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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Thank you all for your thoughts! ^^ The Kakama is Burnt Orange/Sand Brown. I obtained it from the Huki McToran. Looks earth orange to me. I was trying out a new style, and I wanted to use the Kakama super badly, but the stock heads wouldn't allow that. Yeah, if I had an orange mask that wasn't the 2008 Kakama, I probably would have used it. But unfortunately, I don't have one. However, I believe that the burnt orange compliments the regular orange quite well. I would have loved for the rahkshi head to flow perfectly with the armor of the upper torso, but in order to connect it in a way that would not endanger my rubber bands, I had to have it jut out about a stud. Yeah, I'm transitioning (or at least attempting to) from stock limbs to custom limbs, since they're especially challenging for me. And yeah, the cape trick. It works so well though, especially with the Furno XL cape. I needed to add some orange to the upper torso, or the color scheme would look way too inconsistent, so I picked up a piece that I felt would work. Unfortunately, the only burnt orange parts I have are the mask and two Tohunga feet, which I got off of Huki McToran.
  2. That is adorable! And it makes sense too.
  3. I put this video together in about an hour, I personally think that it looks pretty good (but I'm biased because I made it ), but I'd like to know what you think about it. Since embedding it didn't work, here's a link.
  4. I was thinking they may have been from early knights kingdom sets.. jayko or whatever that character's name was? But i was hesitant to ask. No, I did not get them from Knights Kingdom sets or City sets (they might've been in those sets, I just don't pay attention to system sets as much as constraction). I actually got a handful of them, as well as some fenders from the early Racers Tiny Turbos in the same color from the Exo-Force set Sentai Fortress, which is an extremely worthy purchase in my opinion. The parts and standalone set are both amazing. oh yes! the sentai fortress was a set i always wanted to get yet never could afford. Was it everything I imagined? And i'm similar.. i really don't pay attention to system sets that much.. the only system sets I have is the lego agents mobile command center and a lego star wars tri-fighter... very small collection The Sentai Fortress set probably is everything you imagined, and more! The thing was massive, I lucked out and my grandparents got it for me when it was 50% off somewhere. The set came with two light bricks (both went missing, I assume my parents had something to do with it [They didn't like them]). There was also so much orange and dark bley, and there were two full sized mechs thrown in, with a smaller one. All the main exo force characters were also included, which is a major plus.
  5. I was thinking they may have been from early knights kingdom sets.. jayko or whatever that character's name was? But i was hesitant to ask. No, I did not get them from Knights Kingdom sets or City sets (they might've been in those sets, I just don't pay attention to system sets as much as constraction). I actually got a handful of them, as well as some fenders from the early Racers Tiny Turbos in the same color from the Exo-Force set Sentai Fortress, which is an extremely worthy purchase in my opinion. The parts and standalone set are both amazing.
  6. Yeah, great Kanohi are fine (to my knowledge at least), I mean, Marka had a great Hau, Hahli had a great Kaukau, Huki had a great Kakama, etc. Makuta is a master of concealment, so he could easily (in my opinion) pull off an invisible mask trick feasibly. For Vakama, however, I just figured that it was shaped to fit over Vakama's mask, so they (LEGO) went with it. Takua is sort of the same deal as Vakama, only it looks like his great Pakari was replaced by the Avohkii.
  7. Yeah, it reminds me of something out of Portal too . The mini balljoints actually have quite a bit of friction to them, they're great for small mechs like these, because they open up much more posability while keeping the model to a small amount of pieces.
  8. Eurobricks is okay, but the community is too large for me to handle. :/ I much prefer RRU (Rock Raiders United)
  9. I just really wanted to use my mini balljoints. :3 LINK
  10. Wow dude, take the prize here, you could have literally died.
  11. So yeah, I'm gonna be that guy and make the topic that asks who you ship on BZP. I'll start... CeeCee x Haecceity Don't be shy, we all ship a few people every now and then.
  12. To be honest, there are quite a few... Gali, Vezon (yes, Vezon, I like a crazy sense of humor), Ackar, Gresh, Kiina, Berix, Gelu, Vastus, Tarix, Takua, Jala, Maku, Huki, the list goes on for a while, but I think I can get along pretty well with multiple different personalities.
  13. Started reading Homestuck. Now to start on BZPStuck

  14. After a near-traumatizing experience when I was five, I pretty much always flip out whenever there is a wasp anywhere remotely near me.
  15. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-jdwThtYJS6k/U1My50LMLWI/AAAAAAAAATc/XT21vF7kvOk/w426-h320/tumblr_mra84olCEd1s5h198o1_400.gif Hype Hype Hype Totally picking up Alpha Sapphire. Edit: Please link to images over 500 kB. -Wind-
  16. Happy birthday Jen! And B6 x Tufi, I ship it.
  17. I'll raise the bid of the lot to $12
  18. After looking at it from a top-down view, I did see that it looks somewhat like an indoor sports stadium. Yes, the blue filler piece is its eye. If you must know, it is a tablescrap that I came up with in about 10 minutes. If just stands there, because it can't really stand on its on :/ I made it because I was inspired by that thing from the Incredibles.
  19. >LINK< While it may look like it is a technic-based creation, it has only 6 technic parts, and 10 system parts.
  20. -Original Topic Requested to be Closed Prior to the Start of this Topic- So, yeah. Post all your reviews and comments for this rebooted story here.
  21. -Original Topic Asked to be Closed Prior to the Start of this Topic- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started writing a three-part story last year, with a ton of tie-ins to minor stories, but there were too many storyline errors to have it tie in with the canon BIONICLE story. So I'm now rebooting the story within my own universe, allowing for no continuity bumps. -Introduction- Sandstorm started out as a Matoran, like any other Toa. But unlike most, whose lives were filled with knowledge, exploration, and regular everyday tasks, his life was a back-alley adventure of danger. Always on the lookout for a job that would keep him alive and well, be it clean or not. He was often hunted by the Vahki, he was caught once. But, because of a stroke of pure luck, he got away. He took a job one day for an old coot who lived on the outskirts of Po-Zadia, he was handed an orange stone with a soft glow, and was told to take it to the Toa Suva for a friend to pick up. When he got there, Vahki were everywhere. He had to use stealth to get inside. But stealth wasn't exactly Sandstorm's strong suit, he almost got caught by a patrol of the robotic peacekeepers on his way in. Once he was inside, he dropped the stone where he was told to, and right as he was leaving, Vahki swarmed in. Sandstorm had no choice but to see what that glowing stone could do. He quickly threw it into the Suva and ducked for cover, hoping that it would explode. For a second, the suva glowed brightly, but then faded back to its original dim state. He was caught by the Vahki and thrown into jail for breaking and entering, among other crimes that he had committed. One day, while he was cursing Mata Nui for putting him in a place like this, a bolt of light shot though the only window on the wall. Sandstorm tried to dodge it, but the light followed him wherever he went. He finally gave up and allowed himself to be hit by the light, knowing that death would be better than living in a cell. But he didn't die, he actually felt stronger. Other changes had also taken place, he had grown taller, his Kanohi Kiril could now regenerate natural substances, and the small rock that he used to carve tally marks into the wall had transformed into an elegant spear. With a smug grin on his face, he backed against the cell door, and charged forward. He broke through the cell wall and found himself in a free fall above the ocean. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. Please let me know if there are any grammatical errors, or if there is anything that should be rewritten.
  22. This sounds like a really awesome idea! Unfortunately, I'm not proficient with art or animating (I can barely handle mine-imator XD) But I can offer a variety of voice talents.
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