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Everything posted by Chro

  1. Weeell okaaay Bastigan/19/8 Bastigan teleported to behind SV, who would likely be distracted by the impending return of his axe, and fired.
  2. I vote for This Is Spinal Thirst. Tyler's hype was turned up to 11.
  3. You would not be allowed to post separate profiles for each Skull Spider Four characters in one would not be fair at all
  4. Zaaaak :/ If Dallior doesn't respond or edit his above post within nine hours, I'll roll with it
  5. Whoooa man. That's a lot of damage, are you sure about that? Sanguivox has armor, Bast isn't like inches away (maybe a couple yards)... I'm hesitant because I feel bad about scoring a hit that significant. (But yes that's how the system works: you gain one AP for every point of damage you do to an enemy character.)
  6. Bastigan/19/6 The moment Sanguivox flipped away from the wave and landed, Bastigan fired at his back.
  7. Weird. Maybe he thought he signed up, but forgot to.
  8. Hey Burnmad, where's Luroka? I thought he wanted to sign up. Any way you could add a spot for him?
  9. Thanks for bringing that up, SV... Um... yeah, that one doesn't make a ton of sense. @Dallior - now that SV's posted, after you do, I shall. When you do so, please keep in mind the fact that Sanguivox should not logically be aware of Bastigan's presence... that'd be metagaming.
  10. Alrighty. Out of curiosity, how can a four-legged arachnid-like creature run while carrying material between its legs?
  11. Basically this. I personally interpreted it as Tahnok attempting to do those things, rather than actually doing them, since they were a little unlikely. Here.
  12. Right. And Bastigan is standing next to the water, with Sanguivox's back to him, firing his shotgun. I assumed that Sanguivox would be surfing the wave "sideways", like actual surfing (which is also what Tahu and Lhikan did when lavasurfing) - rather than standing straight forward - allowing Bastigan to appear behind his back and target him from that angle. Uh, yes he can. He isn't in his battle-frenzy mode yet, right? That's when he's at 5HP. I know. I'm not going to make a Bastigan post again until after SV and you have posted.
  13. I believe the operative term was if it channels enough power, and to me it seemed like Tahnok quickly and hastily tried to melt things rather than pouring a lot of his energy into it. GM IC: NPC "MASK SALESMAN" - COMMERCIAL SECTOR The Salesman was straightening the masks on his desk when he heard a sound from behind him. Something had fallen out of his waste bin. With a sigh, he walked over to pick it up. But what the Salesman saw was not what he expected. A few fragments of broken masks, yes, but... The Salesman's view moved gradually upwards, looking across the floor away from him. There was another mask. With legs. Scrabbling away from him across the Commercial Sector. The Salesman's eyes widened. He scrambled to his feet and rushed off to find Venom Huntress.
  14. Yes. It's now sitting in a trash bin full of broken masks behind his desk. He doesn't get many customers, so generally doesn't have to deal with broken masks, which means that he never actually empties the container, but it's filled up gradually over the years. Unneeded but fun lore. Not gonna work, by the way. Werl will find himself unable to use the mask. A decorative Kualsi is a decorative Kualsi. Think of this: I'm not gonna let someone make a character that uses a bag full of rocks to smash people over the head as a weapon, then let them take rocks out of the bag to distribute to their friends as weapons. But that'd be hilarious.
  15. GM IC: NPC "MASK SALESMAN" - COMMERCIAL SECTOR Disappointed, the Salesman picked up the broken mask. He tossed it over his desk, directly into his broken-mask waste bin.
  16. Bastigan/19/6 Bastigan grinned widely. The fight had turned away from him, and now he was free to attack anyone in the battle. Teleporting to the outskirts of one skirmish, Bast appeared silently behind Sanguivox and fired at the fire Toa.
  17. And since this has been Bionifeast in the Commercial Sector so far...
  18. Methinks you should read the page to figure it out :P
  19. But I don't think Krana in G1 would be limited to controlling only Toa and Matoran, right? So why limit Skull Spiders in G2? That said... as far as gameplay's concerned in Bionifight... are you planning on trying to use the Skull Spiders to mind control people, or just use them to fight and scout?
  20. Thanks, no worries... Bastigan/19/5 Bastigan teleported a short distance away from the pair, then fired towards them both - aiming primarily at Sanguivox, though Rekhhur was well within the shot spread as well.
  21. GM IC: NPC "MASK SALESMAN" - COMMERCIAL SECTOR "A pest?! What're you sayin' about my masks? Insolent!" With a huff, he dropped the broken mask to the ground, and idly kicked it; it hit the front of his stall and came to a rest. The Salesman stooped down and resumed collecting the other masks, but with a free hand, gestured towards the one leaning against the stall front. "What'm I gonna do with this now?"
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