brute force this... "... I'm gonna find out now. SorRy miRRoR." Activating his Pakari, Lytrel slammed the butt end of his spear into the mirror. He made note to not stab his own reflection, just in case there was something fishy with this mirror besides it repeating his words.
  20. IC: Lytrel ... "Okay, now you're just being a broken record." Lytrel walked up to the mirror and began feeling it, seeing if there were any obvious weak points or if this was actually a door of sorts. He was reluctant to simply punch his way through the glass.
  21. IC: Lytrel Okay... One more test round... Um, um... Need a very specific word... "Antidisestablishmentarianism." If the being imitated this word, Lytrel's hypothesis would be proven correct, and this mirror wasn't sentient; it was just an elaborate ruse... Lytrel's grip around his spear tightened.
  22. IC: Ira Ira nodded and seized hold of the flames, bending them and cooling them as best as he could. He paid special attention to avoid having the flames travel into the reservoirs.
  23. IC: Lytrel "... Everybody's nerves..." No reaction. Maybe... "SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM..."
  24. IC:Sudrec Sudrec decided to give Riss and Nisa some space and went to go fill out his own mech form. It's a 99000 year old design. Will it still be effective? Sure, we weren't ever able to make a mech more agile than the Fourth Gen Combat Exosuits, but the weapons systems? We had only just discovered basic, low-level coilgun technology at that point! Limited ammo too! Against elemental powers and energy armor... Still, Sudrec finally submitted the profile for the CHLE-03, opting to use a familiar, if outdated tool rather a new but difficult to learn device. He was getting old, after all...
  25. IC: Lytrel "I don't know. That's why I'm asking..." Wait. Every time this mirror talks, the words it says are words I've said before. It's not parroting me, but it's... Hm. Testing testing, 1, 2, 3 - "I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves! Everybody's nerves! Everybody's nerves! I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves! And this is how it goes: I know a song that gets on everybody's nerves..."
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