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Everything posted by Kanakalackin

  1. Do you mean lime green? Because that's what LEGO used to send out as replacement Nuva armor 'cause they didn't have it in silver. Yes, Lime green. I didn't know they sent them out as replacements, because I looked on bricklink and the only set that officially contains lime green nuva armor is an Exo-Force set. I was hoping it would be more rare... Lime green was not the color that Chro mentioned, he means plain green. Oh, and last year I got a prototype part that I used in a MOC.
  2. Hey Hahli, I'm working on rewriting my first epic on BZP. It already has a topic, but I'm not sure if I should reboot it in a new topic, or just edit the old one extensively. E: Never mind, after reading Loganto's question, mine was answered. These two topics may be closed, as I will be rebooting the story. TAoS1, TAoS2, and here is the review topic if it needs to be closed.
  3. No need to assume anything Wups. That completely flew over my head.
  4. This guy was the product of my collective attempts for different build structures. In the end, I pictured him being the longest living resident of Karzahni. Some aspects of the build may be used again in the future.
  5. To get a less-skinny neck, you can use the design I came up with in this MOC. To change the eye color, you can use paper under the mask.
  6. This sounds like a great modification (the text filter is annoying), but I don't think WIP topics are allowed (correct em someone, if I'm wrong). I'd be more than happy to help make skins. Edit: Also, I see you've already made a topic for this. I don't think that this is allowed either. :/
  7. Aaaaaaaand the classic spinnies are back.

  8. 'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass...

  9. 'Cause I'm only a crack in this castle of glass...

  10. Wait, I don't have my orange chainsaw anymore? D: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
  11. That is adorable. But large pictures are large. :/
  12. Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Now I see what they did. They changed the spinnies!

  13. *looks at news page* *sees nothing* *eyes narrow*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kanakalackin


      On the East Coast, it's 2:00 AM, so technically it is. :P

    3. Kanakalackin


      They changed the spinnies


    4. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


  14. Tarakava, hands down. They were rock 'em sock 'em Rahi!
  15. If it hasn't been mentioned already... TTV, Eljay, Varderan, Mesonak, Venom, Kahi, Kini, and Alena
  16. Have you tried opening the zip file and putting the contents of the modification (the text filter is annoying) into a regular folder, and then placing the new folder in the mods folder? That should work.
  17. They do have a very bulky and interesting build, when I revamp him again, I'm keeping that leg design. The torso works for what I have, but I eventually want to deviate from the piraka torso (there's actually a lot of technic going on under the shells), and I'm definitely going to try my hand at some custom arms next.
  18. Oh my gosh! I remember this game! It was so fun to play! The MOC's really great for a custom too!
  19. Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted, and I probably should've posted this sooner. But life gets in the way of stuff. (The images link to larger pictures) Oh yeah, this is my Flickr March contest entry, so please vote for me!
  20. I had a blast! Decoding the Matoran scripts was really fun! And also... Ga-Matoran hookers! (They hook the fish )
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