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Everything posted by Dapper-Sama

  1. Liquid excretion of the aliens SETI, the UN and Hasbro accidentally declared war on. The aliens SETI, the UN and Hasbro accidentally declared war on.
  2. XVI: Gallows and Gambits has two spots left; 23 people are waiting on YOU to join!

    1. Dapper-Sama


      Make that one spot and 24 people.

  3. Takua: Find your canister again, and furnish it
  4. That was a really cool boss fight, though.
  5. I'd be more interested in seeing actual gameplay.
  6. The aliens that SETI, the UN and Hasbro accidentally declared war on; or at least, models thereof. ABS plastic.
  7. Three spots remain. @Shadowvezon: Theoretically, yes. Although, siding with the village is allowed among Vampires, seeing as they
  8. Is actually based on the face of a random homeless German man, who has since been involved in the Y2K thing. The next poster.
  9. They're bullet points, they can't be changed.
  10. Huh, same goes in Japanese. The more you knoooow~
  11. Actually correctly guesses a lot of conspiracies. Conspiracy theory.
  12. :/ I don't know that one. If you meant the Japanese number of death, 4, then you're good.
  13. ^^Yes, they're different factions.
  14. Please do not post before the- oh, wait. This Mafia nonsense has happened dozens and dozens of times before; it's all the same, really, with few variations; murderers attack some group of people, who retaliate by forming lynch mobs to kill each other in hopes of finding their assailants. It's all the same basic formula, with few variations. No matter how many bells and whistles you attach to the situation, at its core, it's as simple as us-versus-them. This time, it's no different. In a nondescript, peaceful village in the mountains to the west, people go about their daily lives, getting along with one another. Everyone did their part, everyone worked together. Then... people started disappearing. The tendrils of worry, suspicion and paranoia began to work their way into the villager's minds, and, now, every action is under close scrutiny, no man, woman or child is unsuspected. Another peaceful and happy settlement, corrupted by the Mafia phenomenon. People tend not to think about that part. Pretty soon, it'll reach the boiling point. There's already talk amongst the villagers of storming into a suspicious neighbor's house and putting them on trial in a sort of kangaroo court. Talk of mobs. Talk of lynchings. Things will get violent, and soon. The game will come soon, and there's not much to be done about it. We are in the waiting stage, that tense period when you're waiting for the bad guys to strike. It happens eventually. RULES BZP Rules, obviously.No screencapping in this thread, please. (PM's are okay since there's not much I can do about it)Betrayal by role reveal is not permitted.ROLES A minority among the Inhabitants, Villagers have no special powers. They do have a say in who is lynched. Among the Inhabitants are an Investigation Team of three Detectives, tasked with solving the disappearances. As long as one of them lives, they can collectively investigate one Inhabitant each night. The noble and chivalrous Keeper of Love and Justice is a boisterous ninja who's taken it upon himself to keep the citizenry safe. He may pursue one Inhabitant each night, and do one of two things: attack them, and kill them if they are a Shadow, Vampire, Murderer or the End; or, he may protect them from "the forces of evil!!" The King is a very charismatic person, that is all that is known of him/her. The Moon Captain can bring a dead Inhabitant back during the 12-hour daytime period so that they may go about their business; the person he chooses dies at nightfall. His cousin, the Ferryman of the Stars, can do the same during the nighttime; his mark dying at dawn. The Ferryman can only resurrect those who have been dead for 3 days. Lurking the streets at night is a Trickster. If you're unfortunate enough to be picked by him, he'll knock you out and hide you in some dark corner some where. His victims usually show up 24 hours later with no idea what happened. Shadows are mysterious invaders from another dimension who wander into the village at night. If you are found by them, they will assimilate your biomass; in layman's terms, eat you. They look just like normal Villagers, and you might just interact with one without realizing it. There are five different Murderers, all copycat killers imitating the Shadows. Unlike the Shadows, they're not organized. One victim of a recent plague is hiding in the village. This Vampire may convert one other Inhabitant to his kind each night; as a group, Vampires may only take one victim each night. Alternatively, Vampires may slay their own kin. There is one otherwise normal person, the End, destined to bring about the end of the universe. Every other inhabitant has a subconscious urge to kill the End, and if the End finds out about his/her own powers... Inhabitants: Captain Caboose Ferryman of the Night, killed by Murderer, Night 1 Makuta Luroka Vampire, killed by Murderer, Night 1 MT Zehvor Detective, killed by Shadow, Night 5 Toa K Shadow, lynched Day 7 Norik of Celtania Shadow, killed by Good Neighbor, Night 6 Kaiser Mandacus Villager, Lynched, Day 2 JAG18 Shadow, lynched, Day 4 Tyler Vampire (ex-Murderer), Lynched, Day 2 Aiwendil Murderer, Lynched, Day 2 Meso Zehvor Villager, killed by Murderer, Night 2 Trijhak Killed by Good Neighbor, Night 4 Pupwa Detective, killed by Shadows, Night 3 Colette Llyan Villager, lynched, Day 6 Unit Detective, killed by Shadows, Night 6 Ehks Trickster, Lynched, Day 2 M. Phantom End, Lynched, Day 2 The Swimming Beard Shadow, Lynched, Day 3 VoxuChro, Villager, Alive Sir Voltex, King, Alive Snubby Murderer, killed by Shadows, Night 2 Shadowhawk Keeper of Love and Justice, lynched, Day 5 Windrider Murderer, killed by Murderer, Night 1 Lhikevikk Shadow, lynched, Day 6 Shadowvezon Murderer, killed by Murderer, Night 2 Burnmad Villager, AliveStolen kills: 3
  15. -shrug- Let's start! As soon as I type it up.
  16. :/ I have a recurring penchant for the number 16, though...
  17. No, not really. It's really complex and there are a few things about Bitil that really don't work.
  18. That was a side game? That's a really big side game. Well, that explains the time travel, revival, betrayal and moles. Anyways, my ideas involve the following: Two necromancers, one for day and the other for nightA vampire; make of that what you willA Cyro presented as a sadistic pranksterLots and lots of references to other games
  19. But how would that end up reverted? All the players would know. (by that I meant he revealed them as he investigated)
  20. Finally got around to seeing The LEGO Movie. Gotta say, it was a lot darker than expected. I should watch it again, it'd proly make more sense.
  21. I just have one question: What happens if Bitil kills Axonn, and Axonn revealed the roles he investigated before he died?
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